
Employee Skills Audit for HR Professional Development


Added on  2020-07-22

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Developing Individual, Teamand Organization
Employee Skills Audit for HR Professional Development_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................3TASK 1 ...................................................................................................................................................3P1 Appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB) required through HR professionals across the department...........................................................................................................................3P2 Personal skills audit for an employee and professional development plan............................4M1 Professional skills audit personal reflection and evaluation..................................................5TASK 2....................................................................................................................................................5P3 Differences between organizational and individual training, learning and development.......5P4 Need for regular learning and professional development to drive sustainable performance of business.......................................................................................................................................7M2 Importance of implementing continuous professional development...................................8D1 Professional development plans......................................................................................................8TASK 3....................................................................................................................................................8P5 High performance working contributes to competitive advantage and employee engagement.8M3 Evaluating benefits of applying HPW.....................................................................................9P6 Various kinds of approaches to performance management...................................................9M4 Different approaches that support high performance at workplace...................................10D2 Judgement of High performance framework.......................................................................10CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................11REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................................11
Employee Skills Audit for HR Professional Development_2

INTRODUCTIONDeveloping a team, individuals and organization is one of the important aspect for themanager to achieve better success. It is a field of theory, research and practice which improvethe effectiveness of the person as well as team in order to achieve organizational goals andobjectives in effective manner. In this the individuals works together as a team for commonpurpose which helps in completing the organizational task in effective manner. In this, it isimportant responsibility of the human resource manager to manage all these activities to thatthey easily develop the growth (Adolph, Kruchten and Hall, 2012). Present report is based onGoogle, which is a biggest American multinational technology company that is specializes ininternet and provide quality services which include online advertising technologies an alsocomputing hardware and software. In this report various skills, knowledge and behaviour ofthe individuals which is important for the human resources department. This report alsodiscussed about the difference between organization and an individual learning. It alsodefines the continuous development of professionals and regular learning in order to maintainthe business performance in effective manner. Along with this, various kind of approaches ofperformance management is also mentioned in this project.TASK 1 P1(A) Appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB) required through HRprofessionals across the departmentHuman resource department play important role in evaluating the professional skills,attitude and knowledge in which they easily develop their objectives in effective manner. It ismain duty of the human resource manager to develop person skills and core competencies sothat they perform their work in effective manner and also resole all the conflict situation.Effective growth of employees helps in development in professional in continuous basis. It isan effective process in which manager identify the skills, knowledge and core competenciesof the staff members which helps in enhancing their performance level at workplace and alsoreduce conflict situation among them. It is important responsibility of human resourcemanager to motivate them an encourage their morale so that they put their strong efforts forachieving organization goals and appropriate time period. There is some effective advantageof organization, team and individuals which are as follows:Continuous Professional development is more important process which helps inmarinating, developing and improving the core competencies of the worker so thatthey show their professional work in front of their customers and society also.It is important for the manager of the Google to develop the positive workenvironment so that all the employees were satisfied with their job position (Belbin,2012).It is an effective process which improve the confidence level of the employeestowards the work so that they easily achieve their effective goals.By using employee skills and core competencies manager of the company easily completetheir task in order to get its goals and objectives. HR professional play important role in organization to promote all the work and activity inequal manner. With the help of this they easily increase the diversity of the task at the workplace and also manage all the process in effective manner. Reviewing of the salary is also animportant responsibility which should be done on continuous basis.
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Knowledge: It is the main skills of the person which is achieving by eduction of manyexperience which helps in increasing the overall knowledge of the perform. It can betheoretical and practical subject which helps in improving the knowledge of the person.Skills: It is an important ability in the person who accomplish their work in an effective wayand set their target for aching their goals.Behaviour: It is a way which define the reaction in front of others. Mainly is the way ofacting which helps in observing the overall behave of the person.P2 (B) Personal skills audit for an employeePersonal audit is more important because it define an individual skills and knowledgewhich helps in identifying their strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order tomaintain the positive work environment in appropriate manner. It is define employee workthose field where a perform heir work. It is important responsibility of the manager ofGoogle to use effective audit to asses the personal attributes which contribute in developingthe person career in most effective manner.In this the personal skills of Jane Cambridge toevaluating the needs of training and development of the employees are as follows:StrengthWeaknessesThe big strength of HR manager ofgoogle is how to use windows in theiroperating process (Clutterbuck,2011).They have effective ability to resolveall the problems by finding bettersolution.Less experience in data base system isbig weakness of the manager.Less training experience is alsonegative point of manager of theGoogle.Ineffective communication skills isalso weakness of the manager.By identifying their strength and weakness they fine out their capabilities to enlacetheir ability to deal all type of challenges. They also provide training and developmentprograms to their employees so that they achieve positive results. In this Jane can useinternet in very well way but she can not work on practical data because her HR soft wares isvery weak. She is good ion writing skills but she tries to improve their other skills in whichthey learn that how to take interview and also knowing that how to resolve HR issues ineffective manner. P2 (C) PDPFor this they also define plan which is related to professional development that helpsin increasing the overall performance of the employees in effective manner (Fletcher andArnold, 2011). Professional development plan are as follows:S. No.Developmentand learningneedsDevelopmenttypeTargetskilfulnessDevelopmentTime scale1Communication skillsManger needsto develop aswell as9Mangershould focuson their1.5 Month
Employee Skills Audit for HR Professional Development_4

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