Contemporary Issues in Travel and Tourism
Added on 2020-12-09
12 Pages4059 Words56 Views
Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Analysis of issues currently driving change in travel and tourism sector in Brazil..............11.2 Analysis of different issues using appropriate methods and resources.................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1 Evaluation of current trends influencing change in the travel and tourism sector................32.2 Analysis of current trends using appropriate techniques and resources...............................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................53.1 Analysis of how travel and tourism sector can respond to change.......................................53.2 Developing of strategies on how travel and tourism sector can respond to change..............63.3 Justification of strategies for how Easy-jet can respond to change......................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................74.1 Analysis of impact of issues and trends that drives changes in travel and tourism sector....74.2 Likely consequences of business following to meet the changes.........................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
INTRODUCTIONTravel and tourism is one of the most emerging sector that has undertaken changes atvery large scale. There are various contemporary issues and emerging trends that has been goingin travel and tourism sector (Novelli, 2015). Present study will lay focus on travel and tourismtrends going in Brazil. Tourist destination like Brazil has various famous and popular places tovisit that includes Rio de Janeiro, Salvador capital of Bahamian state. Also, study will lay keenemphasis on Airline company Easy-jet. It is a British low cost carrier headquartered in London.It operates domestic and international scheduled service on over 820 routes in more than 30countries. Report will highlight issues currently driving change in the travel and tourism sector.It will also lay emphasis on current trends em-phasing change on travel and tourism sector. Studyalso focuses on analyse the impacts of issues and trends that drive change in the travel and tourism sector.TASK 11.1 Analysis of issues currently driving change in travel and tourism sector in BrazilTourist destinations like Brazil are facing several issues that are driving changes in thissector. It is one of the major concerns of the tourist department. Tourism sector in Brazil arefacing several challenges in terms of security and threats for the travellers. They have alsoengaged in standardizing global products which is one of the key issue faced by Brazil tourism.Also, change in political conditions is becoming major challenge for tourism industry of Brazil.This factor has hindered their growth aspects. Issues driving changes can include the following:Low cost airline: Brazil tourism destination also provides low cost airline services totheir clients in order to attract more consumers. Increase in price of fuel is becoming one of themajor challenge for tourism sector. It makes travellers think about twice to visit any touristdestination. Tourism industry in Brazil has faced decline due to rise in price of fuel (Smith,2015). This has ultimately resulted in decrease in the gross domestic income of region because ofhigh increase in cost of fuel. Technology: Travel and tourism sector in Brazil is making use of advancing technologylike promoting their goods and services throughsocial media channels. With the advancingtechnology like internet and mobile phones, tourism industry in Brazil has faced majorchallenges. It is because by being connected with other people like family, friends and relatives1
through phone, passengers do not prefer to travel. They do not think of travelling across theglobe and save money by this. Change in lifestyle: Tourism industry in destination like Brazil is also one of their majorconcern. Like for example for attracting travellers towards their place, tourism industry needs toanalyse their current trends which includes a lot of cost. Terrorism: Tourism destination like Brazil is also affected by terrorism. Because of itmore tourist think twice before visiting the destinationThe environmental factors like pollution,change in climatic conditions such as occurring of flood, unstoppable rains and many moreaspects has also hindered the growth of tourism sector in Brazil. It is becoming one of the majorchallenge for travel and tourism industry working over there. This is one of the reason foremerging changes in this sector. Country needs to lay emphasis on this (Novelli, 2015). 1.2 Analysis of different issues using appropriate methods and resourcesTravel and tourism industry in Brazil is at boom period. It creates high rate of income andemployment opportunities for diverse ranged of people. But these industries also face differentissues that may include the following: Globalization: It is also one of the measure issue faced by tourism destination like Brazil.Because of globalization more people visit this place, which leads to increase in profit andrevenue. With the rise in tourism industry, the economic income of the region has also beenincreased. It has lead to operational growth of travel and tourism sector in Brazil (Pearce andButler, 2016). Ecotourism is also one of the major issue that has been faced by this industry. Inthis responsibility has been given to tourist to travel responsibly. Also, the tourism sector oftravel and tourism industry needs to lay keen emphasis on social life of people travelling to theirplace. If the sector is not engaged in understanding the attitude and belief of travellers, then thiscan hurt their sentiments which can lay negative impact on the travel and tourism sector inBrazil. Loss of culture: Sometimes cultural value of the tourists place gets degraded if most ofthe construction are been done on the archaeological structure. Tourism industries in Brazilneeds to lay keen emphasis on culture and value demands of individual travellers who arecoming to their place for visiting (Smith, 2015). Following cultural aspects by the tourism sectorwill lay a positive impact in the mind of travellers. This will support them in increasing theirprofit as well as revenue. 2
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