
Act as Buyer's Agent and Sell Property


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Act as a buyer’s agent & Sell and finalise the sale of property by private treaty
Participant Assessment
Information and Tools
Australian College of Business and Training
ABN: 871 401 337 95 Provider no.: 40493
Level 7, 32 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 9222 1802 Fax: + 61 2 9222 18 05
E-mail: info@auscbt.com.au
Website: www.auscbt.com.au
Contents 1. Purpose of this document
2. Competencies to be assessed
3. Essential knowledge to be assessed
4. Essential skills to be assessed
5. Critical aspects of assessment
6. Employability skills to be assessed
7. Context of and specific resources for assessment
8. Methods of assessment
9. Reasonable adjustments in assessments
10. Perceived academic misconduct
11. Assessment tools
11.1 Assessment tool 1: Portfolio of written answers
12. Procedures of assessment submission
13. Recognition of prior learning
Appendix I. Assessment Submission Cover Sheet
Appendix II. Results sheet
1. Purpose of this This document provides an introduction to the assessment and
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document procedures for evaluating a participant’s achievement of
competency in ‘CPPDSM4001A Act as a buyer’s agent &
CPPDSM4022A Sell and finalise the sale of property by private
treaty’ unit of competency. It incorporates details on the
competency, knowledge and evidences a participant should be
able to demonstrate to be deemed competent in this unit. This
document also includes the assessment tools through which a
participant would be assessed in the unit.
2. Competencies to be
The NSW Office of Fair Trading requires (along with other
conditions) proof of successful completion of the following 9
units in order to award an individual with a NSW Buyer’s
Agent License.
The 9 unit of competency include:
1. CPPDSM3019 Communicate with clients as part of
agency operations
2. CPPDSM4015B Minimise agency and consumer risk
3. BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals
4. CPPDSM4001A Act as a buyers’ agent
5. CPPDSM4003A Appraise property
6. CPPDSM4005A Establish and build client-agency
7. CPPDSM4022A Sell and finalise the sale of a property
by private treaty
8. CPPDSM4080A Work in the real estate industry
9. CPPDSM4008A Identify legal and ethical requirements
of property sales to complete agency work
This assessment will address the requirements of
CPPDSM4001A Act as a buyer’s agent & CPPDSM4022A Sell
and finalise the sale of property by private treaty unit. There
will be a series of face to face activities that will be conducted
over the whole program. These will contribute to your
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assessment of competency in this unit. Your active participation
in the group activities and your general communication will all
contribute to a successful assessment of competency.
The participant (You) should be able to demonstrate
competency in the following elements/skill sets and
performance criteria to be deemed competent in this unit. These
are listed below. The full unit of competencies can be accessed
from https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/CPPDSM4001A
& https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/CPPDSM4022A.
The following elements and criteria need to be met in order to
achieve competence in this unit.
Element Performance criteria:
CPPDSM4001A Act as
a buyer’s agent
Establish buyer require-
1.1 Enquiries from prospective buyers are handled promptly
to enable high quality service delivery according to agency re-
1.2 Appropriate rapport is established with prospective
1.3 Buyer requirements are clarified and accurately assessed
using appropriate interpersonal communication techniques and
data collection techniques.
Confirm engagement of
agency by buyer
2.1 Agency services and fee structure are discussed with
buyer in line with agency practice.
2.2 Buyer engagement of agency, including agreed services
and fees, is confirmed in writing in line with agency practice
and legislative requirements.
Source properties that 3.1 Information on properties that meet buyer requirements
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meet buyer require-
is gathered and organized in a format suitable for analysis and
interpretation in line with agency practice.
3.2 Reliable methods are used to collect information on
properties in line with agency practice.
3.3 Relevant people are consulted to gather additional data
using appropriate communication techniques.
3.4 Information is analyzed using reliable and valid methods
in line with agency practice.
3.5 Assumptions and conclusions are supported by verifi-
able evidence in line with agency practice.
3.6 Situations requiring specialist advice are identified and
assistance is sought as required in line with agency practice.
3.7 Report on properties that meet buyer requirements is
prepared and discussed with client in line with agency practice.
Negotiate purchase of
property on behalf of
4.1 Buyer instructions on purchase of property are actioned
in line with legislative requirements and agency practice.
4.2 Purchase process is managed in a professional manner in
line with buyer's instructions, method of sale, agency practice,
ethical standards and legislative requirements.
4.3 Negotiations are conducted on behalf of buyer in line
with buyer instructions, legislative requirements, ethical stan-
dards and agency practice.
4.4 Negotiations are conducted in a professional manner, in-
cluding showing respect for seller and buyer in line with agency
practice, ethical standards and legislative requirements.
4.5 Effective negotiation techniques are used to persuade
and reach agreement with seller.
4.6 Effective techniques are used for dealing with conflict
and breaking deadlocks where required.
4.7 Effective techniques are used for closing the purchase.
4.8 Mutually agreed price and conditions of sale are estab-
lished and confirmed with seller and referred to buyer.
4.9 Statutory sales documentation is checked for accuracy
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prior to signing by buyer in line with agency practice.
Monitor settlement of
5.1 Settlement process is monitored to ensure compliance
with contract details and legislative requirements.
5.2 Payments to be made by buyer as part of the settlement
process are checked for compliance with contract details and
legislative requirements.
