
Diabetes: A chronic disorder where the blood is resistant to insulin


Added on  2021-04-17

14 Pages4270 Words368 Views
Running head: DIABETES MANAGEMENTDIABETES MANAGEMENTName of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
Diabetes: A chronic disorder where the blood is resistant to insulin_1

1DIABETES MANAGEMENTIntroduction:Diabetes is a chronic disorder where the glucose level builds up in the blood. It is seenthat in patients who have type 2 diabetes, the pancreas successfully produces insulin but the cellsof the body become resistant to it. The cells of the body could no longer use the insulin producedby the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas to convert the glucose into energy that affects thephysiological systems of the body (Inzucchi et al., 2015). Moreover, it is seen that blood glucoselevel starts to increase in the blood. All these lead to a situation, which results in development ofthe disorder called the type 2 diabetes. The assignment will show a similar case study where thepatient is suffering from type 2 diabetes (Mingrone et al., 2015). Proper management of thesymptoms would be explained along with the pathophysiology of the disorder and how thedisorder is affecting the patient in different ways. Moreover, it will also show how proper healthliteracy would help in development of quality life of the patient.Pathophysiology and symptoms faced by the patient:Obesity and diabetes:The body mass index also called BMI is one of the indicators of obesity in patients. Theweight of the patient is 120 kg and his height is 175 cm. After calculation, it is found that hisBMI is 39.2 that come into the status of being obese. Therefore, his obese health status is one ofthe reasons that might have contributed to the development of type 2 diabetes. Researchers hadconducted extensive studies to find out the associations between obesity and development oftype 2 diabetes (Forslund et al., 2015). Extensive researches have shown that when individualsbecome overweight, inside of the cells become stressed out. Overeating habit by the individualsmainly develops stress on the membranous network that exists on the inside of the cells that are
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2DIABETES MANAGEMENTcalled endoplasmic reticulum. They have found that when endoplasmic reticulum has morenutrients for processing than it can accumulate and handle successfully; it results in sending ofsignals to the cells. These signals are actually alarming signals which convey the cells to dampendown the receptors of the insulin present of the surface of the cells. This results in translating to asituation where the cells become resistant to insulin as well as to high level of concentrations ofthe sugar in the blood. Many of the other researchers have given other factors, which causesobesity to create symptoms of diabetes type 2 (Kahn et al., 2014). They are of the opinion thatabdominal fat causes the different fat cells to release a specific type of pro-inflammatorychemicals. They have stated that these chemicals are mainly responsible for making the bodyless sensitive to the hormone insulin present in the blood. The function of the insulin responsivecells thereby is disrupted and therefore their ability to respond to the insulin in blood is affected.Another important issue faced by obese people is that obesity triggers changes in the metabolismsystem of the body. Such modifications result in forcing the fact tissue to release huge number ofmolecules in the blood that affect insulin responsive cells that lead to reduced insulin sensitivity.As the patient is obese, therefore, these pathologies had resulted in development of the disorder(Rubino et al., 2016).Respiratory issue and diabetes: Another symptom which was noticed in the patient was his irregular breathing of 40breathes per minute when the normal is 20 breathes per minute. This may be due to theoccurrence of obesity hyperventilation syndrome also called the Pickwickian syndrome. In suchcases, obese people are seen to fail miserably to breathe rapidly or deeply. This results in lowamount of oxygen levels as well as high blood carbon dioxide levels. Excessive belly fat isresponsible for pushing the diaphragm as well as the wall of the chest. This makes it harder for
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3DIABETES MANAGEMENTthe lungs to be filled with air (Courcoulas et al., 2015). Moreover, the weight of the fat on thechest wall results in decreasing the amount of space for air in the lungs. The diaphragm thereforegets pushed up and its movement is restricted. This is felt more when the individuals try to bendor lie down. A huge burden is put on the entire body where more oxygen is moved around for theexcess tissues. This forces the heart to work harder which thereby places greater burden on thecardiopulmonary system for which the pulse rate may get affected as that happened in case of thepatient. Polyuria in diabetes:Moreover, the analysis of the urine also showed that high amount of glucose and ketonesare also present. This is said so because amount of ketones found in urine is 3+ and that ofglucose is + when the presence of such compounds should be negative in the urine. This showsthat his diabetes is poorly managed as the presence of glucose and ketones in urine is thesymptom of the disorder. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus causes osmotic dieresis where theglucose levels in the blood are found to be so high that glucose is excreted from the urine and thepresence of high glucose in his urine is therefore a symptom of uncontrolled diabetes (Donath,2014). Foot ulcer and diabetes:Another huge suffering of the patient was the diabetic foot ulcer that had not only causedhim pain for a long number of days but had also affected poor quality lives. Foot ulcers mainlytake place due to the result of breaking of the skin tissue thereby exposing the layers that remainunderneath the tissue. Most of the people with diabetes develop foot ulcers and the patient hasnot been an exception, as he had not taken proper care for his feet that could have prevented the
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