
Network Design for Organization


Added on  2020-03-16

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Network Design for Organization_1

TABLE OF Contents
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................... 3
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................... 3
Project Goal.................................................................................................................................. 3
Project Scope.................................................................................................................................... 4
A4A Network system................................................................................................................. 4
Project scope statements.......................................................................................................... 4
Background information ........................................................................................................... 4
Project business case................................................................................................................ 5
Project deliverables................................................................................................................... 5
Design requirements................................................................................................................. 5
Business Goals and Constraints.................................................................................................... 5
Business goals.......................................................................................................................... 5
Business constraints.................................................................................................................. 6
Technical Goals and Tradeoffs...................................................................................................... 7
Technical goals......................................................................................................................... 7
Tradeoffs................................................................................................................................... 8
User Communities and Network Applications............................................................................ 9
List of Assumptions....................................................................................................................... 9
Logical Network Design............................................................................................................... 10
Explanation and justification logical design............................................................................. 10
The list of routing and switching protocols, and security mechanisms....................................11
Physical Network Design............................................................................................................. 12
The final network diagram....................................................................................................... 12
Explanation and justification of selected devices and applications..........................................15
A test plan used to test the new network.................................................................................... 16
Overall project scope and objectives....................................................................................... 16
Test objectives and success criteria........................................................................................ 17
Test resources required........................................................................................................... 17
Test schedule.......................................................................................................................... 18
Detailed test script for the test plan........................................................................................ 19
Brief Reflection........................................................................................................................... 20
The User, Business And Security Requirements Of The Organisation In Relation To Network
Design..................................................................................................................................... 20
The user, business and security requirements analysis...........................................................20
The possible alternative logical and physical network designs................................................21
Network design using the top-down network design methodology..........................................22
The final documentation of the designed network...................................................................22
Justification that the designed network satisfies the requirements..........................................24
One thing I liked the most about this unit............................................................................... 25
One suggestion to improve the unit........................................................................................ 25
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................... 26
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Executive Summary
The Academics for Academics (A4A) is an organization that is located in Australia
and it has two branches where one is located at Sydney while the other is in Singapore ,the
main aim of this company is to ensure there is growth in institutions of learning .
This company ensure growth in those institutions by ensuring that it had contracted
professionals who are later posted in those institutions of learning to offer training services.
For the institutions to have allocated these professionals they need to be registered as
member institutions through the A4A management.
The contracted professionals however are also required to apply for consideration in
the available volunteer positions where after the recruitment process they are posted to work
in the member institutions as temporary staffs.
Currently all the member institution and the volunteer professionals are required to
apply for membership manually ,through the A4A offices, however the management had
decided to implement a network system that will be able to allow online applications and
Project Goal
The A44 network is designed with certain aims and goals this is to ensure that all the
user’s needs are catered for and it is of benefit to the organization and the communality.
However this network project is set to achieve the following goals;
i. Enable online application of the member institutions for their consideration to be
ii. Enable professionals to apply online for the volunteer positions in the organisations.
iii. Enable conduction of online interview to all professionals applied for the volunteer’s
iv. Enable storage of the information of the member which they had used in the
institutions posted.
v. Enable the members to store information in a central place using their computers or
internet enabled devices.
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Project Scope
In this project it involves various aspects which will be involved to fully implement
below is the set project scope.
A4A Network system.
Project scope statements.
This project of the A4A company is meant to give the organization more benefits after
its implementation where it will enable easy management of the member information, make it
easy and more convenient to receive the applications from the members, enable easy
conduction of interviews for new team of volunteers, and also enable easy application for
member institution.
Background information .
The current network system is located in two different offices and thus the staffs are
not able to communicate or share information between the member of different office
branch ,however all member institutions currently require to drop the applications to the
offices physically which takes them much of their time, also the volunteer professionals
require to take their applications to the offices and attend interviews as well which leads to
wastage of time and resources.
As a result the management had decided to implement a network system that will
allow storage of information of the staff members and volunteers and thus it is easy to share
information between members, however the new system will allow the applications of the
members institutions and volunteers to be done through website application and their
interviews to be done through online video conferencing which will highly save on time and
resources spent for both applicants and the company.
Project business case.
This A4A network project is done due to the past challenges in the organization in
relation to data storage, sharing of information and resources, delay in members and
volunteers applications which costs organization time and resources.
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As a result the proposed network system will have various benefits to the organization
which includes easy applications, convenient conduction of interviews, saving of time and
resources and secure way of storing their member’s information.
Project deliverables.
This project is aimed at delivering various things which includes:
i. Setting of Network storage facilities .
ii. Setting up of web hosting server.
iii. Development and hostage of website.
iv. Designing the network system for both branches and linking them.
v. Providing security mechanism for the A4A network system
All these above will enable to come up with a A4A network which will as a result boost
the service delivery to the users and save both time and resources.
Design requirements
The A4A network is aiming at delivery of quality services to the users which includes the
staff members, management, the volunteers and the institution applicants and the members
institutions ,below are the set business goals and constraints.
Business Goals and Constraints
Business goals
The A4A network system had the set goals and objectives to be delivered to the
organization some of the goals includes.
i. Reducing the applicants’ expenditure. This is enabled by ensuring that the applicants
both the institutions and the professionals who want to be volunteers send their
application online at their convenient places without travelling.
ii. Increasing the revenues. The A4A network will enable the organization to raise their
revenue by minimizing the rate of expenditure in the company.
iii. Reducing the cost of operation.This system will lower the cost of operation in that the
officials do not need to travel in case of sharing data or to conduct meeting since the
network has provided means to share data and video conference.
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iv. Improving the communication.This network system will enhance the
communication ,this is through the online system that can support video
conferencing ,sending of applications and also easy data sharing process.
v. Expansion to global market. The implementation of the A4A network system will
enable inclusion of all people in the world to offer their services to the
company ,however the organization will be able to accept and recruit institution and
volunteers from all over the world.
vi. Building of partnerships with various companies. The A4A network will enable the
company to link with other institutions and companies which can refer some
institutions and professionals to this company.
vii. Offering good supporting services to applicants and members. This system since will
be online the applicants are able to learn more about the company through the website
or video calls .
Business constraints.
To implement the A4A there are various factors and constraints that will be catered
for ,these constrains will include the following.
i. The total allocated Budget. The network implementation will consume over $10000
however since the organization is after getting the best system the management is
willing to deliver any required amount.
ii. The organization Staffing need. The network design will consider there will be two
network branches ,these branches includes the Sydney and Singapore branch where
there will be minimum of ten staffs each and thus the number of computers and
equipments will be determined as well by the number of users.
iii. The time Schedule. The A4A network is meant to be completed in course of one year
and thus the team responsible should be able to deliver in the set time frame.
iv. The locations and area covered.The A4A network is supposed to serve people
globally therefore the applications developed should be accessible by all people from
anywhere using their internet enabled devices.
Technical Goals and Tradeoffs
The A4A network will require to deliver some minimum services to the users ,these
are defined by the technical goals and the respective trade off as discussed below.
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