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What is Social Psychology?


Added on  2019/09/22

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The Social Approach or social psychology is an interesting topic in the study of human behavior, exploring how individuals interact within social contexts such as family, friends, institutions, and society. The approach highlights how behavior is influenced by others and occurs within a broader social context. It emphasizes understanding the effects of literature on its original readers and analyzes the relationships between artists and society. The assignment covers various approaches to literary criticism, including formalist, historical, psychological, sociological, and deconstructionist criticisms, as well as secondary research methods.

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lynette williams
The Conventional & Modern Approach of Psychology

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The Research in social psychology has been changed a lot in the last century, especially in the
last 10 years. The detailed analysis of the contemporary research in comparison to the classic
research shows the differences in regard to the hypothetical orientation such as inheritance,
socio-cultural approach, social learning theory, ethics, and the basic vs. the practical nature of the
research. There are also dissimilarities between the classic and current research in regard to
influence on social behavior.
In terms of psychology, social psychology is the methodical study to assess how people's belief,
analyzing their different opinion/approaches, and dissimilar behaviors are being prejudiced by
the actual, anticipated, or disguised presence of the others.
The influence of theories as in regard to what we know and notice regularly about the human
thought process and subsequent behavior, which has been forced professionals to a change in the
psychological theories as well as per the changing trend. For example, the behavioral theories
recognized how conditioning can be used for learning new information’s about human behaviors.
The Psychology students typically spend most of their time studying and critically analyzing
these different theories. Some of the theories have fallen out of the favor, while the other’s has
remained widely established, but all have been majorly contributed enormously to the indulgence
of human thought and behavior. While learning more about these theories, you may gain a
deeper and richer understanding of the psychology's past, present and future. The theories related
to psychology, which belongs to old & new era are as follows:
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Running Head: Conventional & Modern Approach of Psychology
Behavioral Theories
Cognitive Theories
Developmental Theories
Humanist Theories
Personality Theories
Social Psychology Theories (Cherry, 2015)
Research trends in psychology
Social influence is continuously key booming topic in the area of social psychology. This
research actually determines the changing trends in psychology and the way it looks at how an
individual thought of the actions and feelings which is normally influenced by the social groups.
Several types of social influence, includes assessing the impact via peer pressure, compliance,
leadership, accord and affiliation. In general terms the impact of Psychology on society which is
also known as “Social influence”, is termed as the change in the human behavior, ethics and
thoughts. This would result from interaction with another individual or a group. Social influence
is distinct from conformity, power, and authority. The concept of Conformity occurs when “an
individual expresses a particular opinion or behavior in order to vigorous into a specific situation
or in the case to meet the expectations of a given user. Though he doesn’t necessarily clutch that
the opinion or believe that the behavior is appropriate. On the contrary, the Power is the ability to
force or coerce in a particular way for controlling the unexpected outcomes. Authority in general
terms is “power which is believed and legitimate (instead of coercive) by the one who are
subjected to it. (Sociologyencyclopedia, 1998)
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Running Head: Conventional & Modern Approach of Psychology
The Culture may refer to the key outlook, attitudes, values, goals, and practices shared by
the group, organization, or society.
The key interpretation of what is actually moral is being influenced by the different
features such as cultural norms, and culture’s traits which may have different beliefs in
regard to “what is right and wrong”.
According to the cultural relativism theory, there is no such singular truth on which to the
base ethical or moral behavior can get an interpretation of the truth which is being
influenced by the people’s own culture. (Boundless Team, 2015)
The research question basically focuses on “Finding the differences between the existing and
contemporary and how the gap can be bridged”. The research questions or analysis will be
primarily based on assessing the features of both the theories. What are the changes in ethics and
its impact on society”.
Annotated Bibliography
By depicting the result through various research studies, we have analyzed the following
According to one of renowned psychologist Gordon Allport, the social psychology is a restraint
which employs the scientific methods basically to understand and elucidate how the people’s
thought, feeling and the human behavior of individuals are being inclined by the definite,
predictable or have oblique the presence of other human beings" (1985). (Cherry, What Is Social
Psychology?, 2015)

