
Challenges in Educating Indian Migrants in Green PDF


Added on  2021-04-21

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Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataLanguages and Culture
Challenges in Educating Indian Migrants in Green PDF_1

DATA ANALYSIS: CHALLENGES IN EDUCATING INDIAN MIGRANTS INGREEN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION1Table of ContentsIntroduction:...............................................................................................................................2Evaluation of the findings:.........................................................................................................2CHALLENGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDIAN MIGRANTS...........................................6EXTRA EFFORT.................................................................................................................12ARE INDIAN MIGRANTS MORE CAPABLE THAN LOCAL LABOUR.....................13Summarising the Findings........................................................................................................14MITIGATING STRATEGY................................................................................................15Conclusion................................................................................................................................17Bibliography:............................................................................................................................19
Challenges in Educating Indian Migrants in Green PDF_2

DATA ANALYSIS: CHALLENGES IN EDUCATING INDIAN MIGRANTS INGREEN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION2Introduction:Challenges in educating Indian migrants in the green construction industry is the topicof the proposed research work. The literature review & methodology of the discussedliterature review have been done in the previous parts which enabled the author to earn an in-depth analysis of the subject and how to evaluate it. The deemed section will focus onfindings the facts that can answer the research questions and are capable of answering theways that can assist in mitigating the identified challenges. The data for the discussedresearch work were collected through secondary means from the literary work of the past andit has been highlighted that the challenges associated with educating Indian migrants aremostly related to some factors. The core factors are the barriers (language & cultural), lack ofinitiative, attitude, complexity associated with green construction and similar other factors.Each of the factors will be evaluated to justify their viability. The deemed section willattempt to determine if there are other factors that are crucial for the challenges that Indianmigrants offer to the project management team of the green building construction. The dataanalysis has been categorised in different sections that includes introducing the subjectfollowed by evaluation of the findings. Finally, summarising the result to propose themitigation strategy before concluding the research work. Evaluation of the findings:The deemed section will evaluate the data that had been collected from the secondarysources. The table of findings has been attached as follows to some the core sources of datacollection along with a brief description of the assistance that those sources offered in thedata collection process.SlNo:Source (Address)Keyword forsearchDescription1.Ling, F. Y. Y., Dulaimi, M.F., & Chua, M. (2012).Indian migrants inconstructionThis source enabled theauthor to understand the
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DATA ANALYSIS: CHALLENGES IN EDUCATING INDIAN MIGRANTS INGREEN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION3Strategies for managingmigrant construction workersfrom China, India, and thePhilippines.Journal ofProfessional Issues inEngineering Education andPractice,139(1), 19-26.industry.managing challenges that theIndian workers can offer inconstruction industry.2.Yang, R. J., & Zou, P. X.(2014). Stakeholder-associated risks and theirinteractions in complex greenbuilding projects: A socialnetwork model.Building andEnvironment,73, 208-222.Stakeholderassociated risk ingreenconstructionindustry.The deemed source assistedin understanding thedifficulties in greenconstruction industry that areassociated with thestakeholders. It enabled theauthor to predict thechallenges that the Indianmigrants may offer to greenconstruction industry.3.Gan, X., Zuo, J., Ye, K.,Skitmore, M., & Xiong, B.(2015). Why sustainableconstruction? Why not? Anowner's perspective.HabitatInternational,47, 61-68.Challenges ingreenconstruction.The source assisted inunderstanding the challengesin green construction from anowner’s perspective. Themost prominent reason forthem is money and becauseof which they hire migrantworker which can be used inthe discussed research to citewhy the project owner &managers are willing toinvest in educating Indianmigrants.4.Tan, Y., & Lester, L. H.(2012). Labour market andeconomic impacts ofinternational working holidaytemporary migrants toAustralia.Population, spaceand place,18(3), 359-383.Indian migrantsworkers inAustralianconstructionindustryThis source enabled theauthor to understand theperception of the localworkers towards migrantworker which can besummarised to identify thechallenge that Indianmigrants may face ineducating themselves ingreen construction.5.Hwang, B. G., & Ng, W. J.(2013). Project managementknowledge and skills forgreenconstruction:Overcomingchallenges.InternationalJournal of ProjectManagement,31(2), 272-284..Employeeassociatedchallenges ingreenconstructionindustryThe source enabled the userto identify the challenges in agreen construction industrywhich would be comparedwith challenges withmigrants and Indian migrantsto identify the Indianmigrantsassociatedchallenges in greenconstruction.
