
Customers Satisfaction in Restaurant Industry PDF


Added on  2021-02-19

43 Pages9511 Words15 Views
Professional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Customers Satisfaction in
Restaurant Industry and
Examination of Transaction
Specific Model
Customers Satisfaction in Restaurant Industry PDF_1

The particular has the detailed information in terms of selected topics that is restaurant
industry and its customers . This repost will help in grabbing the knowledge regarding all the
changes that are needed to be taken in business process to improve its efficiency and
effectiveness. The Ledbury's major issues is about its declining sales. This issues needs the
effective plan and procedure development as to being changes and offer high quality of products.
Section of literature review have been done by identifying review of authors about the customer
satisfaction within hospitality industry. In research methodology section, various methods have
been used including, research approach, primary and secondary method of data collection etc.
Along with this, thematic analysis have been used for analysing accurate data or information
regarding the customer satisfaction. At last, conclusion and recommendation have been done by
addressing each objective of study in systematic manner.
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Topic - Customers Satisfaction in Restaurant Industry & Examination of
Transaction Specific Model- A case on The Ledbury.
In current era restaurant are the most important factors because their contribution is very
high in economy of the country. Chains of both international and local restaurant satisfied the
customer demand by providing different types of goods and services. Different types of food
companies like KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's etc. provide better quality food of to the people along
with the satisfaction of the people. Customer satisfaction is most important factor for restaurant
industry because satisfied customer gives positive effect to the company. Restaurant gets the best
experience by focusing on the needs and requirement of the customer. In present times customers
taste is the main priority for these food companies. These companies offered variety of food
dishes that fulfils the desire of the people. In today's times restaurant start home delivery services
to facilitates the customer of not going out and get better services at home.
Background of the Organisation
In 2005 the famous food company was Ledbury which offered the best food products to
its targeted customers. Central office of Ledbury is at Ledbury road, Notting Hill, London,
England. This restaurant comes under 50 best restaurants of the England but the sale of Ledbury
decreases in the past years because of changing interest and taste of customer towards the
healthy and hygienic food because of this Ledbury start focusing on hygiene rather than
improving the satisfaction of the customer. This will negatively affect the business of Ledbury.
Because of this Ledbury loses the customer relation this will result in major decrease in sales of
the company.
Research Aim
“To identity the value of customer satisfaction within restaurant industry and to
analyse the specific transaction model-A study on Ledbury”
Research Objectives
To provide the understanding of values and concept of customer's satisfaction.
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To assess various determinants of customer satisfaction in the organization.
To evaluate the impact of, service quality, product reliability, price and physical design
for satisfying customers.
To assess the challenges faced by a company on delivering high level of customer
Research Questions
Define the values and concepts of customer satisfaction ?
What are the determinants of customer satisfaction within the organization ?
Evaluate the impact of service quality, product reliability, price and physical design for
customer satisfaction ?
Explain what challenges have faced by the company on delivering high level of customer
experience ?
Customer satisfaction is the main reason for organizing the process of investigation
because it plays an important role in the restaurant industry this investigation process helps the
owner and manager of the restaurant to make effective and efficient strategies (Haghighi and et.
al.,2012). Investigation helps to know about what customer is actually wants in present it can
help in improving the strategies of increasing business in the restaurant. After evaluating the
wants and demands of the customer changes could be take place within the restaurant.
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Literature Review
Literature review is the most important part of every investigation process because it
helps in collecting the important data on that topic. Main purpose of this section is to analysis
gaps and conflicts in previous investigation. Along with this, with the use of this research
section, researcher become able to address each objective of study systematically and accurately.
Concept and Values of customer satisfaction:
According to Haghighi and et. al., (2012), expectation of consumer can be fulfilled by
only by using the products and services of any company. Customer focus on increasing loyalty
and trust for a particular brand and increasing growth of market share in the business. Customer
is the main source for the growth of any company so it is important to know the expectation of
Values of customer satisfactions:
According to the Hanaysha, 2016, every company wants their customer will be satisfied
by their products and services because success of any company depends only on their satisfied
customer. In this changing environment the needs and demands of the customer is changing very
fast so it is easy for customer to shift in other brands according to their present lifestyles, needs
and wants. With effective and efficient relation with customer it will automatically create the
revenue of the company. Positive marketing comes from good relation with customer by
different communication channels used for increasing competition in market and across the
national boundaries.
According to Sarah Chambers, customers satisfaction doesn't impact the business
activities but also impact on the moral as well as retention rate of employees working for a
company. Customer satisfaction is key to developing long term relationship with respective
customers. For keeping healthy relationship with consumers it is important for a company to
provide quality product and service to meet the satisfaction level of end users. More satisfied
consumers are likely to purchase the product often and become brand loyal for particular
Once a customer placed trust into a company they contentiously indulge in doing
business with company. Satisfaction also depend upon how company is managing their after
Customers Satisfaction in Restaurant Industry PDF_7

sales services with their clients. It ca further be analysed by doing effective market research,
feedback and queries of people. Customers satisfaction in the essence of the services which is
provided by the organisation. Enterprise must develop sustainable supply and distribution
channel in order to provide product in time. As consumers have become more demanding and
versatile in purchasing product.
On the other hand Hapsari, Clemes and Dean, 2016, hiTopic - Customers Satisfaction in
Restaurant Industry & Examination of Transaction Specific Model- A case on The Ledbury.
In current era restaurant are the most important factors because their contribution is very
high in economy of the country. Chains of both international and local restaurant satisfied the
customer demand by providing different types of goods and services. Different types of food
companies like KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's etc. provide better quality food of to the people along
with the satisfaction of the people. Customer satisfaction is most important factor for restaurant
industry because satisfied customer gives positive effect to the company. Restaurant gets the best
experience by focusing on the needs and requirement of the customer. In present times customers
taste is the main priority for these food companies. These companies offered variety of food
dishes that fulfils the desire of the people. In today's times restaurant start home delivery services
to facilitates the customer of not going out and get better services at home.
Background of the Organisation
In 2005 the famous food company was Ledbury which offered the best food products to
its targeted customers. Central office of Ledbury is at Ledbury road, Notting Hill, London,
England. This restaurant comes under 50 best restaurants of the England but the sale of Ledbury
decreases in the past years because of changing interest and taste of customer towards the
healthy and hygienic food because of this Ledbury start focusing on hygiene rather than
improving the satisfaction of the customer. This will negatively affect the business of Ledbury.
Because of this Ledbury loses the customer relation this will result in major decrease in sales of
the company.
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