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Social Approach & justification of its usage by the author
The Social approach or the social psychology is an interested topic in the study, individuals in
the terms of social context, such as family, friends, institutions, and have a broader sense of
approach in the society. The Social behavior may engage an activity within a group or between
groups. (Haslam, 2006)
In accordance with the meaning of Social Approach, following are the psychology expert’s point
of view or meaning in terms.
Reicher and Haslam (prison)
Milgram (obedience)
Piliavin (helping)
The assumptions which have been used by the experts or academician’s are
1. The behavior of an individual is being influenced by others, especially, the society.
2. All the behavior occurs within the scope of social context.
In terms of the option of the strength of social approach, the following table can depict which
strength has been demonstrated and being noticed by the psychology experts and how these are
being carefully considered while developing or modifying the theory:
1 Demonstrates the extent to which situational
factors can affect the human behavior
This has showed and very well
explained by “Milgram” as the
power of authority
2 It actually assists in analysis of the issues which The theory of “Obedience” to
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Running Head: Conventional & Modern Approach of Psychology
are extremely relevant to the society the authority can affect the
human behavior in the society.
This is being depicted or
considered by Milgram
3 Field studies may possess the high ecological
As per Piliavin’s research, it
was conducted on one of the
subway train and evidently
found that Ps are not being
aware they are in an
experiment and doesn’t possess
the demand distinctiveness.
4 Assist in identifying the power of interpersonal
factors and group membership
The theory “Reicher and
Haslam” explains how a
simulated situation can analyze
as a real situation and explicit
that the tyranny was beginning
to appear and some Ps were
breaking down. The nice
safeguard(s) establish it
difficult with an unpredictable
prisoner. This has been
included by the Piliavin expert
and he declared that some Ps
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Running Head: Conventional & Modern Approach of Psychology
can help only after somebody
else had.
The following is the weakness highlighted by the experts in their opinion:
1 Research can be unethical, sometimes Milgram explained that few Ps to
have a nervous breakdown and they
depart the experiment by realizing
that they are capable of killing
2 The laboratory studies can have low
ecological legality sometimes
The expert Milgram described that
obedience may not be generalized to
the real world. For example, where
you would be sure that you could kill
someone and subsequently he/she
would be held responsible. On the
contrary, R&H prison doesn’t possess
the same perception.
3 High Demand features The experts “Reicher and Haslam”
feels if prisoners felt that they were

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Running Head: Conventional & Modern Approach of Psychology
expected to buck the system and
having the scare of being guarded so
as to remain kind because million of
people are watching them on TV.
4 The approach may be dependent on
culture, society, historical context, etc.
In terms on “social approach”, it is
highly being dependent on the factor
that the more you respect for
authority in the sixties, the more
respect you get.” In point of view of
the expert “Piliavin”, the more
helping behavior as “Caltruism” has
been remained in the sixties in the
American culture. Though, the black
people has being in today’s society.
Psychological theory & justification of its usage by the author
Having discussed, the two of the basic approaches to the mythical understanding concepts on the
conservative and the formalized approach, the third point is to examine a third interpretive
perspective, the psychological. Out of all the critical approaches found in different literature, this
has been one of the most notorious and the most abused for several readers or the least
appreciated. Though, for all the difficulties being involved in its proper application for carrying
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Running Head: Conventional & Modern Approach of Psychology
out the interpretive analysis, the psychological approach can be enthralling and rewarding as
well. The purpose of examining this factor is threefold:
(1) Explain briefly for the misunderstanding of the psychological criticism;
(2) To outline the psychological theory which is being most commonly used as an interpretive
tool by the modern critics; and
(3) To show by examples that how readers can apply this mode of elucidation to improve their
understanding and appreciation of the literature.
The foundation of Freud's contribution belongs to modern psychology, which has his emphasis
majorly on the comatose aspects of the human psyche. (Morrison)
C. Secondary Research on the topic & its justification
Secondary analysis basically implies to the use of existing data which is being collected for the
purposes of a prior study, in order to follow a research interest which is dissimilar from that of
the original work; this can be in the form of a new research followed by a questionnaire or an
alternative perspective on the original question (Vogel and Szabo and Strang 1997). In this
respect, the secondary analysis is different from the methodical reviews and carrying out the
meta-analyses of qualitative studies which aims to assess a common concern or area of practice
through the available data (Popay, Rogers and Williams 1998). (Sociology, 1998)
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Running Head: Conventional & Modern Approach of Psychology
Critical Approaches to Literature
Formalist Criticism: This approach is one of the most unique form of human knowledge
which is required to be analyzed its own terms.” All the elements required for accepting
the work are being included within the work itself. The key goal for the formalist critics
is to identify how such elements can work together with the text’s content for shaping its
effects upon the readers.
Historical Criticism: This approach basically takes up a method to compare the old,
existing approaches and the contemporary approach which seeks to understand a
mythical work by examining the social, cultural, and intellectual context. The key goal
for historical critics is to understand the effect of the actual work upon its original
Psychological Criticism: This approach mainly reflects the effect which modern
psychology has faced literature and literary criticism as well. The fundamental figures in
the psychological criticism by Sigmund Freud, whose “psychoanalytic” theories may get
changed our notions of the human behavior by exploring the new or contentious areas
such as wish-fulfilling, the insensible, and oppression.
Sociological Criticism: This approach normally aims to analyze the literature in the
economic, political and cultural framework in which it is being written or received and
assist to discover the relationships in between the artist and society. ”
De-constructionist Criticism: Deconstructionist critics in regard to language as a
basically unsteady medium as the words “dog” or “tree,” for instance, undoubtedly
invoke up the diverse mental images of the different people and consequently, as

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literature is made up of the words or literature which may possess no fixed or single
meaning conclusion.
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Boundless Team. (2015, July 21). Culture reflects the moral values and ethical norms governing
how people should behave and interact with others. Boundless. “Culture and Ethics.” .
Retrieved from
Cherry, K. (2015). Psychology Theories. (about Education) Retrieved from
Cherry, K. (2015). What Is Social Psychology? Social Psychology. Retrieved from
Haslam, R. a. (2006). Social Psychology. Retrieved from
Morrison, C. C. (n.d.). The Psychological Approach: Freud. Retrieved from
Sociology, D. o. (1998). Secondary analysis of qualitative data. University of Survey. Retrieved
Sociologyencyclopedia. (1998). Social Influence., pp.
4426-4429. Retrieved from
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