
Critiquing a Nursing Research Article


Added on  2020-05-28

8 Pages2157 Words7757 Views
1Running head: CRITICAL APPRAISAL ESSAY Critical Appraisal Essay Name of student:Name of university:Author note:
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2 CRITICAL APPRAISAL ESSAYResearch is a significant part of nursing practice as it forms the basis for professionaldevelopment of nurses in the contemporary era. Through research, professionals are expectedto identify rich literary sources and analyse the implications of the study findings in theirprofession. For practising evidence-based nursing, nurses must apply the scientific researchto the scenarios of individual patients as an element of their clinical decision making process.Critical appraisal of a research article, either qualitative or quantitative, refers to thesystematic process of identifying the strengths and limitations of the article for assessing thevalidity and usefulness of the study findings. The most significant elements of a criticalappraisal are the assessment of the appropriateness of the study design and accurate analysisof the key methodological features of this design in alignment with the research question(Stavor, Zedreck-Gonzalez and Hoffmann 2017). The present paper is a critical appraisal of aqualitative research paper titled ‘Animal-Assisted Activity: Experiences of InstitutionalizedJapanese Older Adults’ (Kawamura, Niiyama and Niiyama 2009). The appraisal of the articlewould be done on the basis of a guideline provided that would analyse the key aspects of theresearch rigorously. According to Flick (2015) the title of an research article must clearly articulate theresearch being done and include the fundamental methodology used, if possible. The abstractof the article must elucidate the aim of the research and the prime results. In the present case,the title of the article written by Kawamura, Niiyama and Niiyama (2009) clearly explains thestudy conducted without being extensive. From the title one can make out that the researchtopic was animal-assisted therapy and that experiences of the respondents were considered asthe data collection method. Further, though the title does not explain the result, it is able toinform the readers about the research aim without being uninteresting. The aim of the studywas to determine the perceptions and experiences of a group of institutionalised elderlyJapanese women in relation to animal-assisted activity (AAA). Further, it aimed at
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3 CRITICAL APPRAISAL ESSAYhighlighting how the perceptions of the respondents might be aligned with clinical nursingpractice in the AAA context. The abstract of the article is well written and represents thestudy aim, study methodology, key findings in a comprehensive manner. In the section explaining the background of the research, the researchers haveidentified the importance of the research claim and the need for the research. Usingbackground literature is important to allow the readers understand the concepts behind theresearch and the credibility of the claim (Fain 2017). The researchers stated that previousresearch had established the positive impact of communication with animals on quality of lifeof older adults. These effects mostly relate to increase in verbal interaction and socialbehaviour and decrease in loneliness and agitation. These studies had put forward therespective author’s own narrative evaluation and objective evaluation. There had been ascarcity of studies evaluating the effectiveness of animal-assisted activity (AAA) asperceived by older adults. The present research had the objective of studying the effect ofAAA on lives of older adults in Japan. As opined by Houser (2016) theoretical framework in research is responsible forintroducing and describing the theory that explains the reason behind the existence of theresearch problem. The same is the structure holding a theory of a research study. In thepresent article, the researchers defined the concept of animal-assisted activity and thedifferences with animal-assisted therapy (AAT). Due to overlapping in nature of theintervention, references of AAT were also included. The section also put up a majordiscussion about older adults and their mental health, and the relationship with animals. The participants for the study were 8 elderly Japanese women aged between 67 and94 years who resided in a private nursing home in northern Japan. The patients had suffereddementia but were capable of giving consent for participation. Further one participant was
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