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Design Thinking Course: Personal and Knowledge Development


Added on  2023/06/03

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This report reflects on the activities undertaken in a Design Thinking course, identifying personal and knowledge development attributes, deficits, and an action plan. The course helped in establishing an empathetic approach, logical reasoning, and identifying the needs of entrepreneurs. The report also highlights the importance of innovation, divergent and convergent thinking, and prototyping in enhancing the efficacy of design propositions.

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Running head: DESIGN IT
Name of the student
Name of the university
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Table of Contents
Blogs of 10 weeks............................................................................................................................2
Reflective report..............................................................................................................................7
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................7
2. Personal development..................................................................................................................8
3. Knowledge development...........................................................................................................11
4. Action plan.................................................................................................................................13
5. Conclusion.................................................................................................................................16
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Blogs of 10 weeks
Week 1
The week’s learning emphasized on the needs of undertaking innovation and the manner
in which the innovation helps the entrepreneur in enhancing the sustainability options. The week
also exemplified the manner in which the designing process will be helping to enhance the
innovativeness of the business models. Innovation helps the organizations in maintaining the
proficiency of the functions and thereby hold a competitive position in the worldwide markets.
The week introduced the chief responsibilities of the designer in assisting organizations in
undertaking the sustainable approach through innovative designs. I felt the concept rather simple;
however, the activities that we were supposed to undertake during the week were to analyze the
capabilities of the firms while operating in the diverse markets. The lecturer provided us with
company case studies in order to identify the chief needs of organizations to bring forth changes
in the business model. It has helped in instilling an analytical vision among the candidates, which
will be helping to enhance the operations of the designers.
Week 2
The week’s learning is based on the identification of the diverse design thinking
methodologies, which will be helping the designer in maintaining the efficacy of the design as
per the concern of the entrepreneurs. Designing is mostly based on the identification of the client
concern through empathetic approach that was taught in week 2. The classification of the
situation and thereby implementing suitable methodology will be helping the designers in
resolving the diverse concerns of the designer. Lucid understanding of the methodologies will be
assisting the designers in maintaining the efficacy at work while identifying the issues that are
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faced by the customers. The week has enumerated the different methodologies through which the
designer might bring forth innovations in the design as per the needs of the customers. The
enumeration of the empathetic approach and the manner in which ideation and prototyping can
be utilized as effective tools of devising an innovative design is being induced in the candidates.
It has helped in enhancing the efficacy of the designers while operating on the diverse needs of
the customers.
Week 3
Week 3 introduced the concept of logical reasoning and the manner in which the same
might be undertaken in order to enhance the functioning of the business operations. The
Divergent and convergent thinking procedures will be helping the designer in enhancing the
operations as per the objectives of the business entrepreneur. The different steps that are required
to be undertaken by the designers is supported through the logical reasoning abilities of the same.
utilization of Mind mapping and different other tools is being introduced in this week which will
be helping to enhance the logical reasoning skills of the designer while recreating models as per
the needs of the customers. The key elements of change in the organizational structure are
supported through the smooth functioning of the systems of the business operations as per the
need of the customers. The divergent and convergent procedures, introduced in the session, will
be helping the designers in adhering to organizational requirements. It will be helping the
designers in creating effective organizational designs through utilization of suitable decision
making systems, which will help in maintaining the efficacy.

