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Google's Contribution to Modern Computing


Added on  2019/09/13

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The assignment content discusses the history of modern computing, highlighting key milestones such as the development of portable computers, the introduction of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and the emergence of Google as a major player in the field. The content also touches on various software applications developed by Google, including Google Chrome, Google Earth, and Android Studio. Additionally, it explores how Google has contributed to the history of modern computing, making information more accessible and organized for users.

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The computer is one of the most significant inventions of the mankind. The capability to store
and compute data offers us the capability to handle the various problems that would not be
possible to tackle otherwise. A person can spend years to know the history of computers as
there are so many inventions and books written on computing. The computer was not made
for the e-mails or entertainment, but it was created to solve the crisis of number-crunching.
Nowadays, the power of computing lies on the smartphones which we use. Further, the
history of computers is given that changed the world and made it technologically advanced.
Then the contribution of Google is given below to the history of modern computing which
helped people to play games, surfing the internet and streamlining multimedia in extension to
the crisis of crunching.
History of Computers that Changed the World
Further, there is a history of computers which is being highlighted by some of the
authoritative computers which are as follows. Harvard Mark l, the computers were
electronically mechanical which further means that they accustomed the mechanical elements
as the aspect of the computing process. Harvard Mark l was a computer of five-ton which
was created in 1944, and it used to read to instructions through the taper of paper. The
computer didn’t have various features of modern computing. ENIAC was the first general
computer of general-purpose. The computer was completely programmable and digital. The
weight of the computer was 27-ton and diminutive the power of computing of the former
computers. The computer was mainly used by the military of the US with the calculations of
artillery and the first problem as a task which was given to this computer was to implement
the design of hydrogen bomb. The features of the computer were improvised over the period
of years and the mechanism of storing program was inculcated in 1948. Manchester Baby
computer was created in 1948 and was utilized as a test bed for the technology i.e. Williams
Tube. The computer was used for the memory of short-term and it was attainable to load the
programs into the memory of computers. Further, the Manchester Mark l was created which
improvised the conception of electronic storage by adjoining the drum of magnetic. BM
System 360, earlier the programs which were developed for the computers would only be
used on that particular computer only. The mainframe of IBM system 360 changed this
process. It could be used in various models with the distinct power of processing, and the
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machines were compatible enough with the other machines, and this means that the
applications which are created for a machine would be used on other machines as well.
Further, this approach was adopted for the upcoming computers. Dynabook, the computers
which were developed earlier were not the prototypes and Dynabook is one of the exceptions.
The computer was created in 1968, and the concept of the computer attributed the keyboard
and display which were attached on the same slate. It was very easy to carry the Dynabook
with one hand only and included the main elements of the user interface i.e. keyboard and
display. The design of the Dynabook influenced Steve Jobs as he believed in the simplicity of
the prototype. The tablet computers which were designed after 1968 were based on the
concept of Dynabook. Apple II, the people of 1970 saw the plenitude of personal computers
and most of them were very successful, and Apple II was the most authoritative. It made an
attempt for the average people so that they can afford the computer and also the made the
approach of computers accessible for the common people (, 2016). The
production of the computer was till 1993 and till then seven million computers were sold, and
it gave the Apple great share of the early profit and furthered the funds were provided to
leadoff other personal computers.
IBM 5150, the era of 1980 started with the IBM 5150, and it was the first product which was
created to the compatible platform of IBM. The computer was not a fanatic computer but t
had all the features which were required in the personal computers during that time as the
powerful CPU-8088, and the drive of floppy disk was also available. Further, it was followed
by various products of IBM during 1980, and the various compatible models of IBM were
made by various manufacturers. The 5150 leadoff the personal computer which we know in
Todays time as it is a platform which can run software along with distinct hardware. Compaq
Portable, during 1980, the portable computers were also available. The Compaq portable was
the most authoritative one during that time. In 1983, the compatible portable of IBM was a
great success. It had the attributes of hardware and was also compatible with the ordinary
software. The weight of the personal computer was 28 pounds which were equal to the size of
a suitcase (, 2016). Therefore, the size of the personal computer was very
small at that time and further the broad variety of same devices were implemented in the next
era. Apple Macintosh, the computer was not the first one along with the operating system of
graphics rather it was the first one to use that. The line of the command was exiled in favor of
fascinated graphics of on-screen and along with it mouse was created for the purpose of
navigation. The creation of the computer was announced in the advertisement of ‘1984'. The
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computer attained the great success and Mac was influenced to a great extent. But there was
an issue that the software was programmed to use to an interface of command-line. Further,
Apple took help from the various developers like Microsoft in order to solve the issue.
Compaq LTE, in 1989, Compaq again came up with the portable approach of computing, and
it was the first computer of notebook and became authoritative and successful during that
time, and this became possible because of its features of the hardware. The Compaq LTE had
everything which was required and also contained hard disk and the floppy drive. The weight
of the computer was 7 pound. Intel ATX is the factor of the specification which was given by
Intel. It defines the motherboard's size where the holes were attached to the case and various
locations of the slots of expansion. The ATX took over the factor of AT form and was also
known as the default for the computers with the desktop in 1990. Apple iPad is the great
impact on the industry of computer, and it also fascinated people to a great extent, and there
are various other alternatives of Android which there in the market.
Contribution of Google
Google has contributed to a great extent to the modern computing and further advanced the
technology for the people. The Google’s mission was to organize the information of the
world in order to make it useful and accessible universally. Google worked very hard to
achieve their mission. Google provides free flow of information to the people through the
internet. The search engine helps the people to get the information by only typing a key word,
and they can get information related to any term with ease. Google helps in the personal
development of people as they have become more knowledgeable and confident and what
they say and read. The most important aspect of Google is that it doesn’t limit the technology
and it offers various services of open source. Google also offers free cloud storage. Android
also helps in fetching various jobs. Google helped in core concepts of modern computing like
computing of distribution, algorithms and machine learning (Quora, 2016).
There is various software which are given by Google in order to contribute successfully in the
history of modern computing and for the betterment of people and the software are as
follows. Google Chrome is the web browser which is tabbed along with an interface of new
technology. It was created from the code of chromium source. It provides absolute integration
along with the account of Gmail. Further, this helps in synchronizing and sharing the links on
the web. The search box of the chrome helps in searching easily and quickly. Google Earth is
a program which allows a person to enjoy the view of 3D of the earth. This helps in exploring

