
CRM Techniques Research Method


Added on  2021-06-14

25 Pages5163 Words75 Views
Running head: RESEARCH METHODHow CRM are influencing consumer reliabilityName of the studentName of the universityAuthor Note:
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2RESEARCH METHODAbstract The following research is based on the identification of the reliability of the customers towards the CRM Techniques used by the management of Starbucks in Thailand. The following report starts with an introductory part where the topic has been discussed and progresses with thereview of the topic. The review part has used a number of different types of frameworks that are implemented as a part of CRM technique. The methodology part of the chapter follows the review part where the researcher has shown the different methods that are used to deduce the following topic. The research has lastly provided the ethics that are to be used while doing a study.
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3RESEARCH METHODTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................5Central Idea and Purpose of the Research.......................................................................................5Background to the study..................................................................................................................5Importance of the Research.............................................................................................................6Structure of the Present Proposal.....................................................................................................6Literature review:.............................................................................................................................7PEST of Thailand:...........................................................................................................................7Figure 1. Graph showing GDP of Thailand.....................................................................................8Figure 2. Hofstede's tool showing comparison between Thailand and the US...............................9Customer relationship management (CRM):.................................................................................10Brand involvement and four realms of customer experiences:.....................................................11Relationship between CRM, brand and customer experience:......................................................11Methodology..................................................................................................................................12Research Methodology..................................................................................................................12Research Questions........................................................................................................................12Research Philosophy and Justification..........................................................................................13Research Approach and Justification.............................................................................................13Types of Research..........................................................................................................................14
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4RESEARCH METHODResearch Design and Strategies.....................................................................................................15Sampling or Selection Procedures.................................................................................................16Data Collection and Data Analysis Methods.................................................................................16Resources and Time Planning.......................................................................................................17Timeline.........................................................................................................................................18Figure 3- Gantt chart......................................................................................................................19Ethical Considerations...................................................................................................................19Limitations and Outcomes.............................................................................................................20References......................................................................................................................................21
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5RESEARCH METHODIntroduction Central Idea and Purpose of the ResearchThe large-scale competition of foodstuff and beverages at the present moment has led thebusiness enterprises to focus on the CRM activities which are believed to be the success to amodern business. The following research aims to find out the reasons on how CRM policy ofStarbucks helps them to attract most of the customers in Thailand. The research will throw lighton the policies that the management of Starbucks follows to attract customers in the mentionedAsian country. The purpose of the research is to identify the different elements of CRM and determinethe different ways on how Starbucks has been developing CRM strategies in relation to isolatedmarketing segmentation. Background to the studyAs mentioned earlier CRM has been at the helm of affairs at every single businessorganization to develop a fruitful policy that helps the organization to gain a competitiveadvantage in the market place. The development of an effective and proper policy not only helpsthe company to be the market leader but also helps them to be close to the customers(Ariyabuddhiphongs and kahn 2017). Starbucks is a well established name in the food andbeverages market and has its presence in most of the countries of the world. The companybecomes an instant hit in the places where it starts its operations. This happens mostly because ofits well formulated polices that addressees most of the concerns of the customers. The report
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6RESEARCH METHODaims to find out the exact reasons behind the large scale reliability of the Thai customers towardsStarbucks. The CRM policies of Starbucks have been one of the best in the market that is themain reason for the development of the organization. Importance of the ResearchThe research is important as because it will deal with Customer RelationshipManagement which is one of the most important methods of attracting as well as retainingcustomers in the organization or the enterprise. The research will help the readers as well as theother researchers to gather a detailed knowledge on Customer Relationship Management andhow they are effectively used in the policies to attain the market share (Farhan Ellatif and Abed2017). The research will thus focus on the customer specific things that are done by themanagement of the organizations to attain the attention of the customers and ultimately attractingthem through their products and services.Structure of the Present ProposalThe following proposal starts with the introductory part which begins with the centralidea and the background of the research and progresses with the literary review of the said topic.The literature review is followed by the methodology part where the methods to be used in theresearch for gaining the outcome will be discussed in detail. The research methodology willcontain the different approaches to the research and will also provide the justifications forchoosing such approaches to deduce the results of this particular research. The research willproceed according to the timeline that will be provided in the proposal. Last but not the least inany wat6ys the proposal will highlight the ethical considerations and the outcomes of theresearch.
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