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Week 4
The identification of the different problems helps the designer in undertaking different
steps in order to enhance the functioning of the business operations. Week 4 enumerated the
different ways through which the empathetic approach of the designers might be utilized in order
to identify the issues and thereby mitigate the same. The week introduced diverse range of issues
in the organizational contexts in the form of case studies and we were required to identify the
issues and analyze the same. The identification of the issues will be helping the designer in
modifying the designs as pr the concerns of the customers. The week’s sessions has helped me in
developing analytical skills. It will be helping me to bring forth modifications in the designs as
per the diverse needs of the customers.
Week 5
Week 5 introduced the concept of Journey mapping which assists the designer in creating
different levels for achieving the common goal. The week depicted the different manner through
which the designer can initiate the practices related mind mapping and brainstorming. The
week’s learning was aimed at making the candidates well aware of the utilization of the
procedures through the core attributes. The lecturer introduced different manner in which the
journey mapping might be undertaken. The concept of creating the journey map seemed to be
complex to me from the very first time it was introduced. However, the application of the same
in the different organizational context has helped in clarifying the manner in which it might be
utilized for mapping the different tasks and thereby listing the same as per the priorities of the
client. The activities will be helping me to set different parameters and thereby set definite
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pathways through which the tasks might be completed as per the needs of the customers. It will
be helping the designer in creating lucid designs for organizations.
Week 6
The week 6 activities focused on inducing the understanding of value chain analysis of
the organizations. Alternatively, the week’s activities introduced the concept of mind mapping
which will be helping the designers in enumerating the different pathways through which the
smooth functioning of the project parameters can be instilled. The description of the value chain
analysis and the segmentation of the same have helped the candidates in understanding the
different proponents of the organizational value chain. The micro analysis of the organizational
value chain will be helping the designers in understanding the position of the company and the
capabilities and competencies that might be faced by the same while operating as per the diverse
needs of the customers. On the other hand, the lecturer provided us with a brief on the mind
mapping tool and the manner in which it may be utilized in order to enhance the proposed
design. The activities based on the application of the mind mapping tool on the different
organizational contexts has helped in clarifying the concept of the tool and its utilization in
different organizational models.
Week 7
The week introduced the different Research approaches that might be utilized by the
designer in order to understand the concerns of the entrepreneur. The data collection and analysis
methodology that might be utilized by the designer is based on the identification of the needs of
the customers. The week also enumerated different Ethical considerations for the designer in
order to enhance the functioning of the same while operating of the diverse need of the client.
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The week introduced the theoretical explorations of different research approaches and the
manner in which analysis might be undertaken by the designers in order to enhance the
functioning of the business as per the concerns. The week also enumerated the different scopes
and responsibilities of the designers in different situations relating to the assistances. The
activities exemplified the manner in which the designer might function in the different
organizational situations. It has helped me in developing skills of my adaptable nature, which
will be helping me to act in different organizational situations.
Week 8
The week’s learning emphasizes on understanding the efficacy of prototyping and the
manner in which the suitable operations of the designing aspects might be implemented through
the creation of solutions in order to resolve the challenges. The module induced the manner in
which the challenges can be outnumbered through the application of relevant models that suit the
business needs. The week emphasized on the manner in which efficient prototyping can be
undertaken through the utilization of varied technologically proven concepts and ideas. The
activities included the review of different models and the application of the same in the
designing aspects in order to validate the mechanisms. At first, the concept of correlating the
different idea with different models for validation was complex as we had little knowledge of the
models that might be used for the process. However, the lecturer provided us with some of the
models that are mostly utilized in the organizational context.
Week 9
The week emphasized on understanding the different factors that influences the safe
launch of the idea while considering the concerns of the entrepreneur. Proficiency of the

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functions of the designer greatly influences the project. On the other hand, the module also
helped in enhancing the proficiency of the designer’s perception as per the needs of the client.
The different factors that were enumerated in the class helped in the clear understanding of the
needs of the organization while operating in the diverse scenarios. The identification of the
factors that might influence the safe implementation of the project in the organizational context
has helped in enhancing the designing functions. The lecturer introduced different organizational
contexts and thereby asked us to analyze the capabilities of the same while implementing the
design to resolve the concerns. The lecturer also advised us to choose the most viable model to
correlate to the designs that are framed by us as per the analysis of the needs of the organization.
Week 12
The week aimed at concluding the lessons that were taught during the course. It has
helped in initiating a recap of the lessons to help the students in making a note of the practices
that are expected while operating as diligent designers. The approaches and responsibilities along
with the approach that is required to be considered by the designers is lectured in order to ingrain
the qualities of a perfect designer.
Reflective report
1. Introduction
Design thinking is a practice that is based on the identification of the issues that are faced
by the clients and thereby developing feasible solutions in order to mitigate the issues through
utilization of pre- defined procedures. The key activities that are undertaken by the designers are
based on the utilization of empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. It helps the
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designers in understanding the issues that are faced by the clients and thereby define, ideate,
prototyping and testing of the idea in order to resolve the issues.
The report will be reflecting on the activities that were undertaken by the individual in
the course and thereby identify the diverse personal and knowledge development attributes. On
the other hand, the different deficits that are identified during the process is addressed through
the formulation of an action plan. The purpose of undertaking the reflective report is to identify
the different flaws and strong points in an individual while performing as a designer through the
better understanding of the need of the customer and proficient decision making skills.
2. Personal development
The course has helped me in identifying the different challenges that might be faced by
me while performing as per the concerns of the customer. Lack of suitable communication skills
has affected the manner in which I might interact with the clients. Köppen and Meinel (2015)
stated that empathy is one of the major elements through which the client’s concern can be
identified more efficiently by placing oneself in the position of the entrepreneur. The
identification of the issues that are faced by the entrepreneur will be helping the designers in
maintaining the efficacy of the design.
The course enumerated the needs of the organizations to undertake innovative practices
and the factors through which innovation is influenced. It has helped me in assuming the needs
of the entrepreneurs and the manner in which the concerns of the business management can be
resolved through application of technology based design tools. Venkatesh et al. (2012) stated
that the application of divergent and convergent thinking procedures assists in enhancing the
designing aspects. The core attributes aimed at assisting the different aspects of change in the
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organizational setup in order to enhance the proper functioning of the designers function as per
the concerns of the clients. On the other hand, different issues that are being identified will be
helping the designers in undertaking modifications for eliminating the issues.
The course has helped me in establishing an empathetic approach, which has helped me
in understanding the situation faced by the entrepreneurs and suggest most feasible model
through an analysis of their business offerings. Birkeland (2012) stated that the activities relating
to utilization of the empathetic approach and brainstorming in the week has helped in inducing
the different roles among the designers for efficient functioning. The module has helped me in
identifying the different flaws relating to lack of proper understanding of the needs of the
customers. It has thereby helped me in undertaking suitable personal development mechanisms
for enhancing the efficacy of the functions. The course has helped me in understanding the
issues that are faced by the entrepreneurs and thereby delineate different frameworks in order to
mitigate the issues (Kim & Ryu, 2014).
During the course, I was introduced to a scenario where a day is spent in beach. The
probable issues that might be faced by the individuals and the relevant mitigation strategies were
required to be assumed through application of brainstorming methods. It has helped the designers
in understanding the manner in which the problems can be identified and mitigated. The module
has helped in exemplifying the varied ways through which the logical reasoning can be
undertaken after analyzing the position of the business (Carlgren, Elmquist & Rauth, 2014).
The module also portrays the manner in which the core values of the designers might be
developed and the manner in which the designers might reflect on the activities in order to
enhance the operations. The non- linear nature of the design process has helped the organizations
in maintaining the efficacy of the functions.

