
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisations : Project Report


Added on  2020-07-23

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentTeacher Development
Developing Individual, Teamsand Organisations
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisations : Project Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1SECTION 1......................................................................................................................................1P1Appropriate skills, knowledge and behaviours which are highly required by HR Manager .1P2 Personal skills audit to develop professional knowledge, skills and behaviours...................3P3 Differentiation between individual, organisational learning, training and development ......6P4 Need for regular learning and professional development......................................................7Section 2...........................................................................................................................................8P5 Contribution of HPW in worker's engagement and competitive advantage..........................8P6 Performance management and its different approaches .......................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisations : Project Report_2

INTRODUCTIONIn the modern world, market competition is increasing every day because of globalisationand high use of technology. Also, there are various new business entities which are entering intomarket place with innovative product designs and innovation. To survive in this type ofmarketplace, it is highly important for the business enterprise to develop its individuals, teamsand workplace on continuous basis so that it can survive in market for long period of time (Little,2012). In simple words, it has become the major task for all companies to give high importanceto development of its workforce because without them, it cannot accomplish its desiredobjectives and cannot generate enough level of profit. This project report is based on TESCOwhich is one of the leading retailer companies. In this report, various skills and behaviour havebeen determined which are required by its HR professionals. Importance of continuous andorganisational learning has been demonstrated as well. Along with this, contribution of HPW incompetitive advantage has been evaluated. SECTION 1P1Appropriate skills, knowledge and behaviours which are highly required by HR Manager Human resource management is that section of company which helps it in managing anddeveloping its work force in most effective and systematic manner. In simple words, HRM isthat managerial concept on which organisational success depends. HR managers plays variousimportant functions such as recruitment, selection, staff management, salary negotiation and soon. All these activities can be managed only if company have high skilled HR staff. Skills is thatindividual's ability which helps him in doing something in effective manner. Knowledgeinvolves those facts and experiences which helps individual in taking best decisions. Behaviouris that aspect which represent the way in which one person behaves (Macdonald andPoniatowska, 2011). There are various skills and abilities which are highly required by humanresource professionals so that they can perform their assigned roles and responsibilities in propermanner. Some of major behaviours and knowledge that is required by HR manager are followsas under: Work as consultant: It is huge responsibility of human resource managers to play consultancyrole so that he can give appropriate guidance to employees as well as top management. 1
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisations : Project Report_3

Policy formulation and implementation: It is highly important for human resource professionalto protect and promote employee's interest within work place. For doing this, he shouldformulate and implement different policies in the context of workers. Conflict resolving skills: In business enterprise, there are many disputes raised because ofmisunderstanding between employers and employees. So, it is responsibility of HR professionalto enhance his conflict resolving skills so that he can remove all the business problems and alsocan create good working environment within workplace (Pan and Franklin, 2011). Negotiation: It is that ability which help individual in making balance between personal needsand other party's need. In business enterprise, HR manager works as mediator between top andlower management so that he can build strong relations betwixt them. Employers and employeeshave different needs, it is responsibility of HR manager to encourage them to negotiate theirneeds. This skill help human resource professional is solving salary and other business relatedissues. Their major task is to represent employee's problem in front of top management and thenfinds possible solutions to solve them, it can handle this type of situation only by its negotiationskills. Speaking or communication skills: The main function of human resource manger is to buildstrong relations with work force so that he can motivate them to achieve business goals andobjectives. For building positive connections, it is very much important for HR to have goodcommunication skills. With the help of effective speaking ability, human resource professionalcan create positive working environment within work place. By developing their communicationskills they can easily understand the staff problems as well as their precious suggestions.Mangers should have the knowledge of various methods of communication so that they canassess individual's needs by reading their gestures. This factor also increase confidence ofmangers. Also, it assist HR professionals in presenting their ideas in most effective manner(Bolman and Deal, 2017). Multitasking: When an individual handle lots of things or work at same time then he is consideras multitasker and this talent multitasking. It is most important skills which is highly required byHR managers as, they have to perform various roles and responsibilities at same time so it isessential for them to be a multitasker. There are many large companies which have variousactivities and practices to operate. For this, it requires high skilled people who can runorganisational functions in appropriate manner. HR manager of company have to perform2
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisations : Project Report_4

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