
Creative Message Strategies T00573876


Added on  2020-05-16

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Professional DevelopmentMarketing
Running head: MESSAGE STRATEGIESAssignment 3: Creative Message StrategiesT00573876Raunaq singh virdi28 November 2017
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2MESSAGE STRATEGIESTable of ContentsIntroduction..........................................................................................................................................3Part 1: Creative Message Strategy Brief................................................................................................3Creative message strategy for Head &shoulders..................................................................................3Explain why you decided on each of these elements and how they will contribute to the development of a creative message strategy....................................................................................7Part 2: Brand Positioning Strategy.........................................................................................................9Describe the brand positioning strategy that you will develop to achieve your objectives...............9Describe two brand or product features/ attributes/ benefits used by head & shoulder brand in its IMC campaign....................................................................................................................................9Discuss why this positioning strategy is appropriate in terms of the brand consumer and brand competition.................................................................................................................................10Illustration of Brand positioning strategy in the marketplace on a perceptual map...................11After you decide what position you want to develop, create your positioning statement.........13Part 3: Brand Message Objective and Strategy...................................................................................15What is the brand message objective to be communicated to the target audience?.....................15Describe the elements that you will use to communicate your message strategy to the target audience, and how does it “fit” with your message objective and positioning strategy.................16Explain why this brand message strategy is suitable for the target audience.................................16Identify the message appeal most appropriate to support your message strategy and provide justification for it.............................................................................................................................17Part 4: Brand Creative “Big Idea”........................................................................................................19Explain the creative “Big Idea” that you will employ to execute your brand message strategy and why you selected it..........................................................................................................................19Describe how the “Big Idea” will work in the different media to be used in the IMC Campaign.....20Identify the message visuals and the message copy in the “Big Idea.”...........................................21Describe the storytelling format you decided to use to execute your creative direction through the“Big Idea.”.......................................................................................................................................22References..........................................................................................................................................23
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3MESSAGE STRATEGIESIntroductionEvery company needs creative advertising in today’s business environment so that itcan compete in the competitive business scenario in the industry and can performbetter than its competitors. For this, strategies have to be made and tactics need to beplanned. Creative message strategies are important to spread brand messages ( Baker& Hart, 2016). Part 1: Creative Message Strategy Brief Creative message strategy for Head &shouldersMessage strategy is all about the communicating a brand message in creative andpersuasive form to a target audience. The creative strategy for Head & Shoulders willdeliver a message to the target audience and it will also motivate them to respond. Thecreative message strategy brief for the Head & Shoulders embraces following aspects:1.Consumer Response Path·Cognitive path·Behavioural path·Affective pathConsumer`s response is considered for creating creative message strategy, as it willhelp to gain the feedback of consumers about the Head & Shoulders. Thoughconsumer response path, objectives of the message can be determined; and messageobjective is one of the foremost elements for creative message strategy. Hence, thiswill support in developing the creative message strategy for the brand.
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4MESSAGE STRATEGIESResponse of the consumers could be positive or negative that depends upon theirbehaviour. Both cognitive and behavioural path will be laid emphasis in regards toconsumer response path. Cognitive path- Awareness about the brand i.e. Head & Shoulders will be createdamong the consumers. The message will communicate the opportunity for the targetcustomers to use or buy the anti-dandruff shampoo. Knowledge about the brand willbe created as well as increased among the target audience. Through the message itwill be communicated that how the problems of the consumers can be solved. As theproblem of consumers related to dandruff could be solved through the Head &Shoulders, because of the anti-dandruff attributes it possesses. In short, the targetaudience will be educated about the use of brand.Behavioural path- This path will lead to increase in trial of the product. As theconsumers will be enticed to try the product for certain period of time, in order tocheck the benefits they could get through using the anti-dandruff shampoo. Behaviourof the consumers will be considered for creating message. Through the message theywill be inspired to tell others about the brand. This will led to word of mouthmarketing, which is one of the best ways to enhance the customer base. Beside this,when the customers will tell about the product in positive manner, then it will behelpful in spreading the message. Affective path - Affective path is common when company tries to advertise topromote the brand image which can changes the consumers point of interest towardsthe brand, thus which desire them to try.2. Customer Insights Insights of customers are also important to be determined for developing a messagestrategy as it can help in gaining the perceptions of the customers about brand andother related aspects. Beliefs and below the surface attitudes, which can affect thebehaviour of the customers can be accessed through customers insight. Therefore thiselement is determined for creating message strategy in creative manner (Ozeritskaya,2015).
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5MESSAGE STRATEGIESThe insights of the customers will help in creating the message, as by analysing theirperception about the brand; it can be assessed whether they are enticed through Head& Shoulders till now or not. Customer’s behaviour will be analysed to ascertain theirpurchasing actions, preferences etc. (Kappel, 2017). Customers may think that Head& Shoulders is an anti-dandruff shampoo and can only be helpful in removingdandruff from the scalp or it may not help to get shiny as well as bouncy hairs. Thisinsight of customer can be determined while creating message and the message shalldeliver the information about brand which may be liked by the customers. Themessage can communicate the negative effect as well; as what might happen if they(customers) do not use the product (Ozeritskaya, 2015). The dandruff on the scalpmay increase, if the customers do not use the anti-dandruff shampoo.3. Message ObjectiveObjectives of message facilitates in developing creative message strategy. The mainobjective of the message is- “To connect with the customers in significant manner”.Connecting through the customers benefits the bran, as the awareness about the brandenhances among the customers. Target audience will be persuaded through themessage to try the product. By trying the product they will come to know about thebenefits they could availed through it (Hanlon, 2017).4. Selling Strategy Selling strategy will support in creative message strategy as through selecting theselling strategy it can be determined what has to be included in the message. Throughselling strategy, message can be created as promised benefits of the product will bedelivered to the customers. The message will include the following aspects-Feature of Head & Shoulders i.e. attributes which gives this shampoo a distinctivedifference. The USP of this shampoo is that, it have ZPTO factor. This factor makesthe product unique and different in comparison to other products. Many otherproducts claim themselves as one of the best product that could help the customers insolving their problems. In addition to this, there are variations in Head & Shoulders,such as lemon, Strawberry and Menthol. Because of variations, consumers may preferto buy the product as per their favourites.
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