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The enumeration of the DT process and the roles that are required to be played by the
designers as per the understanding the client’s concerns help in enhancing the efficacy of the
design propositions. The week’s lessons enumerated the varied approaches that are required to be
undertaken by the designers. The identification of the roles and responsibilities of the designer in
the week’s learning has helped in delineating the chief purpose of the designers in improving the
situations that are faced by the entrepreneurs (Beverland, Wilner & Micheli, 2015). On the
other hand, the diverse range procedures that might be undertaken by the designers are also being
enumerated in the week’s learning. It has helped in understanding the role of the designers in
managing the organizational innovation approaches. The identification of the needs of the
customers and the idea generation as per the concerns of the client will be helping the designer in
upholding the efficacy of the functions. On the other hand, the week introduced us to different
blogging practices in order to reflect on our activities for the better understanding of the concepts
relating to designing in an organizational context.
Ideation of a concept and the decision on the same in order to implement the idea on the
business model will be facilitated through the smooth functioning of the business systems.
Fischer (2015) stated that defining the persona is perhaps one of the critical tasks that are
required to be undertaken by the designers for creating the pathway as per the concerns of the
entrepreneur. The course has helped me in understanding the role of persona in devising the best
design in accordance with the concerns of the entrepreneur. Innovation is one of the major
concerns that are faced by the organizations. The innovativeness of the idea that is proposed by
the designers helps the organization in achieving a competitive edge while operating in the
diverse markets (Kim & Ryu, 2014).
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3. Knowledge development
The knowledge of the utilizing the DT tools in an efficient manner is being supported
through the scheduled course frame. The course has helped me in understanding the different
situations and thereby adapt to the changes in order to cope with the varied requirements of the
clients. The innovativeness of the ideas is based on the suitable understanding of the concerns of
the customer. De Souza (2012) stated that empathy plays a major role in the planning process as
it helps in the lucid understanding of the concern of the clients and thereby helps in formulating
strategies for mitigating the issues. On the other hand, the elimination of different prejudices
while brainstorming the relevant solution to the concerns of the clients is being induced through
the course. It has helped me in understanding the manner in which decisions are meant to be
undertaken in order to enhance the operations as per the concern of the clients.
Liedtka (2014) stated that the judgmental approach of the designer affects the ability to
empathize and thereby reflect on the concerns of the customer. It might affect the designing
process that is adhered by the designer. Therefore, the course has helped me in identifying the
different biases and thereby eliminate the same in order to undertake efficient designing
functions, which are based on the decision making proponents. It will be helping the designers
in identifying the different lines of contact and thereby bring forth changes in the systems while
considering the needs of the clients.
The assignments that were offered during the week required the students to brainstorm
different issues that might arise out of the designs that are created by the same. The key changes
in the organizational context are dependent on the identification of the issues and thereby
contemplate varied mitigation strategies through logical reasoning. The manner in which the
designer might identify client’s concern and enumerate different methodologies to resolve the
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concerns are exemplified as a part of the module. During the learning process, we were
introduced to the different key factors that influence innovation in an organizational model. The
different research approaches that might be utilized by the designer is also being enumerated as a
part of the module. It has helped me in understanding the different approaches that are required
to be considered in order to adhere to the requirements of the client.
Müller and Thoring (2012) stated that the application of suitable methodology will be
helping the designer in enhancing the proficiency of the functions that are undertaken by the
same. Therefore, the application of suitable mind mapping and brainstorming elements will be
facilitated through suitable understanding of client concerns. The lessons that were offered
during the course enumerated the varied aspects of aesthetics and communication. On the other
hand, the lessons has helped me in improving my communication skills which are required for
interviewing with the client in order to identify the issues that are faced by the same. On the
other hand, the application of favourable models and approaches as per the business needs will
be helping me to undertake suitable designing while considering the concerns of the client.
Bjögvinsson, Ehn and Hillgren (2012) stated that the adaptive nature of the designers to
different circumstances helps in understanding the concern more dynamically. Therefore, the
course will be helping me to identify the varied vulnerabilities while performing the specific
functions in order to enhance the designing aspects. On the other hand, the innovative approach
of the designers helps the organizations in maintaining their proficiency while implementing
radical changes in their models. The course has helped me in understanding the manner in which
the DT tools might be utilized. Approach also plays a major role in supporting the functions that
are planned by the designer while forging different models to suit the purpose of business
innovation. The course has helped me in understanding the needs of the organization to

