
Contemporary Management - PDF


Added on  2021-05-31

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Leadership ManagementDesign and Creativity
Running head: CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENTContemporary ManagementName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
Contemporary Management - PDF_1

CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT1Elevator pitch responses from Topic 6 – Planning Understanding the response and view of our enior line manager regarding theconcepts of planning as a waste of effort in the environment of business in the current era, Iwould like to state my opinion regarding the essentiality of planning. I belive the activity ofplanning is extremely important for achieving any sort of desired goal in any sector.Whetherit be pharmaceuticals or any other field of interest. My statement relies on the fact thatplanning possess one of the most important factors for project and time management in anyindustry. The purpose of planning or structuring in the prcss of management inpharmaceuticals filed is to direct and reach the company’s goal with the identification anddetermination of the resources and the mission to achieve the targets.Elevator pitch responses from Topic 8 – Organisational Culture In context to Sam’s dilemma, I would like to help Sam by presenting my view regarding theimportance of the culture of the organization. I belive that culture is an important factor thatshapes the nature of interaction of the employees at their workplace. It is important to keep inmind that one of the best motivation for the employees is a healthy culture. It is an importantfactor that promotes a strong bond among all the employees in the organization. Thedevelopment of healthy corporate culture tends to motivate and value all the employees thatresults the employees to work efficiently towards targeting the company’s target, increase inemployment productivity ans better morale among the employees. I really think Sam needs toread some of the books regarding his diagnosis regarding the culture in his unit.These areThe Culture Engine: A Framework for Driving Results, Inspiring Your Employees, andTransforming your Workplace’ by S. Chris Edmonds and Ron Friedman’s ‘The Best Place toWork: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace’.
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CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT2Case discussion activity responses from topic 7What management problems do you believe are confronting the Board of Benjys?Benjy’s is a large electronic and appliance retailer that is currently experiencing issuesrelate to their sales and degrading profit levels. This has happen due to the large number ofonline buyers or the growing number of online shoppers who tend to take advantages of thereal life shopping experiences. Buyer furthermore are inspecting the products of the prices inthe store and completing their purchase somewhere online via another retailer such asamazon and more (Huhtala & Feldt, 2016). This has been a serious issue since the onlinestores has been running short of customers and their productivity has suddenly fallen due tothe rising online buyers. In the context of this issue, two of the important approaches thathave been raised to handle the strategy dilemma of the company includes comparison andmatching of the online prices and reposition of the copany towards better services,excusiveinnovative product range,knowledgeable and trained sales person and afer sales support. Thisapproach is kind of truly since Benjy’s has developed its reputation of the comoany on thebasis of proce range and the volume of its products. From the above two approaches, thesecond approach is better for the long run profit (Milićević, Sofronijević & Milosavljević,2016). This is because, the low price range in the online portal may attract customers towardspurchasing it but the reliability of the after sales services,the quality of the products and thetrained and professional approaches of the employees of the company will definitelycontribute to the reputation of the company (Prabhakaret al., 2018). This is because peoplenowadays prefer good quality over the proce range. Cheaper price range with a degradingquality range will definetly lead the customers to shift their choice from the cheaper pricedproduct tp realiable company products. The three mani level of strategy inclides settingtargets at the top level, forwarding them to the next levels, allocation of resources, managingand monitor of resources. The corporate level strategies targets all the business units within
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CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT3the company. Furthermore, the company needs to appraise the external environment. TheBenjy’s should consider its PESTEL forces of the general environmenr that includes largemacro forces which impscta the company regardless of its sector or field (Schermerhorn etal., 2014). The above case illustrating the disruptive innovation in the action targets theproductivity and the profit margin of the company. This big challenge of ‘showrooming’ byBenjy’s is a familiar story of te mortar retail sector where the shoppers tend to prefer buyingtheir gadgets and their electronic products from the online portal rather than from the store.Case discussion activity responses from topic 9What management problems do you believe are confront Renate Schmidt regardingthe compensation offer that Typware should make?The case is regarding the HR issue of managing the people. Typeware has been one ofthe best german software company who are wanting to recruit the top performer from one ofits competitor. The person has been the most successful in handling the marketing roles ofU.S and she is the best candidate. But the price tag as suggested by her is quiete large. Apartfrom the track recors she has a bargainingships offer from another start up and it has beenreally challenging for her to decide what to do. It is a classic situation. One of the cenral issueof the company is the paid policy (Corfield & Paton, 2016). The company has a history ofcompensating and adjustments for recruiting the top performer for the organizational benefits.There lies some of the standar practices in case of international compensations andcompanies are under pressure to cut deals with good people (Jones & Livingstone, 2015).They faced significant issues in the market. Justice and equity are important stuffs and payinga high pre to one employee leads to several dissatisfied employees in the organization whichin turn hampers the organizational culture and challenges the values and morals of theorganization. The competing pressure and complexity of the organization should be
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