
Continuing Professional Development Plan PDF


Added on  2020-12-29

11 Pages3196 Words241 Views
Professional DevelopmentK12Higher EducationTeacher Development
Portfolio- self assessment
Continuing Professional Development Plan PDF_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK...............................................................................................................................................3Analysis.......................................................................................................................................3Continuing professional development Log and plan...................................................................5Identify key learning experience during time at university and analyzing the significance ofsame on an invidual development................................................................................................8Identification of the key milestone in the journey and reflection on own experience whileplanning for future.......................................................................................................................8Evaluation of development throughout unit and the competencies which has been gained aswell as its impact on individual future and behavior.................................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Continuing Professional Development Plan PDF_2

INTRODUCTIONEmployability skills are those skills which are required by an individual in order to getthemselves employed. It can also be defined as group of important abilities which includescreation of knowledge base, expertise and mindset which is important in order to achieve successin career. Professional development plan can be defined as formal means through which anindividual set goals, strategies and accomplish outcomes of learning as well as training.Professional development is very much essential in order to foster career growth. The purpose ofprofessional development is to assist an individual in increasing their knowledge as well asdevelopment of knowledge (Jackson and Oliver, 2018). Professional development can also bedefined as the document which consists of goals, skills which an individual is required todeveloped within specific time period. It is the professional development plan which assist anindividual in identifying the skills which they are required to developed in order to accomplishdesired objectives. It provides the guidance related to the activities which can be executed inorder to develop specific skills set (Messer, 2018). Professional development plan assist anindividual in identifying the resources which will be needed for accomplishment of desiredobjectives. By developing the professional development plan an individual can get the assurancein context of career success. It is the professional development plan as well as employabilityskills which can help them in improving their performance at workplace.The report will include the implementation of personal development plan. Reason fordeveloping the professional development plan is to get the direction in order to foster careergrowth. It will also include critically review on personal as well as professional development plan.TASK AnalysisSwot analysis is considered to be as a strategic technique which can be utilized by anindividual for analyzing their internal strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. It is the swotanalysis which also helps an individual in formulation of an effective professional developmentplan. I have conducted swot analysis in order to analyze my own strength, weakness,opportunities and threat against the job role. I am working in garage and my job roles are to fixcars and also prepare invoice for clients. My strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats are:
Continuing Professional Development Plan PDF_3

Strengths: I have good written communication skills.I am confident.I have leadership skills.I can easily adapt to change.I possess good analytical skillsI also have mechanical skillsWeaknesses:Lack of an effective customer skills.Lack of an effective oral communication skillsLack of technical skills and depth technicalknowledge.Lack of knowledge about industry.Lack of electrical skills.Opportunities:I have opportunity to foster my career growthin particular field.I have a chance to develop those skills as wellas core competencies which I lack.I have an opportunity to get promoted withinan organization. I have critical thinking.I have good diagnostic skillsI have good leadership skills.Threats:Increase in intensity of competition atworkplace.Threat of losing job due to lack of specificemployability skills.From the above swot analysis, I have found that according to my job role which I amplanning to perform in the future I need to develop the following skills these are an effectivecommunication, customer services and technical skills which is very much important in order toperform my roles as well as responsibilities in systematic manner. I have also found from theSwot analyze that I need to increase my knowledge about the industry as it will assist me inmaking by significant contribution in accomplishment of desired business objectives. Gainingmore knowledge about the field in which I am working will help me in improving myperformance at workplace. By analyzing the skills audit I found that I lack interpersonal skills
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