Maintain communica-
tion with relevant par-
6.1 Buyer confidence in agency activities is maintained
through ongoing contact and correspondence.
6.2 Opportunities to promote agency services are imple-
mented in line with agency practice.
CPPDSM4022A Sell
and finalise the sale of
property by private
Qualify buyer 1.1 Enquiries from potential buyers regarding purchase of
property are handled promptly to enable high quality service de-
livery according to agency requirements.
1.2 Appropriate rapport is established with potential buyer.
1.3 Buyer requirements are clarified and accurately assessed
using appropriate interpersonal communication techniques.
1.4 Factors likely to influence the purchase of properties are
identified and used to confirm buyer intentions.
1.5 Customer due diligence is undertaken according to
agency practice and legislative requirements.
1.6 Potential buyers are provided with suitable information
about available and prospective listings and assisted to find list-
ing that best matches their requirements.
1.7 Potential buyers are assisted in making a decision to
view properties using information obtained from sellers and
1.8 Qualified prospects are recorded to provide an opportu-
nity to maximize future marketing activities.
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Arrange property in-
spection for potential
buyer .
2.1 Appointments are made for property inspections in line
with agency practice, ethical standards and legislative require-
2.2 Preparations are made for property inspection in line
with agency practice.
2.3 Promotional material on the property is used to describe
main sales features of the property.
2.4 Effective questioning techniques are used to clarify
buyer interest in the property.
2.5 Records of inspections are accurately completed in line
with agency practice.
Deliver effective sales
3.1 Factors affecting the successful conclusion of the sale
are identified and addressed in the sales presentation.
3.2 Key decision makers are identified to ensure that their
needs and concerns are met in the sales presentation.
3.3 Main features of property are matched to buyers' stated
needs and motivation.
3.4 Relevant legal and financial information is used to sup-
port the sales presentation.
3.5 Effective communication and presentation skills are
used to create buyer interest and focus buyer attention on the
3.6 Buyer is given time and space to evaluate property while
time is used to maximum advantage to promote property.
3.7 Buyer is encouraged to clarify key aspects of property
before a decision is made to purchase property.
3.8 Buyer questions are answered fully and honestly.
3.9 Details of offer to purchase property submitted by buyer
are confirmed and documented.
Submit offer and negoti-
ate property sale
4.1 Offer from buyer is submitted to seller in line with
agency practice, ethical standards and legislative requirements.
4.2 Professional agency advice is provided to seller that in-
corporates declared knowledge of buyer's motivation.
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4.3 Negotiations are conducted with buyer according to
seller response to offer.
4.4 Negotiations are conducted in a professional manner, in-
cluding showing respect for seller and buyer in line with agency
practice, ethical standards and legislative requirements.
4.5 Effective negotiation techniques are used to persuade
and reach agreement between seller and buyer.
4.6 Alternative offers are discussed and their viability as-
4.7 Effective techniques are used for dealing with conflict
and breaking deadlocks where required.
4.8 Effective techniques are used for closing sale
4.9 Mutually agreed price and conditions of sale are estab-
lished and confirmed with seller and buyer.
4.10 Relevant sale of property documentation is explained to
seller and buyer in line with agency and statutory requirements
for finalization of the property transaction.
4.11 Documented, agreed price and conditions of sale are
made accessible that provide an accurate record of agreement
and meet agency and statutory requirements for finalization of
the property transaction.
Maintain communica-
tion with seller
5.1 Seller confidence in agency marketing activities is main-
tained through ongoing contact and correspondence.
5.2 Communication is diarized to provide an accurate and
objective record of progress reports to seller.
Manage contract to set-
tlement .
6.1 Settlement requirements are identified and checked with
relevant parties to minimize misunderstanding or breaches of
contract in line with agency practice and legislative require-
6.2 Requests from buyer to inspect property prior to settle-
ment are facilitated in line with agency practice and legislative
6.3 Information on buyer and seller responsibilities with re-
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gard to building and content insurance prior to settlement is pro-
vided in line with agency practice and legislative requirements.
6.4 Procedures for holding and release of deposit moneys
during the settlement period are implemented in line with
agency policy and legislative requirements.
6.5 Settlement within the contract's legal framework is en-
sured by liaison with settlement agents and other assisting pro-
fessionals representing the seller and buyer.
6.6 Progress of settlement agents and other assisting profes-
sionals is monitored in line with agency practice.
6.7 Contingency plans are prepared in consultation with rel-
evant legal agents to avoid the possibility of one or more parties
to the transaction being unable to fulfil contractual obligations.
6.8 Appropriate procedures are implemented if any party to
the transaction is unable to fulfil contractual obligations.
6.9 Effective communication techniques are used in liaising
with seller, buyer and other parties representing the seller and
buyer through the settlement process.
7 Prepare documentation for agency disbursements.
Prepare documentation
for agency disburse-
7.1 Settlement financial transactions are checked for accu-
racy against contractual documentation, and agency fees are cal-
culated and safeguarded during disbursement activities.
7.2 Authorized agency disbursements are obtained within
contractual, agency and statutory requirements.
7.3 Financial systems are updated to reflect authorized
7.4 Agency fees are calculated and safeguarded during dis-
bursement activities.
7.5 Due and proper attention is paid to obtaining required
authorizations, signatures and identifications prior to disburse-
Decide on future con- 8.1 Nature of future contacts with prospects is assessed in
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