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undertake dynamic innovations practices. It has helped me in implementing an updated
knowledge of the market demands in order to enhance the operations of the business while
operating in the diverse markets.
JohanssonSköldberg, Woodilla and Çetinkaya (2013) stated that the identification of
the needs of the organization helps in supporting the new framework that is proposed by the
designers. In this connection, the course has helped me in enhancing my communication skills in
order to identify the issues that are faced by the entrepreneur. The prototyping activities are
based on delineation of proper frameworks in order to enhance the performance of the business
operations. The key elements of change in the organizational performance are based on the
design that is suggested by the designers. The proper identification of the issues that are faced by
the organization and the understanding of the needs of the same to bring forth the radical change
will be helping the designer in supporting the organizational concern. During the course
activities, I was introduced to different situations, which has helped me in understanding the
chief challenges that might be faced by the designers in different point of time. The identification
of the challenges has helped me in brainstorming different mitigation strategies in order to
address the concerns of the business.
4. Action plan
Goals Activities Timeframe Rationale
Building up
Creating short
questionnaires in
order to
4- 5 months The communicability of
the designer will be
helping the same in
understanding the issues
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with the clients
interactions with
the clients
approach in
order to
understand the
Recording the
issues through
that are faced by the
clients more
dynamically. The
proper identification of
the issues will be
helping the designer in
formulating different
strategies and models in
order to resolve the
Efficient mind mapping Identification of
the broad heads
of the issues
solutions for the
3- 7 months The efficiency in mind
mapping will be helping
the designer in
understanding the
different tasks that are
required to be
undertaken by the
designer in order to
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Selection of the
best solution
Defining the
scope of the
solution in the
context of the
issue that is
being identified
by the designer
comply with the
innovative approach of
the entrepreneur. On the
other hand, the potential
mind mapping
technology will be
helping the designer in
maintaining the efficacy
of the functions as per
the needs of the
entrepreneur through
definition of the
schedule and costs
Building on the
Adaptive nature
Identification of
the situation that
is being faced by
the entrepreneur
and thereby
frameworks in
order to support
the same
with the
9- 12 months The adaptive nature of
the designer will be
helping to operate in
diverse situation
through a better
understanding of the
client’s position. The
adaptive nature of the
designer ensures the
flexibility of operations
of the same, which
contributes to the

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circumstances innovative approach
5. Conclusion
Therefore, from the above reflection it can be stated that the proper functioning of the
business enterprises are based on the designs that are created by the designers. The application of
an empathetic approach and the manner in which the approach helps the designer in
understanding the concern of the entrepreneur is being devised as a part of the analysis. On the
other hand, the definition of the roles and the manner in which they can be implemented through
thorough prototyping methodology is also being discussed. The reflection is based on the
analysis of the personal and knowledge development attributes that are induced in the individuals
through the course. The different models and approaches that are enumerated in the course has
helped in enhancing the functions as per the objectives of the designer to support the needs of the
entrepreneur. On the other hand, the report also enumerates an action plan, which will be helping
the designer in improving the approach as per the needs of the entrepreneur. The different sets of
activities that are required to be considered by the designer are empathize, define, ideate,
prototype, and test, which will be helping the same in identifying the issues and formulating
diverse range of strategies in order to suit the needs of the business entrepreneurs. Efficient
designing will facilitate the designer in enhancing the operations while operating in the different
Document Page
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knowledge. In Design thinking research(pp. 15-28). Springer, Cham.
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Liedtka, J. (2014). Innovative ways companies are using design thinking. Strategy &
Leadership, 42(2), 40-45.
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