
Consumer Buying Behaviour Assignment 2022


Added on  2022-09-28

11 Pages2478 Words24 ViewsType: 24
Consumer Buying Behaviour Assignment 2022_1

Table of Contents
Findings from the interview........................................................................................... 2
Marketing issues in Myer.............................................................................................. 2
Strategies for eliminating the marketing issue.....................................................................2
CONSUMER BUYING THEORY AND CONCEPT............................................................3
References................................................................................................................ 5
Appendix.................................................................................................................. 6
Consumer Buying Behaviour Assignment 2022_2

Findings from the interview
From the analysis, it is founded that there are certain marketing problems which have been
addressed in Myer by the organization named as lack of product quality, higher product price,
and lack of customer value. It is illustrated that these problems could decline the opportunity
of the organization to have positive responses and sustain its position in the marketplace for
the long-term. It is founded that organization could get lower productivity due to such an
Marketing issues in Myer
It is founded that the lack of lack of product quality has forced the consumer to switch one
place to another brand that would decline to the overall productivity of an organization. In
addition, higher product process as compared to the competitors could also decline the loyalty
of consumers towards the particular brand which might be a negative impact on the
organizational performance. The customer value is another factor that affecting the buying
behaviour of the consumers. From the analysis, it is addressed that this organization does not
give the value to their consumers' that can create negative image of business among
consumers as it would be affected to the consumer buying behaviour.
Strategies for eliminating the marketing issue
For eliminating such issue the organization should use many strategies that were related to
the processing, quality, and customer value improvement. The following strategies should be
practiced by the firm to operate its business process:
This organization should use the SERVQUAL model that is used to manage the quality of
products and services. This tool will be imperative for the organization due to assist the firm
to get higher competitive advantages. This model could also aid to the organization for
identifying the gap between expectation of the consumers and actual services that are
Consumer Buying Behaviour Assignment 2022_3

provided by the organization (Pappas, 2016). It will offer an opportunity for the organization
to get higher competitive advantages by meeting the expectation of consumers. This tool will
aid the organization in meeting the gap and sustain their organizational position in market.
The organization could consider elements by which the service quality of goods could be
measured named as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. It could be
vital for meeting the company’s task. It is examined that this tool is imperative in improving
the quality of goods as well as services (Solomon, et al., 2014).
Economic pricing strategy
This organization should use the economic pricing strategy that enables to offer their services
at a reasonable cost that a consumer was willing to pay. This strategy could support to
influence a large number of people in limited time and retail them for long term (Solomon, et
al., 2014). It would be vitalto enhance the demand for products and services. It is illustrated
that the economic pricing strategy will assist to determine the amount that a consumer wants
to pay in oppose to have the goods. This strategy will be imperative to get higher advantages
(Solomon, et al., 2014).
After-sales service
This company should provide after-sales service to their consumers due to offering the
customer value to the organization. Through this strategy, an organization could be capable to
increase customer loyalty and make higher competitive advantages. It is illustrated that this
approach could be imperative in increasing the growth of the firm (Pappas, 2016).
The organization should also deeply evaluates the consumer as well as theories of the
consumer buying behaviour for increasing growth of the organization (Solomon, et al.,
2014). Consumer buying behaviour could facilitate organization to determine the preference,
intentions, and attitudes. It would facilitate to make a decision in favour of the organizational
Consumer Buying Behaviour Assignment 2022_4

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