
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Summit Foods Limited


Added on  2023-06-18

55 Pages19027 Words342 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataNutrition and WellnessPhilosophy
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Summit Foods Limited_1

The main aim of this study is to explore effect of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty
by focusing upon a case study of Summit Foods Limited. In order to explore effect of customer
satisfaction on brand loyalty, first of all importance of loyalty of customers towards brand in
business has been discussed, importance of customer satisfaction in industry, ways in which an
organization can boost satisfaction level of their customers.
The main purpose of conducting this research is to make an evaluation of relationship
between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. As these terms are closely associated with each
other so with this research an analysis towards this relations is evaluated.
Under this research qualitative method for which inductive approach had been used by
researcher. Other than this interpretivism philosophy had been adopted by researcher for
analysing customers behaviour. In this study both primary and secondary data had been
collected. Secondary data collection had been reduced for developing base of research along with
using thematic data analysis method. In case of primary data collection a survey with selected 25
employees of managerial level, is adopted.
This research will end with the making of analysis of the relationship between the aspect
of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Likewise, certain recommendation to the Summit
Food would also be included that could assist it to raise its customer satisfaction and thereby
brand loyalty. This study further concludes that Brand performance can directly help in
enhancing customer satisfaction and can directly help in enhancing strong loyalty and trust with
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Summit Foods Limited_2

Table of Contents
Aims and Objectives....................................................................................................................3
SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................6
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................13
Research method........................................................................................................................13
Research approach.....................................................................................................................14
Research philosophy..................................................................................................................14
Data collection...........................................................................................................................15
Data analysis..............................................................................................................................16
Ethical considerations................................................................................................................17
Reliability and validity..............................................................................................................17
FINSINGS AND ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................18
DATA INTERPRETATION.........................................................................................................20
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................................40
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Summit Foods Limited_3

Customer satisfaction refers to the aspect that measures the level of satisfaction of
customer with regard to company. In other words it is also known as measurement that shows
that how happy the customers are with the company's products and services (Leninkumar, 2017).
As customer are the key element of the market which denotes that every company must perform
its work in such a manner that they can meet their customer expectation. An analysis of
maintenance of customer satisfaction is an important aspect with the company because it is
having a direct relation with the customer loyalty towards brand. Enabling best services, focus
over quality control and delivery of services as per customer need are all essential aspect with
regard to customer satisfaction. Summit Food being a manufacturer of frozen food and snacks,
need to be highly focussed towards the concept of quality control so that it can maintain and
raise the level of satisfaction of its customers. This will also act as a base that could assist the
Summit Food in terms of management of its brand loyalty along with its enhancement and
grabbing of success.
As customer satisfaction has a direct relation with brand loyalty of the company so a
focus over this aspect would be made necessary for every company. This research will be
focussed over this aspect why customers are important and how they are related with the brand
loyalty of the organization. Likewise, it will also be analysed and research that what are the
various approached that would lead to raise the customer satisfaction.
As customer satisfaction is one of the major aspect in association with the corporate
world and industries. Being a key element and aspect of market, maintenance of customer
satisfaction is one of the important element of the study (Kurdi, Alshurideh and Alnaser, 2020).
As no company would be able to survive in the absence of customers so it is very essential that
an appropriate consideration will be lied towards the aspect while carrying out business
operations. Thus, with the help of this research various approaches in association with customer
satisfaction will be studied and presented. This will also enable and help the company to make
focus along with assisting them to take appropriate steps in the direction of the raising of
customer satisfaction. This research will also be helpful for other researcher and the scholars to
make evaluation of the concept and integrate it for making further analysis. The conduction of
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Summit Foods Limited_4

this research will also guide the company that in order to enhance loyalty of cusotmers they need
to be focussed and considered towards maintaining of customer satisfaction.
Aims and Objectives
To explore the effect of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty. A study on Summit Foods
Research objective:
To identify various approaches of maximising customer satisfaction.
To evaluate the impact of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty.
Research question:
How important for business is brand loyalty?
What is the meaning of customer satisfaction in industry?
How does a business boost customer satisfaction?
What is the effect of client satisfaction on organizational brand loyalty?
This research will be focussed towards the aspect of customer satisfaction and its relation
with loyalty of couthers towards brand. Likewise, a due consideration towards the topic of
quality control and maintenance is also a part of this research. A detail analysis over this concept
with the help of primary and secondary research will also be presented in this research so that the
concept of customer satisfaction in the context of corporate world and chosen Summit Food Ltd
will be determined. Detailed research methodology along with a section of data analysis and
interpretation followed by recommendation will also be a part of this research.
Summit Food Ltd is one of the fast food manufacturer of frozen and microwavable
snacks and food. It is a famous producer of ready tom eat food. It is continuously serving the
market from the last 42 years. It was founded on 1979. Due to this, Summit Food always try to
ensure that its products including sandwiches and snacks would be ready to serve, prepare sell,
and heat and eat. Due to the efficient services and efforts of its employees Summit Food was
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Summit Foods Limited_5

