
Customer Service Management for Tourism and Hospitality: Assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Customer ServiceManagement for Tourismand Hospitality
Customer Service Management for Tourism and Hospitality: Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1Different components of CRM Model to build relationship with customers..............................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5Evaluation of theory and practices of effective CRM.................................................................5CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Customer Service Management for Tourism and Hospitality: Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONCustomers play a crucial role in any organisation and they are consider as a king ofmarket area (Mok, Spark sand Kadampully, 2013). Company is developing products and serviceswith motive of satisfying needs and wants of customers. So it is very essentials to develop andmaintain effective relationship with customers. CRM is a technology or strategies which can beused by organisation to interact with customers as well as build strong relations. This report isbased on tourism destinations of London, UK. This place is a capital of England and it is also thelargest city. There are many attractive places that travellers and tourists must visits. Some majorattraction of London are Buckingham Palace, Hop on hop off bus tour, London Eye, Sea LifeLondon, Tower of London and so on. This assignment includes various components of customerrelationship management which helps in attracting customers and developing positiverelationship with customers. Model of CRM that creates values to hospitality and tourismbusiness and their customers. TASK 1Different components of CRM Model to build relationship with customersCustomer relationship management can be define as a various practices or technologywhich help in managing strong relationship with customers. It includes all strategies developedby company in order to improve communication and interaction between customers andorganisation. CRM refer as a technology or techniques used by company for managing itsrelationship with potential customers (Gibson and Parkman, 2018). All these tools andtechniques will help in providing support to organisation in order to build effective relationshipwith customers. CRM focus on organisation's relationship with customers, staff, colleagues,services users and suppliers. It helps business to analyse data and interest with customers in orderto improve products and services of company so that they can offer better services to customers.Purpose of CRM is to increase profitability of company by providing valuable products tocustomers. Its aim is to optimize relationship of company with customers. There are various models of CRM which help hospitality and tourism businesses indeveloping effective strategies. These strategies will help company to build strong relationshipwith customers. Customer will only visit place or hotel when they have good relationship with1
Customer Service Management for Tourism and Hospitality: Assignment_3

them. CRM models have different components which can be used by tourism destination.Different company and operators of London, UK can use CRM Value Chain Model. They canuse this model in order to acquire, nature and build relationship with travellers of this tourismplace. Customer value chain is the chosen model of CRM for creating and developed effectiverelationship with customers (Uysal and Williams, 2013). This model includes set of variousactivities or process of businesses. This CRM model was developed in 1985 by Michael Porterwith motive of developing strategies that will help in increasing relationship of business withcustomers. This model was developed with idea of value chain which is directly based onprocess view of organisation. Value chain is based on the concept of all decision which providesupport tools. This model is based on two components or activities which is primary andsupporting activities. Components of customer relationship managementThere are various components of customer relationship management which are essentialfor its success. These components of customer relationship management are very essential forsuccess of travel organisation. Some of these components with there importance is mentionbelow. Sales force automationThis is very important components as it deal with forecasting, recording sales as well askeeping track on interaction with potential customers. Sales force automation is very helpful inanalysing opportunities for business as it results into increasing sales productivity (Nickson,2013). This is the component which is for generating revenues opportunities as it is undertakingby maximizing business. Human resource managementThis component of CRM will leads to increase effectiveness of management withinorganisation. It deals with usage of human resource and their skills or ability which will help inbuilding effective relationship with customers. This component is useful for utilizing correcthuman resources and their skills or capabilities for better functioning of organisation anddeveloping strong customer relationship. Lead management2
Customer Service Management for Tourism and Hospitality: Assignment_4

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