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DATA ANALYSIS: CHALLENGES IN EDUCATING INDIAN MIGRANTS INGREEN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION46Bratsberg, B., & Raaum, O.(2012). Immigration andwages: Evidence fromconstruction.The EconomicJournal,122(565), 1177-1205.Indian migrantsworkers inAustralianconstructionindustryThe deemed source enabledthe author to understand theimpact of migrants in wageswhich would formulate theperception of the projectstakeholders towards them.7.Buckley, M. (2012). FromKerala to Dubai and backagain: construction migrantsand the global economiccrisis.Geoforum,43(2), 250-259.Indian migrantsworkers inAustralianconstructionindustryIt enabled the author tounderstand the perception ofIndian immigrants inconstruction industry whichwould decide their efforttowards learning in greenconstruction tools &techniques.8.Rubdy, R., & McKay, S. L.(2013). “Foreign workers” inSingapore: conflictingdiscourses, language politicsand the negotiation ofimmigrant identities.Indian migrantsworkers inAustralianconstructionindustryThe findings from thediscussed source wouldenable the author tounderstand the cultural andlanguage barrier associatedwith Indian migrants inconstruction industry.Table 1: Table of Source(Source: Created by Author)The table have cited the core source of data collection and depending on the findingsfrom the above-stated sources and other sources the findings have been categorised infollowing three sub-categories that will be evaluated to summarise the findings. Thecategories have also been inspired by the research questions and has been developedaccordingly.CHALLENGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDIAN MIGRANTSOne of the most emigrating citizens are from India and according to the figure offeredby world bank it was around 13.88 million in 2013 (Rajan, 2015). The deemed figure can betake in consideration to cite mass number of Indian migrants in the construction industry. Thesubject (Indian migrants) are readily available and are even willing to work at lower wagesthen the other labours (Rajan, 2015). However, along with all the benefits offered by thesubject in construction industry they also offer a high degree of challenges to the project
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DATA ANALYSIS: CHALLENGES IN EDUCATING INDIAN MIGRANTS INGREEN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION5managers. The literary work of the past and other sources have identified the followingchallenges that are offered by the Indian migrants. Barriers:According to Joseph, (2017), “Cultural and language differences can hinder effectivecommunication”. The general barriers that any project team faces when they are associatedwith the migrants are the cultural and communicational barrier. They are the most prominentfactors which if not mitigated at the minimum possible time are capable of citing adverseimpact on the project in progress. The discussed barriers/constraints have been discussed asfollows:COMMUNICATION: Around 10% of the Indian citizen speak English which isaround 125 million people making the country second most English spoken countryfollowing US. The cited figure is huge however, in terms of India it is very little (Masani,2012). Additionally, the discussed 10% are mostly those people who are highly educated andare basically established in India. Hence, the low skilled & low-educated labours who worksin the construction industry abroad are not so fluent in English or any other foreign language.The discussed barrier cites major challenge for the project managers in communicating themessage or procedure that they wish the labour would work according to. The discussed challenge can be mitigated by hiring an Indian in project managementteam. However, that would also not omit the challenge completely because India is a bi-lingual country where 22 languages are official, around 1652 languages are spoken and 150of them have a large number of speakers (Sawe, 2018). The most spoken language of India isHindi but only 41.1% of Indian are fluent in that language while the other may or may notknow the basics about the language (Jain, 2017). Hence, even if there is an Indian individualin the project management team, it is not feasible for them to be fluent in 1652 or 150 or even
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