
Development in Education - Reflection on Values, PESTEL Analysis, Role of Stakeholders, Accountability, Importance of Partnership, Key Policies and Practices, Importance of Quality


Added on  2022-11-13

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Professional DevelopmentHigher Education
Development in Education
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Notes:
Development in Education - Reflection on Values, PESTEL Analysis, Role of Stakeholders, Accountability, Importance of Partnership, Key Policies and Practices, Importance of Quality_1

Table of Contents
Task 1.2 Reflection on values..........................................................................................................3
Task 2.1 PESTEL............................................................................................................................4
Political environment...............................................................................................................5
Economic factors.....................................................................................................................6
Social factors...........................................................................................................................6
Technological factors...............................................................................................................6
Environmental factors..............................................................................................................7
Legal factors............................................................................................................................7
2.2 Findings.....................................................................................................................................7
Task 3.1 Role of Stakeholders.........................................................................................................8
3.2 Accountability........................................................................................................................9
3.3 Importance of partnership....................................................................................................10
3.4 Stakeholder accountability...................................................................................................11
Task 4.1 Key policies and practices..............................................................................................11
4.2 Organisational Requirements...............................................................................................12
Task 5.1 Importance of Quality.....................................................................................................14
5.2 Self-assessment and evaluation...........................................................................................15
Role of self-assessment..........................................................................................................15
5.3 Quality maintenance............................................................................................................16
Development in Education - Reflection on Values, PESTEL Analysis, Role of Stakeholders, Accountability, Importance of Partnership, Key Policies and Practices, Importance of Quality_2

College learning program evaluation.....................................................................................16
5.4 Continuous Improvement....................................................................................................16
Development in Education - Reflection on Values, PESTEL Analysis, Role of Stakeholders, Accountability, Importance of Partnership, Key Policies and Practices, Importance of Quality_3

Task 1.2 Reflection on values
While catering to operations as usual as a trainee business management teacher, I need to
ensure that I am maintaining a standard of professionalism throughout. Guiding students through
a course can be deemed to be challenging. However, I cannot let emotions get the better of me. I
should be able to realise that through my actions, I need to cater to the needs of learning of the
students associated to the institute that I am a part of along with the college management whom I
will be responsible to for my actions. The values that will coincide with my operations is
maintaining ethics, catering to the needs of intercultural communication and effectiveness in
operation by planning extensively and structuring the plan that will be carried out while in
operation. I should have the ability to understand what treatment is to be catered to while
operating as a teacher. I would need to protect the self-respect my peers and that of the students
while dealing with activities concerning the development of activities of the institution. This will
help in ensuring my sustainability of the institution that I am associated to.
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Task 2.1 PESTEL
The educational sector can be considered highly challenging especially in the modern era
where institutions are striving to provide the best level of education possible. The quality of
education that is provided by the institutions determines the level of effective that the institutions
have in terms of attracting students towards the institution (Bunyi 2013). Thus, it can be said that
the institutions must have ideas in planning and implementing strategies that help in catering to
the needs of the stakeholders associated with the organisation (Gaitas and Martins 2017). The
external environment that an organisation operates in determines the effectiveness of an
organisation in establishing policies that are associated with the development of the activities
that determines the sustainability of the company in the long run.
The nature of performance of a company is influenced by the external environment that
the company is operating in. Moreover, it can be said that the nature of performance of the
company in the short run determines the performance of the company in longer periods or in the
long run (Testa et al. 2014). A PESTEL analysis is carried out by organisations, regardless of the
nature of operations of the latter while they are planning to start a business or identify trends in
the external environment through which they would implement changes in the organisational
policies (Sohel, Rahman and Uddin 2014). Organisations or institutions must have ideas about
the external environment that they are operating in in order to gain effectiveness in operations
regardless of the filed that they are operating in. The external environment constitutes of various
factors that determines the sustainability of organisations operating in the same (West and
Bogers 2014). The factors that must be considered awhile evaluating the external environment
are the Political Factors, the Economic factors, the social factors, Technological factors, the
Development in Education - Reflection on Values, PESTEL Analysis, Role of Stakeholders, Accountability, Importance of Partnership, Key Policies and Practices, Importance of Quality_5

environmental factors and the legal factors. The aim following section will critically evaluate the
external environment in terms of the educational policies that exist in the United Kingdom;
Political environment
The political environment or the political scenario is one of the most crucial aspects that
must be catered to effectively in order to gain acceptance from the part of the governing bodies
that exist in a place. In the United Kingdom, institutions are facing privatisation at rapid rates
(Dinham 2015). It has been perceived that organisations are looking to gain a private stature as
that supposedly gives them a better stature from an outer perspective. Furthermore, the
governing bodies of the UK have been found to be stating that the latter creates a risk that is
characterised by straying away from the benefits of the local. That is the reason behind receiving
a considerable amount of public funding in terms of education in the country which is being
constantly cut down every year. Apart from the latter, it has been identified that there are
changes in skill requisites that must be taken into consideration while they are operating in the
field of education. They have to be prepared for the changes in curriculum that are taking place
at rapid rates even if the lead times on the same are considered to be short (Taylor et al. 2015).
Seeking education in the UK can be deemed to be a challenging task where, the education
providers and also the student must have the ability to manage themselves along with their
educational careers most of which are self-financed (Skovdal and Campbell 2015). Furthermore,
it must be noted that approximately 20% of the students who are studying in the UK are from
foreign territories and the number rises even further to 40% when it comes to the post graduate
level (Lillyman and Bennett 2014). The same has been possible due to the attitudes of the
country towards immigration and his attitudes towards foreign students studying in the country.
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