
Understanding Crime, Justice, Media, Police and Victims in the Criminal Justice System


Added on  2023-06-03

10 Pages3258 Words455 Views
criminal justice
Understanding Crime, Justice, Media, Police and Victims in the Criminal Justice System_1

Answer to question 1: What is Crime?
In general terms, crime is an illegal action, which is punishable by the state or relevant
authorities. In respect of modern criminal law, the word crime has not any simple and entirely
established definition. However, some legal definitions have been given for certain
offences. The famous view is that crime is the option made by law in other words; something
is a crime if confirmed as such by the related and appropriate law (Akers, 2017). Other
proposed definitions are that a crime is an action, which is harmful not only to some person
but also to the group, state, or community. These actions are prohibited and illegal by law.
The crime refers to a wrongdoing, which merits community criticism and sentence, usually
by the method of penalty or sentence. It is not the same as the tort or civil wrong, which is an
action against the person, which needs compensation or reimbursement (Dostoevsky, 2017).
The crimes are generally prosecuted by the commonwealth or state, while it is usually up to
the person to take civil action to court. It is also probable for the person to start criminal
proceedings but it is very infrequent (Crawford and Evans, 2017).
There are certain matters like violence that can be both civil wrong and crime at the same
time. In this case, the police can conduct hearing for violence. The victim has also some
rights like to take civil actions to recover money or the compensation for the damages
suffered by him. Sometimes it is difficult to decide whether something is the crime. For an
example, an individual who takes money without authorization, it is considered as the crime.
Contrariwise, an individual who does not succeed to pay back money, it is considered as civil
wrong. It is not considered as crime. Though the civil action may be commenced to recover
the amount, the debtor may only be accused for the offence in case of involvement of fraud.
Further, criminal justice is delivery of justice to those who have committed crime. The
criminal justice system is the chain of government organisations and agencies. Their aim is to
Understanding Crime, Justice, Media, Police and Victims in the Criminal Justice System_2

recognise law-breakers and to impose the punishment. The other aims are criminal’s
rehabilitations, support for sufferers and stopping more crimes (Cohen and Felson, 2016).
Answer to question 2: What is Justice
Justice is considered as legal theory or philosophical theory, with the help of which equality
is directed. As with most rationally driven disciplines, there are different concepts of justice
in every culture. The concept of justice occupies main stage both in ethics, and in political
and legal viewpoints. Justice is a legal or logical theory to administer the fairness. As with
most rationally driven disciplines, the concept of justice is different in every nation. The
justice refers to the ethical distribution of the goods or evidences or amenities or properties or
punishment or remuneration (Wood, et. al, 2014). The aims of justice must be to have ethical
laws that may be used to validate acts, which mainly secure residents from foreign violence,
from local criminals, from severe economic mistreatment, from government ineffectiveness,
and secure the from the demolition of biodiversity (Clear, 2018). In this way, Justice is
equality in the manner which persons are handled. It secures the rights and penalising wrong
using impartiality (Messerschmidt and Tomsen, 2018).
Justice is based on the ethical concepts of morals, just, belief, faith, reasonableness, and laws.
In this way, justice is what people as the civilization regard as right. Justice is based on the
rule of law (Roy, et. al, 2014). The concept of rule of law states that the decisions are
required to be made according with the law. No one is exempt from law. It is required that
there should be respect for rule of law because it is essential need to secure justice in the
democracy. It makes sure that every decision or every act of people are in accordance with
law of nation (Locke, et. al, 2015). It also makes sure that individuals having powers do not
take decision in respect of survives in an illogical and irregular way on the basis of hate,
preconception and principles (Devlin and Gottfredson, 2018).
Understanding Crime, Justice, Media, Police and Victims in the Criminal Justice System_3

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