
Process of How Students Absorb the Knowledge


Added on  2022-08-24

6 Pages1224 Words28 ViewsType: 28
Running head: COUNSELLING
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Process of How Students Absorb the Knowledge_1

The learning theory model is defined as a theory that suggested the process of how
students absorb the knowledge, process the knowledge and retain knowledge during learning. In
this case, cognitive, environmental and emotional influences along with previous experiences
play a crucial part in providing the idea that how understanding, is acquired or changed and
knowledge is retained (Kruglanski et al., 2018). While client learning is important to effective
therapy, comparatively little researchers have been conducted to relate learning theory to the
counseling process. Considering the history of the learning theory model, John B. Watson
(1925). An American behaviorist proposed the learning theory and he dominated the academic
understanding of learning for approximately 60 years (Moore, 2017). Behaviorist considers
learning as a perspective or part of conditioning and it is acting as a supporter of a system of
rewards and targets in education. Hence, a learner’s ability to learn certain things or gather
energy strongly depending on what they already have known and understand. These various
fundamental bases of the theory are that represent this theory.
Fundamental bases:
The methodological behaviorism is based on the theory of only enlightening public
events or apparent behavior. B.F. Skinner presented an additional type of behaviorism called
radical behaviorism, hence, three fundamental bases of the theory include Classical conditioning,
Social learning theory, Operant conditioning. Pavlov's Classical Conditioning provides a
physical logical explanation of behavior where the cerebral cortex is the center of these
behaviors. In this conditioning, reinforcement was associated with the stimulus (Zhang et al.,
Process of How Students Absorb the Knowledge_2

2019). In this case, students will absorb and retain knowledge only when it is associated with
reinforcement. Skinner's Operant Conditioning distinguished between two types of learning such
as respondents which are based on stimulate and operant which is based on the organism
(Pavlov, 2018). This theory provides us the method of altering behaviors by reinforcement of
appropriate response. Bandura’s socio-cognitive theory suggested that the knowledge and skills
of individuals are acquired through observing the individuals present within the immediate or
social environment. These three conditioning theories help individuals to gather an
understanding of the learning process of the students (Font, Garay & Jones, 2016).
Assessment method:
The assessment method of the learning of the students includes questionnaire can be an
effective one. Early learning scale is an effective one to assess the learning capabilities of the
preschool students. On the other hand, summative assessment can be a way of assessing where
different learning styles can be assessed. The test at the end of the lesson can be an example of a
summative assessment to assess the learning style (Dixson & Worrell, 2016). Formative
assessment can be another assessment method where ongoing activity can be used to understand
the learning process (Dixson & Worrell, 2016).
Proponed diagnosis:
The proponed diagnosed are used to assess the learning style and in this case, the
presence of any learning disabilities can be understood through proponed diagnosis. Common
learning disabilities that can be understood through proponed diagnosis include Auditory
Processing Disorder (APD), Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, and ADHD. In this context, in order to assess
the learning disabilities of the children or any adults, informal interview, career interest
inventories, review of medical, school, or work histories (Tolar et al., 2016). On the other hand,
Process of How Students Absorb the Knowledge_3

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