
Data Handling And Business Intelligence


Added on  2023-06-18

17 Pages3234 Words184 Views
Data Handling And Business Intelligence_1

Table of Contents
Use of excel for pre-processing, analysing and visualizing the data...........................................3
Descriptive statistics....................................................................................................................7
2.1 Presentation of Screenshots of steps for clustering...............................................................9
2.2 Data mining method............................................................................................................14
2.3 SPSS vs Excel......................................................................................................................15
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Use of excel for pre-processing, analysing and visualizing the data
As data is always available in raw form which is very difficult to make understand.
Likewise, the quantity of data in terms of its wideness is also large. Here excel plays an
important role in terms of pre-processing the data under which the data is being converted into
understandable mode. This is usually performed with the help of inculcation of table and
arrangement of data in rows and columns in such a manner that it will be easy to understand by
user. It is also to be noted that the arrangement of data is performed within rows and columns so
that relationship between variables will be established (Kaur and Garg, 2019). This will be
counted as base and important step under which raw data is converted in understandable manner
with its presentation in rows and columns. Along with pre-processing, excel also plays an
important role in analysing the data with the involvement of its features of formulas and
functions of calculation including regression, pivot tables and various others. This will lead to
have better analysis of data so that its outcome and results will be analysed in effective manner.
It is also to be considered that along with the function of graphs and charts of excel data can not
only be pre-processed but it will also be presented in such a manner that its analysis can be
performed in effective manner.
As pre-processing involves presentation of data in understandable manner so with the
help of excel and its features including table and graphs data will not only be gathered in
summarize form but it will raise the interpretation and understanding of the data (Ellis and Leek,
2018). Charts and graphs will enable the user to make analysis of the trends along with
determining the meaning of data. This is further related with the data visualization because when
data will be in raw mode and when it is being arranged in tables and charts then it will be
visually visible and presentable (Sandnes and et.al., 2020). This means that with a look over the
prepared charts and tables the meaning of data will be determined. Thus, it would be right to said
that excel plays an important role with regard to pre-processing, analysing and visualization of
However, on the other hand, it is to be noted that although excel is used as best mode of
pre-processing but it includes various risk and loopholes with respect to this concept. This is
because when data is being inserted in rows and columns then it will lead to have occurrence of
errors in terms of missing of data, wrong typing, difficulty while handling big data, occurrence of
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manual errors and various others (Abasova and et.al., 2018). With regard to the presence of these
loopholes, it would not be wrong to said that although excel is best with respect to data pre-
processing but there is an involvement of high percentage of errors. This will lead to have mis-
interpretation or creation of wrong understanding with respect to data.
With respect to the data of sales and profit of Superstore, excel and its function of charts
and graphs plays an important role. This is because with the involvement of charts and graphs
big data can be summarized in easy and presentable mode so that the trends and information
pertaining to data will be analysed adequately. With regard to the data of Superstore and its
presentation with the function of charts and graphs following steps were taken:
The initial step begin with the use of filter function of excel which lead to make
arrangement and extraction of relevant data.
After applying filter, range related with sales will be selected so that the relevant data of
sales will arrived out of the huge available data.
Following to this range of specific year along with the sum formula will be applied so
that the sales of that specific year will come. In this way sum total of sales figures of
2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 will be determined.
Similar steps right from applying filter till application of sum formula will lead to arise
the sum of profit figures of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
In the later stage, the range of data will be selected followed by selecting the graphs and
charts function. After that a suitable graph will be selected so that the data will be
presented in informative manner.
Along with the preparation, it is being analysed that there is an existence of positive
relationship between sales and profit of Superstore. This means that with a rise in sales
the percentage of profit will also raise.
With the following of above steps and making presentation of data it would be concluded
that there is an existence of positive relationship between sales and profit and the
Superstore must need to focus over the aspect of raising sales of products so that profit
will also increase.
Graphical representation:
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