
Contemporary Issues in Travel & Tourism: A Comprehensive Analysis


Added on  2024-05-30

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Contemporary Issues in Travel & Tourism
Contemporary Issues in Travel & Tourism: A Comprehensive Analysis_1

Introduction...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Task 1................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Considering the changes in the last two decades in Travel and Tourism sector, identify and
analyse the factors that have driven this change and give at least two examples how
destinations have been impacted by these changes and issues..........................................................4
Task 2................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Evaluate and discuss the emerging trends that are influencing change in the travel and
tourism sector and analyse how these trends affect the chosen destination in terms of tourism
product and service offerings such as attractions and accommodations........................................7
Task 3............................................................................................................................................................... 11
Analyse how the organisation has responded to the emerging trends in order to meet the
changing pattern of customer requirements. Explain what you would recommend and
develop strategy as well as justify how they would respond to change........................................11
PRESENTATION.................................................................................................................................... 11
Task 4............................................................................................................................................................... 27
Analyse how those businesses have been impacted and discuss what would you recommend to
them to do in the future in order to cope with the consequences of business failures to
respond to the changing market trends...............................................................................................27
Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................... 30
References....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Contemporary Issues in Travel & Tourism: A Comprehensive Analysis_2

Travel and tourism sector is growing almost in every country of the world. It has become one of the
most growing industries of the present time. From the last decade, many changes have been witnessed
in this industry to which organisations working under this industry have to work on. These changes
sometimes leave positive and sometimes negative impact on the industry. The main focus of the
industry is to understand the changing needs of the customers and deciding the ways through which
these changes could be brought in the organisation and fruitful experience could be provided to the
customers. Thus, customers’ satisfaction level is the top most priority.
Contemporary Issues in Travel & Tourism: A Comprehensive Analysis_3

Task 1
Considering the changes in the last two decades in Travel and Tourism sector,
identify and analyse the factors that have driven this change and give at least two
examples how destinations have been impacted by these changes and issues
Travel and Tourism is a vast sector that comprises of services that are offered to people who are on
travelling and to provide them with best possible experience. There could be many reasons of one’s
travelling. From the last two decades, many changes have been observed in this sector. These changes
have positive and negative impact on the industry. Some of these factors have been described as
Technological advancements- With the passage of time, many changes have been brought in the
field of travel and tourism with the help of technological advancements. Today with the help of
internet, anyone can view packages of different destinations on the web portal. Any kind of
information can be gathered just by sitting at home. The facility of GPS helped to locate and find any
place easily. Today, many of the tour operator companies give facilities of messaging services to the
tourists (Neuhofer, 2014).
Need for increased security- There are many of the destination places in the world where there is
need of more security for the tourists. Many of the countries are prone to terrorism. Due to such
activities, a downfall is observed in travel and tourism sector of that place. Some of the areas of some
countries are very prone towards natural calamities like tsunami or floods. Fall in international
tourism is also observed there. In addition to this, every tourists wants to be safe during his journey,
therefore it is the responsibility of the tour operators to provide healthy and safe experience to them.
The economic changes globally- One of the factors that have driven change in travel and tourism
sector is the change in economics of the country. In some of the countries, there is very high rate of
resources like of oil, so fair of airlines is also high at such places. Thus, it also affects the travel and
Contemporary Issues in Travel & Tourism: A Comprehensive Analysis_4

tourism sector of that place. Tourists want to have every facility in cheap and affordable rates. This
sometimes becomes difficult for every place due to difference in economies globally.
Low cost airlines and their role- Due to the high competition in the market, many of the airlines
have lowered their charges, and is thus supporting travel and tourism sector. Many of the airlines are
now giving many facilities at very affordable rates. Some of them have opened ‘mini bar’ from which
passengers can have anything of their own choice. It has becomes very easy to travel nowadays due to
these cheap airlines. Thus, people no more hesitate to invest in travel and tourism sector.
Environmental issues- Travel and tourism sector may bring environmental issue. Sometimes tourists
while in other countries cause harm to the environment that spoil the name to tourism. Some of the
areas of destination places are market as ‘drug free’ but some of the tourists violate this and cause
harm to the environment. It is the duty of every tourist to abide by the rules of the place that they visit
(Blanke, 2013).
Thus, it could be said that there are many factors that have driven change in travel and tourism sector.
Some of these factors put positive while others put negative impact on the business of tourism. It is
important for the companies dealing with this sector to analyse and understand these changes so that
they can attract more and more customers towards them. It is also to be understood that changes are
the part of every business and the business party should inculcate those changes for their smooth run.
Examples of how the destinations have been impacted by changes and issues
All the changes and issues discussed above have impacted the destinations by both ways i.e.
positively and negatively too. There are some changes that have brought good changes in the
destinations and have helped in increase in the economy too, but on the other hand, there are some
factors that have affected the place negatively too. Two examples of such impacts have been
described below-
Climatic changes- Changes in climate impact the tourism of a destination place to a great extent as it
has been observed in the case of Europe. It has affected the shift of tourism from coastal areas and has
Contemporary Issues in Travel & Tourism: A Comprehensive Analysis_5

affected many of the outdoor activities and winter sports as well. Many of the people travel to enjoy
the nature’s beauty. It is therefore, huge crowd has been witnessed near oceans and places near sea in
Europe. These areas are a boom for tourism industry. But any rise in the temperature of these seas or
oceans, disrupt the beauty of the destination place in Europe. For instance, increase in level ocean
acidity, huge rise of sea waves, high emission of Carbon dioxide, rise of sea water temperature all
these cause a pause in tourism activities at such places. There is also threat of spreading diseases at
such places. Therefore, no would wish to visit such place. Sometimes snowing in the mountain region
of the country also becomes the cause of potential threat of tourism (Hall, 2012).
Ease in travel and mobility- With the technological advancement, it has become easy for the people
to travel from one place to another with great ease and comfort even to remote areas as well. Thus,
global mobility has been an important factor responsible for revenue generation through travel and
tourism. There are many modern transport facilities for mobility like cruise ships, high speed bullet
trains, aircrafts that help people to reach their destination places within a very short period of time.
Boeing 787 Dream liner is an example which could be used for travelling to cover long distances with
huge passenger capacity. Thus, travelling through these modes has helped the tourists to cover long
distances in short time. All these factors help to boost up the travel and tourism. Many of the
destination places have been rediscovered like Croatia due to these technological advancements. The
use of internet is also a big factor of latest technological world. It has helped people being connected
from one part of the world to another. They can easily locate places, shopping malls through the use
of GPS.
Thus, it can be concluded that changes in the travel and tourism sector impact the destination places in
both ways. There is positivity and negativity too. The important thing here is that all these changes
must be reviewed time to time so that possible solutions could be found and measures could be taken.
Contemporary Issues in Travel & Tourism: A Comprehensive Analysis_6

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