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various buildings, cities, and structures along with the layer of the 3D building. It also helps
in looking the galaxies which are distant, helps in viewing constellations, and also helps in
viewing the 3D model of the space crafts. Google Drive is an application that enables to sync
and upload the various files from the computer to the storage service which is present online.
Further, the application is available for Android, Windows, iOS, and it also provides free
storage of 5 GB for each type of file. Google + Auto Backup is the simplest tool which helps
in selecting the folders which a person wants to backup. Further, this software uses the
storage of Google drive, and by default, it uploads at the full size. The settings can be easily
changed at the option of preference of Auto Backup. Google Earth Plug-in enables to explore
and navigate the data of geography on a 3D globe with the usage of a web browser. The
software along with the Java Script helps in embedding the complete authority of Google
Earth and the capabilities of 3D to the webpage
Google Desktop ensures the searching of computer easy just like web searching through
Google. It is a search application of desktop that offers complete text of search through files,
emails, Gmail, etc. that are being viewed. By computer searching, the desktop places the
information within reach and, it doesn't require to manage and organize the files manually.
Android Studio is an editor of code which is capable of completion of advanced coding,
analysis of coding and refactoring (Clark et al., 2014). The wizards of the project make it
easy to start and use the project. Further, the start projects use the codes of the template for
various patterns like the drawer of navigation, pagers, and also import the samples of Google
code. Google Updater is a tool which is used to upgrade and download the software. It is very
important for the computers to have this feature as this is significant to download various
software like Google tool bar, Google Earth, Spyware Doctor, Mozilla Firefox, etc. Google
Chrome Canary is a free browser which is being created for the early adopters and the
developers, and it breaks downs occasionally. Further, in order to adjutant testing and
development, Canary and Chrome can be used at the same time. Therefore, it is the new and
latest feature of the chrome. Google Input Marathi is the method of input which enables the
person to enter the text in the Latin languages according to the preference of the user. The
user has to enter the word by making the usage of the characters of Latin and the tools of the
Google input for the Windows and further it will be converted to the endemic script. Chrome
Remote Desktop makes easy for people to use and access a computer with the help of
Chrome book. The protocol which is used in order to connect the removed computers which
are encrypted which makes sure that the data is protected from the attack of MITM. Google
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Toolbar for the Internet Explorer toolbars are famous for the saving of space and time
whether they are embodied to the application of editing of text with the required tools or
within the web browser which provides access to the website of your choice. It is handy for
the end users who works on the regular basis.
It can be clearly understood that how Google has contributed to the history of modern
computing in a positive way and how it has created various software for the users, and it is
also very easy to access the software. Further, the software is being developed according to
the change in technology, and people are adapting that change with ease. In Today’s time,
people depend on Google search when they want to get information about new terminology
which they hear and use. Further, Google plays a vital role to the history of modern
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Clark, D.J., Nicholas, D. and Jamali, H.R., 2014. Evaluating information seeking and use in
the changing virtual world: the emerging role of Google Analytics. Learned
Publishing, 27(3), pp.185-194. (2016). MakeUseOf - Technology, Simplified. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov. 2016]. (2016). history of modern computing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2016].
Quora. (2016). google contribution. [online] Available at: [Accessed
14 Nov. 2016].
The website helped in understanding the detailed information about the history of modern
computing and the contribution of Google and how the technology changed according to the
The website helped me in understanding to the role of various personal computers in the
history of modern computing and how it impacted people.

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