awarded BRC AA accreditation and supported by majority of grocery and food-services
(ABOUT US, 2021). Being possessing a direct relation and connection with customers along with
operating as customer devoted company it always tries to deliver the best quality products to its
Likewise, being a company that belongs to food industry so it always tries to be focussed
towards delivering quality food to its customers at best possible prices. It always performs its
function on the basis of delivering of great tasting experience with value for money to all its
As per its mission statement it works in the direction of making the life easier along with
making everyone's day better with its efficient services and delivery of rich quality and tasty
food at customer durable prices.
As along with changing trends and environmental factors in terms of covid pandemic and
its impact towards the entire world and all the industry with regard to changing rules and
regulations, imposition of restrictions and various other. With these pandemic every industry
including the food industry and concerned companies like Summit Foods also got affected with
regard to its business operations. The economic situation and profit earning capacity along with
operation of business also got affected.
In the same manner changes also occur in the sector and aspect concerning with legal
environment with the evaluation of occurring changes in the legal framework of the country.
This is related with changes that take place with regard to the restaurants, foods and associated
company with respect imposition of restriction and changing serving terms. This has also
impacted the Summit Foods in terms of taking more precautions and be cautious regarding
meeting terms and condition with relation to changing acts and laws. This has lead to the
enhancement of digitalization concept in the context of Summit Foods. Likewise, it has also
raised more opportunities with regard to food and hospitality industry. It is also to be noted here
that the Summit food which is one of the consumer devoted company and always make evolution
in its products with regard to need of customers, has made and adopted the requirement of the
concerned environment and raise its focus towards the concept of hygiene and quality control
and check. This has raised the benefits in association with company along with meeting its
customer's need.
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Summit Foods Limited_6

Quality control at Summit Foods limited is one of the most important thing. They
manufacture and sell Sandwich, hot dog, burger, doner kebab, panini etc. and focus upon
maintaining overall quality of their products. All the frozen and chilled products sold by then are
vegetarian. Their main clients are Booker, Tesco, Aldi, Lidl, Morrissons, Co-op, Iceland etc. If
customers of clients of Summit Foods Ltd are not happy in quality of feed that they have
purchased from their client originations (For example Tesco) then they can directly compliant to
Summit Foods Limited through telephone, mail or letter. These complaints are directly received
by Quality Control Department of Summit Foods Limited and then these things are mentioned to
Production manager So that quality of products can be improved. Thus, along with making sales
to its clients and service partners summit food also make direct sales to its customers through its
stores and online mode. Along with meeting the customer need through direct mode or through
other companies including Aldi, Tesco and others, it builds a high brand loyalty among its
customers. It would be right to state that the Summit Food is known directly among its customers
along with indirect mode too through its service companies and partners.
This industry and concerned companies also faces the issue and challenges with regard to
changing customer taste and preference. This means with the prevailing covid situation, entire
culture of customer regarding food consumption got changed. Now people are more health
conscious and aware towards the hygiene factor (Boyacι-Gündüz and et.al., 2021). Summit Food
being a direct customer dealing company also got affected with this changes in terms of more
careful operation and taking of strategies towards hygiene and safety factors. Since, the customer
trends and preferences change but at the same time an awareness regarding the use and
inculcation of vegan food also raised. This means that now people are fonder to have an
inculcation of vegan food in their diet. This would lead to an emergence of opportunity for
Summit food which would also assist in the raising of sales and profit. As long with changing
social and cultural changes, it is very important that the concerned factors need to be analysed so
that the companies can raise the level of satisfaction among the customers along with meeting
the changing trends. This means that with reference to company and the concerned industry too,
customers are the key element that drive it. Hence, raising of customer satisfaction with the
adoption of various strategies and modes plays an important role. Likewise, it is also to be noted
that as the competition in the concerned industry exist at extensive level which make it more
essential for company and industry to be cautious regarding meeting customer needs. Its major
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Summit Foods Limited_7

competitors include Brake Bros Limited, Palmer and Harvey Mclane Limited. Along with these
competitors the sale and working of the Summit Food is affected at an extensive scale. This will
again assist the companies to be market leader along with imposition of direct impact towards
the brand image.
In the same way it is also to be noted that as along with an adoption of technological
advancement, its policy of home delivery to its customers also add value to its business in terms
of raised sales and profitability. This is because along with meeting the need of its service
partners and customers at its shop it also enable direct food delivery which raised its service
operation and sales volume.
Thus, it can be right to said that the food industry and its concerned companies have a
direct association with the customers and hence, it is more important for them that should be
more aware and careful with regard to maintenance of customer satisfaction with the delivery of
best and quality products. Similarly, consideration towards the concerned environment and the
factors like changing trends, customer needs and wants, cultural changes along with social, and
other factors in order to enhance and raise the customer's satisfaction.
Summit Foods also shares a direct relationship with its corporate customers that would
further assist it in meeting its customer satisfaction. The system that it follows is the chain
system under which it makes supply of its products to its corporate customers which make
further sale of products to its ultimate customer. This is also to be noted that along with making a
direct interaction with its customers it operates majority of its business through corporate
SWOT analysis of Summit Food
Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
The company have
superb performance in
the new markets.
The company have a
strong brand portfolio
as well.
The company have
The company is
unable to forecast the
product demand at
The profit ratio of the
company is the below
the industry’s average
The lower inflation
rates are a major
opportunity for the
The environmental
policies are also an
opportunity as it
The intensity of
competition is a huge
threat to the company.
The company operates
in various countries
which makes it
exposed to the
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty: A Case Study of Summit Foods Limited_8

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