
Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations: A Comprehensive Guide to HR Practices


Added on  2024-06-10

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Developing Individuals, Teams and
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Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations: A Comprehensive Guide to HR Practices_1

Section 1...................................................................................................................................................................4
LO1 Analyse employee knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR professionals......................................4
P1 Determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required by HR
P2 Analyse a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviours and
develop a professional development plan for a given job role.................................................................................6
M1 Provide a detailed professional skills audit that demonstrates evidence of personal reflection and evaluation.
LO2 Analyse the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and
development to drive sustainable business performance.......................................................................................10
P3Analyse the differences between organisational and individual learning, training and development...............10
P4 Analyse the need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business
M2 Apply learning cycle theories to analyse the importance of implementing continuous professional
D1 Produce a detailed and coherent professional development plan that appropriately sets out learning goals and
training in relation to the learning cycle to achieve sustainable business performance objectives.......................13
Section 2.................................................................................................................................................................15
LO3 Apply knowledge and understanding to the ways in which high-performance working (HPW) contributes
to employee engagement and competitive advantage............................................................................................15
P5 Demonstrate an understanding of how HPW contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage
within a specific organisational situation...............................................................................................................15
M3 Analyse the benefits of applying HPW with justifications to a specific organisational situation...................17
LO4 Evaluate ways in which performance management, collaborative working and effective communication can
support high-performance culture and commitment..............................................................................................18
P6 Evaluate different approaches to performance management (e.g. collaborative working), and demonstrate
with specific examples of how they can support high-performance culture and commitment..............................18
M4 Critically evaluate the different approaches and make judgements on how effective they can be to support
high-performance culture and commitment...........................................................................................................19
D2 Provide a valid synthesis of knowledge and information resulting in appropriate judgements on how HPW
and mechanisms used to support HPW lead to improved employee engagement, commitment and competitive
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Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations: A Comprehensive Guide to HR Practices_2

The report on developing individuals and teams and organisation includes the effective
knowledge about the employees and human resource in an organisation. Their efforts and
activities, as well as development plans, have been discussed. Some important terms
discussed are that the human resource manager or professionals are expected to sort and
manage the human capital of an organisation in a way to proper utilisation of their
capabilities and kills. The balancing of the staff in an organisation and allotting them their
duties as per the skills and experience is required. The personal skills of a person depend on
the background and various values of a person. Learning and development is a one go
process. The learning process leads to the development. There is a difference between the
organisational and individual learning is one of the major factors which HR manager or
professional must understand. Training and development are also different terms. The
training and development are the process of learning and distributing the activities in the
process of making people learn about organisational functions, working, and processes. The
continuous learning is a process in which a person learns or studies various different aspects
in a continuation.
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Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations: A Comprehensive Guide to HR Practices_3

Section 1
LO1 Analyse employee knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR professionals
P1 Determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and behaviours that are
required by HR professionals.
The human resource manager or professionals are expected to sort and manage the human
capital of an organisation in a way to proper utilization of their capabilities and kills. The HR
professionals manage to record the various skills, behaviours, and knowledge of a person
(Navimipour, et. al., 2015). The HR officer or professional is responsible to develop the
policies and implement it in the manner to effectively use the staff of the organisation. The
balancing of the staff in an organisation and allotting them their duties as per the skills and
experience is required. Some very appropriate and professional knowledge, skills and
behaviours which are required by HR professionals are-
Working flexibly- The flexible working and skills to work flexibly is important which must
be considered by the HR professional in the organisation (Navimipour, et. al., 2015). The
flexible working may include the working of a person in various departments.
Promoting equality and diversity- The HR professional must be skilled and behave in the
manner to promote the equality and diversity in an organisation (Navimipour, et. al., 2015).
The organisation must diverse their functions and operations and must develop the promotion
of equality and diversity in an organisation.
Recruitment and selection on the basis of the job description- The recruitment and
selection in the organisation is the responsibility of the HR professional and is expected
(Navimipour, et. al., 2015). The knowledge and skills of recruitment and selection as per the
job description must be considered by the HR of an organisation.
Knowledge of equal opportunities- The knowledge of equal opportunities and maintaining
equality among the employees in the organisation is required by the HR professionals. The
proper laws and equal opportunities provided by the HR professional helps the organisation
in its growth.
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Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations: A Comprehensive Guide to HR Practices_4

Skills of maintaining discipline in an organisation- The skills of maintaining discipline in
an organisation is also one of the very important skills which HR professional is required to
follow (Krumm, et. al., 2016). The HR professional ensures the disciplinary behaviour of
people and some disciplinary actions in an organisation.
Skills in managing the pay and remuneration issues- The management of issues related
pay and remuneration in any organisation is in the charge of HR professional. The skills of
managing these issues are also very important for an organisation.
Advising payroll and on employment law- The knowledge of payroll systems and
employment law is also required by the HR professional in the organisation. The expected
result of which is the advisory action of HR on payroll and employment law to the employees
and higher authorities.
Analysing training needs and provide training- The analysis of training needs is also the
responsibility of an HR professional (Krumm, et. al., 2016). For the same, the HR must have
knowledge about the training needs to provide and manage the training of the employees.
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Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations: A Comprehensive Guide to HR Practices_5

P2 Analyse a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills,
and behaviours and develop a professional development plan for a given job role.
The personal skills of a person depend on the background and various values of a person. The
personal skills are also developed according to the time and on the basis of knowledge and
education of a person. The personal skills audit of Jane Cambridge who has a job role of
Human resource officer has been undertaken. According to the personal skills audit form
completed, it has been analysed that Jane is good at using information technology. The use of
Microsoft office word of Jane is at a good level. The excel spreadsheets skills and knowledge
are more professional in handling and has less command on it. Jane provided that she is
adequate in using excels spreadsheets (Krumm, et. al., 2016). The use of the database is very
low and she has no experience with the use of specialist HR software. The use of the internet
is very good and email can be properly mailed and has gained excellence in the same. The
use of powerpoint is a good level as well. There is a need to understand and gain knowledge
about the use of Specialised HR software by Jane to understand the functions of HR properly.
The communication skills are very important to be considered for an HR officer. The analysis
of communication skills of Jane has been done which provided that there is a need for
improvement in this area. The drafting of the contract of employment is not an experienced
field for Jane. Taking notes of disciplinary hearings is adequately done by her. Jane is good at
writing reports and producing the materials to support the presentations. To deliver the
training sessions is not an experience of Jane. She is adequate in resolving disputes,
interviewing and advising on HR issues. These are some very important tasks to be done by
HR professionals (Kang and Ritzhaupt, 2015).
Some problem-solving skills in the organisations are also to be analysed for being an HR
professional. Jane is adequate in the good use of verbal reasoning and data. The good skills
and knowledge of exploring more than one solution to solve the problem are inbuilt in Jane.
She is good at considering the ideas of others to solve the problems effectively.
Professional Development Plan for HR officer
The HR officer Jane Cambridge needs to work on some very basic and important skills of HR
professionals. There is a need for improvement in some of the skills and knowledge of Jane.
For her, four major bands have been designed which the factors are determining the
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Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations: A Comprehensive Guide to HR Practices_6

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