
Developing Organisation Policy: A Comprehensive Guide


Added on  2024-06-07

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Develop Organisation Policy
Developing Organisation Policy: A Comprehensive Guide_1

Table of Contents
Assessment Task 1..................................................................................................................................... 3
Question 1 Explain each of the processes and practices relating to whom and what (steps) might be
involved................................................................................................................................................... 3
Question 2 In what ways does defining the nature, size and distribution of a problem ultimately affect
each stage of the policy cycle?................................................................................................................ 4
Question 3 How would you use an analytical policy development framework to minimise organisational
risk?......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Question 4 Explain how existing policies and the policy cycle guide the development and review of new
policies..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Question 5 Provide three (3) examples of laws and/or regulations that apply to policies and outline their
potential impact on the development process..........................................................................................4
Question 6 Identify three (3) internal and three (3) external factors, issues or events likely to trigger a
policy change........................................................................................................................................... 5
Question 7 Identify two (2) risks associated with poor policy planning and analyse the potential impact
of each one.............................................................................................................................................. 6
Assessment Task 2..................................................................................................................................... 7
1. In consultation with other students or ‘stakeholders’ review the case study, Fountain Art’s website,
intranet and their existing policies. Next, anticipate future policy requirements and write your own
agenda to confirm the need for new or reviewed directives. To complete this assessment successfully,
comply with Fountain Art’s correspondence and communication procedures and include the following
elements:................................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Summarise the consultation processes you used to determine what or who was likely to trigger
policy changes and include:..................................................................................................................... 8
Assessment Task 3................................................................................................................................... 10
Part A..................................................................................................................................................... 10
1. Identify and analyse the risk of three (3) issues likely to affect policy development. You can do this
by referring to your policy agenda and the risk analysis matrix below to determine the likelihood of
each internal and external factor and potential consequences..........................................................10
2. Produce a policy development plan in accordance with Fountain Art’s correspondence and
communication procedures and include the following elements:.......................................................10
Part B..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Developing Organisation Policy: A Comprehensive Guide_2

1. Review your policy development plan and ask three (3) students or ‘stakeholders’ to provide
insight into potential legal, ethical and practical requirements associated with policy development.
You can do this by setting up a discussion group and recording each person’s input/ insight into the
table below......................................................................................................................................... 11
2. Present a summary of your research in subjects that relate to potential policy requirements that: 12
Assessment Task 4................................................................................................................................... 13
1. (a) Develop three (3) policy options and include those that must—or at least should—be considered.
............................................................................................................................................................... 13
(b) Develop five (5) assessment criteria to evaluate (compare) the options and comply with directives in
Fountain Art’s Policy Criteria Document................................................................................................ 13
2. (a) Decide which policy you prefer and write a recommendation (500-800 words) based on your
selection criteria. Make sure you promote the benefits and include a request for approval to draft your
policy..................................................................................................................................................... 14
(b). Recommend one (1) risk control method for each of the factors likely to affect the implementation
process and comply with Fountain Art’s Written Correspondence Procedure and Code of Conduct.....15
Assessment Task 5................................................................................................................................... 17
1. Draft a policy based on the template provided and include the following elements:..........................17
2. Using Fountain Art’s communication procedure as a guide, prepare an email (300-500 words)
promoting your policy to all staff and stakeholders and include the following elements:........................18
References................................................................................................................................................ 20
Developing Organisation Policy: A Comprehensive Guide_3

Assessment Task 1
Question1. Explain each of the processes and practices relating to whom and
what (steps) might be involved.
Policies Who might be involved? What might be involved?
Identifying the scope of a
This includes the top
management of the business
entity. The scope of policy
assists in providing guidance
for the development and
offers the summary of the
proposed policy. Along with
this, effective consultation is
required (Pawl, et. al., 2018).
It includes the statement of
policy, reason, description,
goals, stakeholders to consult
in developing the policy, what
changes need to require,
effective communication and
training activities.
Analysing the issues arising
from existing policy
This step includes the senior
level manager and middle-
level managers of the
company. It is necessary that
existing policies need to
analyse and provide the
effective description.
It is necessary to evaluate all
the issues which generate at
the time of using existing
policies as it affects the
operations of the company
and motivation level of the
Drafting a new policy At the time of drafting the
new policy, the involvement
of senior, middle managers
and leaders is necessary.
At the time of drafting the
new policy, all criteria need to
be included that is financial,
technical or human
Developing Organisation Policy: A Comprehensive Guide_4

Question2. In what ways does defining the nature, size and distribution of a
problem ultimately affect each stage of the policy cycle?
Nature, size as well as the distribution of a problem having an impact on the diversified stages
which are related to the policy cycle as it includes the suggestions of different stakeholders and
other parties. This will have an impact on the operations of the business entity.
Question3. How would you use an analytical policy development framework to
minimise organisational risk?
Analytical policy framework help business entity in reducing the risk which occurs in the
organisation by identifying the driving force along with the aspects which are relevant for the
formulation of policy. This assist in providing the effective framework so that operations can be
done effectively and risk can be reduced (Bizmanualz, 2018).
Question4. Explain how existing policies and the policy cycle guide the
development and review of new policies.
Existing policies which company is using help in attaining the aims and objectives but from the
existing policies sometimes issues may occur and for that, they have to implement new policies,
this will help in attaining future success. When new policies are implemented, then the
management need to review the policies so that operations can be much better and by that
organisational goals and targets can be accomplished.
Question5. Provide three (3) examples of laws and/or regulations that apply to
policies and outline their potential impact on the development process.
Legislation/Regulations Impact
Environmental Protection Act 1986 This Act having an impact on the company as
it helps in managing the environment of the
workplace and reduce the wastage of
resources as well. This will help in reducing
the cost and benefits
Developing Organisation Policy: A Comprehensive Guide_5

Equality Act 2010 The impact of this act on the business entity
is that it helps in offering equal opportunity to
each and every staff member. This will help
in enhancing the encouragement level and by
that, they can offer the qualitative services
(Ross, 2018).
Health and Safety Legislation This act having an impact on the organisation
as it assists in providing the effective
protection to the workers. This will help in
reducing the illness and injury as well as
motivate the workers and boost the level of
Question6. Identify three (3) internal and three (3) external factors, issues or
events likely to trigger a policy change.
Internal External
Organisational Structure need to considered Change of needs and requirements of
Involvements of workers and take opinions
and new ideas
High competition in the market.
Effective communication with the employees
is necessary.
Political changes influence the organisational
Tools and techniques which have an impact
on operations.
Decisions of government
Developing Organisation Policy: A Comprehensive Guide_6

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