
How Human Resource Management Plays An Important Role In a Company


Added on  2022-05-23

16 Pages6176 Words62 Views
FinanceLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPolitical Science
I. Introduction........................................................................................................................................2
II. Our company....................................................................................................................................2
2.1. Historical....................................................................................................................................2
2.2. Vision.........................................................................................................................................2
2.3. Mission.......................................................................................................................................2
2.4. Objectives (Strategic and secific objectives)...............................................................................2
2.5. Organizational structure, Scale and number of employees.........................................................3
2.5.1. Organizational structure.......................................................................................................3
2.5.2. Scale and number of employees...........................................................................................3
III. Purpose and role of HRM................................................................................................................4
3.1. Human Resource Management:..................................................................................................4
3.2. The purpose of Human Resource function..................................................................................4
3.3. The role of HRM in the organization:.........................................................................................5
3.4. HRM of Hoa Phat Group:...........................................................................................................5
VI. HRM practice..................................................................................................................................6
4.1. Workforce planning....................................................................................................................6
4.1.2. External workforce planning (PESTEL ANALYSIS):.........................................................7
4.2. Recruitment and hiring:..............................................................................................................9
4.2.1. Recruitment:........................................................................................................................9
4.2.2 Selection:............................................................................................................................10
4.3. Performance Management........................................................................................................11
4.5. Reward......................................................................................................................................12
V. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................13
VI. References.....................................................................................................................................14
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I. Introduction
This report has mentioned the important elements of Human Resources Management in Hoa
Phat Group. Issues such as Workforce planning, Recruitment and Hiring, Training and
Development, have been mentioned and evaluated in detail strengths, weaknesses,
recommendations. In addition, the study objectively assessed the advantages and
disadvantages of methods, and evaluate the value of implementing and implementing HRM
in the organizational environment of industries in general and for Hoa Phat in particular.
II. Our company
2.1. Historical
Since August 1992, we have been a firm specializing in the trade of construction machinery.
Hoa Phat thereafter ventured into various industries, including furniture, steel pipes,
construction steel, refrigeration, real estate, and agricultural. On November 15, 2007, Hoa
Phat officially listed shares on the Vietnam stock exchange under the symbol HPG. Hoa Phat
Group now includes 11 member firms with a total of 25,424 officers and workers working
across the country, as well as one office in Singapore. Steel production is the Group's major
activity, accounting for more than 80% of overall sales and profit. Construction steel, hot
rolled coil (HRC), prestressed steel, wire drawing, steel pipes, and color coated corrugated
iron are the primary products of Hoa Phat's steel production line.
2.2. Vision
Hoa Phat want to become an industrial manufacturer with a leading product quality as its
steel production being its core business sector. To be able to achieve the current success, the
group has gone through many ups and downs. The company always proposes the fastest
solutions and best meets all the needs of customers in both domestic and export markets.
With pioneering aspirations and investment strategy - sustainable development, with a vision
to become a leading industrial production group in Vietnam operating in multi-industry with
strengths in steel production, traditional industries and industries real estate (HPG, 2022).
2.3. Mission
According to Hoa Phat Group (2022), the company always meets the needs of consumers,
contributing to transforming the country's landscape and developing the community. In
particular, the company always provides goods and services of international quality,
reasonable prices, diverse designs, and environmentally friendly. In addition, the company is
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constantly innovating to affirm the reputation and goals of a multi-industry company in
Vietnam: Dynamic, creative, rising to the top position in the world market. Hoa Phat brand
always affirms the mission of a company through corporate culture to the community and the
development of the country. HPG is aware of corporate responsibility towards society.
2.4. Objectives (Strategic and secific objectives)
The management of Hoa Phat Group (Code: HPG) expects that revenue in 2022 will continue
to increase slightly compared to the previous year thanks to the output of Hoa Phat Dung
Quat Iron and Steel Complex, container products from the new factory and the segment
household electrical appliances. The group's leadership strives this year to achieve the
following goals: Commencement and partial construction of phase 2 of Dung Quat Iron and
Steel Complex, completion and trial run of a container factory in Ba Ria – Vung Tau,
maintaining the No. 1 market share in the field of construction steel and pipe steel, ... Hoa
Phat strives to consume all of its products in 2022, continuing to lead the national market
share in steel construction and steel pipes.
As for the galvanized sheet segment, the group is expected to run at its maximum capacity of
400,000 tons/year in Hung Yen, and at the same time build a color, galvanized, and cold-
coated steel sheet factory in the South to serve the market this area. (Song, 2022)
2.5. Organizational structure, Scale and number of employees
2.5.1. Organizational structure
The organizational structure is managed and operated according to the model of the General
Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the Board of
General Directors. In addition, there are management participation of member companies (10
companies), 3 affiliated companies and the Group Office with 8 departments in charge of 8
different segments. The General Meeting of Shareholders is the supreme decision-making
body of the company as a shareholder with voting rights according to its duties and powers in
accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act and the Association's Charter. The key
body of the Company is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Vice Chairman.
Simultaneously, the Internal Audit and Restructuring Committee as well as other departments
under the Group Office will report to other managers and reallocate resources and tasks to
departments. General Director and other departments Another Deputy General Director will
be the main directing and working person of HPG (annual report, 2021).
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2.5.2. Scale and number of employees
Currently, Hoa Phat Group has 11 member companies with 25,424 employees who are
working and working at companies of Hoa Phat Group spread across the country and 1
branch office in Singapore. (HPG, 2021). Because of possessing large and wide human
resources, the company's management apparatus is organized according to an online
functional model, production activities are under the management, supervision and
responsibility of the company's director, manage the operation of the entire company and the
operation of the factory director, the foreman, the deputy manager at each production
workshop. The production workshops are divided into production organizations according to
the characteristics of the work, led by a team leader who is responsible for the production
plan (annual report, 2020). Building up this specific and detailed management apparatus
helps the company easily capture and manage its abundant human resources as well as easily
manage effective division of work to achieve good production performance on target and on
III. Purpose and role of HRM
3.1. Human Resource Management:
Human Resource Management is a term used to describe formal systems designed to manage
people in an organization. The human resource manager's responsibilities fall under three
main areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and job definition/design.
Basically, the goal of HRM is to maximize the productivity of the organization by optimizing
employee efficiency. (Armstrong, 1977)
3.2. The purpose of Human Resource function
Human Resource Management is worried about the advancement of the two people and the
association wherein they work. HRM, then, at that point, is locked in not just in getting and
fostering the abilities of individual laborers, yet in addition in executing programs that
upgrade correspondence and participation between those singular specialists to sustain
hierarchical turn of events.
Job analysis frequently with the assistance of other organization regions - the nature and
obligations of different business positions. This can include assurance of the abilities and
encounters important enough to act in a position, recognizable proof of work and industry
patterns, and expectation of future business levels and expertise necessities.
Employee development and training is one more essential obligation of HR staff. HR is liable
for investigating an association's preparation needs, and for starting and assessing
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