
Developing the Research Question Assignment 2022


Added on  2022-10-11

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Disease and Disorders
401080 Research Protocol Design and Practice 2019, Assignment 1
Assignment 1 — Developing the research question
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Australians battling with Alzheimer’s
Research problem
Alzheimer’s disease is a growing problem in Australian and also all over
the world yet there is still no convincing research work which proves that brain
training can result in improved cognitive abilities in day to day lives of men and
women (The Conversation, 2019). It has been presumed that computerized
programs target the cognitive abilities of human brain thereby improving the
memory by the help of games and puzzles (The Conversation, 2019). Therefore,
this is a researchable area pertaining to the research topic.
What is already known
Dementia is referred to as a gradual impairment of brain functioning,
leading to memory loss and degraded sense of judgment. Dementia has
become the second leading cause of death in Australia, leading to 10.6% of all
deaths in female while 5.4% of all deaths in male every year ("Dementia
Australia", 2019). Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia.
Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia where the
patient loses memory, common sense of judgment along with the sense to
function in day to day life like cooking, bathing, eating, dressing, driving, et
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Developing the Research Question  Assignment 2022_1

401080 Research Protocol Design and Practice 2019, Assignment 1
cetera. The disease affects the brain cells and subsequently kills them with time
causing brain death (The Conversation, 2019). There are several reasons that
are cited behind the occurrence of Alzheimer’s like heredity, dietary problems,
obesity, chronic diseases, insomnia, et cetera. In 2018, 436,366 Australians
were diagnosed to be living with dementia. It has been estimated that one in ten
people over the age of 65 have dementia in Australia. 13,126 deaths due to
dementia were recorded in 2016, out of which 8.447 were female ("Dementia
Australia", 2019). It could deduced that women are hit hard by Alzheimer’s more
than men due to certain reasons like depression, pregnancy complications,
surgical menopause, et cetera (Oliver, 2019).
Impact of Alzheimer’s
The impact of Alzheimer’s have been seen to have affected 52% of the
older Australians living in residential aged care facility ("Dementia Australia",
2019). It is the greatest cause behind disability in older Australians aged 65 or
above. It has been recorded to have cost the government to spend over $15
billion for providing facilities for the diseases in 2018 ("Dementia Australia",
2019). Even with such high number of Alzheimer’s patients and high rate of
deaths due to Alzheimer’s, it is questionable as to whether the government is
investing enough on its research. It has been evaluated to be significantly
underfunded compared to the USA (Dementia.org.au, 2019).
Database searched
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2019
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2017) Causes of Death
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401080 Research Protocol Design and Practice 2019, Assignment 1
The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling NATSEM (2016),
Economic Cost of Dementia in Australia 2016-2056
Dementia Australia (2018). Dementia Prevalence Data 2018-2058
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2012) Dementia in Australia
To summarise, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia
where the affected person loses memory and sense of judgment that are
required to function in daily life. Reasons that are cited for causing Alzheimer’s
like heredity, dietary problems, obesity, chronic diseases. Studies have shown
that women are hit hard by Alzheimer’s more than men due to certain reasons
like depression, pregnancy complications, and surgical menopause. It mostly
affects older people above the age of 65. 436,366 people were found to be living
with dementia in 2018 in Australia. Although it is the second leading cause of
deaths among Australians, causing 13,126 deaths in 2016, yet is still
Therefore, to conclude, the poorly funded facilities and research work for
dementia and Alzheimer’s is unacceptable. The growing number of Alzheimer’s
disease and deaths related to it need to be dealt more judiciously.
Gap in knowledge
A certain research gap could be found regarding the fact that older
Australians face neglect in healthcare services pertaining to Alzheimer’s
disease and thereby the rate of Alzheimer’s patients and their deaths are
growing every year. Even though there are evidence of several research
works and studies on Alzheimer’s, yet the number of Alzheimer’s patient and
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