
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Assignment


Added on  2020-05-16

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Running head: CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 1Corporate Social ResponsibilityName Institution
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Assignment_1

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 2CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYAbstractThis paper offers a detailed literature review about the case of a same sex couple in theUnited States who have applied to adopt a child at an adoption agency. However, the adoptionmanager has ethical concerns about accepting the couple to be a candidate as parents. The reviewconsiders all the factors to determine if the couple stands suitable to take care of a child in termsof finance, living care and other factors. The overarching ethical questions, therefore, is that;even when the couple meets are able to provide the child with all the requirements, would it beethical for the adoption manager to refuse them due to his or her individual belief? To answerthis question, the rationale for the adoption manager to be hesitant must be established as towhether it is of personal issue or religious beliefs. Further, the paper has to determine if the childwould be harmed emotionally or mentally in case the adoption manager were to accept thecouple as candidate for parents. The measures that can be taken by the agency to guaranteechild’s safety and happiness irrespective of the fact that the couple fulfil the basic requirement isalso presented.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Assignment_2

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 3Introduction This paper uses various theories to determine whether it is ethical or unethical for thesame sex couple to adopt a child. The theories applied in this case include naïve-, role-, socialgroup- and cultural-relativism alongside utilitarianism. Each theory is discussed and applied tothe case in terms of both ethical and unethical side and then a decision as to whether it is ethicalor unethical is reached based on the discussion. It is my view that the refusal by the unit managernot to allow the same sex couples to adopt is ethical. Discussion Cultural Relativism theory hinges the belief that morality remains relative to a specificculture, community or society. Individuals need to understand the societal practices, but neverjudge them. Applying this theory to the current case, it is ethical for the couple to apply foradoption and be accepted because their same sex orientation culture has been societal or culture-based. Thus, it would be quite wrong for the unit manager to reject them just because they aresame sex couple. However, it can still be argued that it would be unethical if the manager allowsthe same sex couple to adopt because some culture, community or society reject the same sexorientation practices and the manager could be from such a community. Naïve Relativism theory is anchored on the belief that each moral decision is deeplypersonal and that people have right to run their individual lives. Every individual need to beallowed to interpret scenarios and act on her/his individual moral values. According to thistheory, we can hence say that both the same sex couple and the agency managers are right intheir own decisions (Weidinger, Fischler & Schmidpeter, 2013). For example, the couple shouldbe allowed to run their own lives as same sex and hence should never be rejected when theydecide to adopt a child. However, it is the same theory that makes it ethical for the agency
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Assignment_3

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