
Critical Analysis of Researches in Psychological Phenomenon and Employee Satisfaction


Added on  2023-01-19

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Data Science and Big Data
Critical Analysis of Researches in Psychological Phenomenon and Employee Satisfaction_1

MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................1
Theories that involves psychological phenomenon and employee satisfaction..........................1
Research questions and explanation of ways in which chosen theories will act as a
fundamental base for further research.........................................................................................4
Methodologies its strengths, weaknesses and respective threats to validity...............................5
Reflective models and critical reflection to demonstrate understanding of the research process,
and contrasting theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches...................................8
Critical Analysis of Researches in Psychological Phenomenon and Employee Satisfaction_2

Critical Analysis of Researches in Psychological Phenomenon and Employee Satisfaction
There are various kinds of contemporary business issues that are required to be focused by
each and every organization. Focusing on these issues helps an organization to reduce their
workplace issues related to employees. One of the main issues which is a major concern of
organizations is employee satisfaction. There are various reasons ort factors because of which
employee satisfaction is affected which further affects an employee’s motivation, behaviour,
attitude, relationship with their colleagues and supervisors. This assignment will lay emphasis on
theories that involves psychological phenomenon and employee satisfaction, research questions,
methodologies and reflection to demonstrate your understanding of the research process, and
contrasting theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches.
Theories that involves psychological phenomenon and employee satisfaction
There are various theories that focuses on psychological phenomena and employee
satisfaction. These theories are quite important for leaders to understand psychological
phenomena and employee satisfaction. These theories help an individual in understanding human
behaviour, ways in which it affects employee behaviour, engagement and satisfaction. There are
two most commonly used theories that can help in understanding employee’s psychological
phenomena as well as employee satisfaction. First theory is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and
second is Herzberg’s motivation hygiene theory also known as two factor theory.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory helps in understanding the psychological phenomena
behind an employee’s behaviour, engagement and employee satisfaction as well (Lee and Hanna,
2015). This theory focuses on needs of an individual that affects their behaviour, engagement
and satisfaction of an employees. This theory can clearly explain the psychological phenomena
behind employee satisfaction. It is the first and the foremost theory that can help in
understanding job satisfaction by focusing on five hierarchical needs of an individual employee.
According to this theory there are five basic hierarchical needs of an individual, that are:
psychological needs, safety and security, belongingness and love, self-esteem and self-
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actualization. According to this this theory fulfilment of these needs will only be beneficial and
will satisfy employees if these needs are fulfilled in a hierarchical order.
Figure 1 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Psychological needs: this need includes all the basic needs of an individual i.e. food,
water, shelter and sleep. These are one of the most basic needs that are important for an
individual for survival. According to this this these needs helps in proper functioning of body
and mind of an individual. Organizations can fulfil this need of an individual by providing them
with basic pay or salary so that employees can themselves fulfil these needs. Other than this
organizations themselves can provide their employees with rental homes with food and water
facilities so that the basic need of their employees is fulfilled.
Safety and security: this need focuses on secure income source, stability, freedom from
fear and health and well-being. After fulfilment of psychological needs an employee seeks for
fulfilment of safety and security needs. Fulfilment of these needs helps an employee to feel
mentally stable and partially satisfied to fulfil their job responsibilities (Rasskazova, Ivanova and
Sheldon, 2016). Organizations can fulfil their employees needs by providing them with a fixed
salary that would work as a secure source of income. This fixed income will also help the
employees to feel stable and free them from fear which will further enable them to focus on their
health and wellbeing.
Belongingness and love: After fulfilment of both the above needs, an individual focus on
fulfilment of love and belongingness needs. This need focuses on employees feeling of
Critical Analysis of Researches in Psychological Phenomenon and Employee Satisfaction_4

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