
Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Interventions


Added on  2023-04-21

9 Pages2700 Words450 Views
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Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Interventions_1

Over the decade, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus contributed to global mortality and
morbidity rate. Brinck et al. (2016), highlighted that diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic
disorder characterized by hyperglycemia which resulted from a defected secretion of insulin
from the body. The chronic effect of this defect is that it is associated with long term damage,
dysfunction of organs. Hornby et al. (2015), highlighted that in united states, approximate 27
million people in united states are suffering from the diabetes mellitus. There are several
pathogenic processes are involved in diabetes ranges from autoimmune disease to the
Abnormalities due to the presence of insulin action (Li et al. 2016). The case study represents
diabetes mellitus of 61 years woman, Pauline who lived in support tenancy. She suggested that
she was experiencing increased thrust and hunger especially after eating. She also stated that her
vision was blurred and frequently urinates, feeling nauseous. Due to blurred vision, she was not
able to do her daily activities and remain unhygienic majority of the time. She had a higher
blood glucose level and usually lived a sedentary lifestyle. She was obese and had a frequent
habit of smoking. Consequently, she was feeling low, demoralized and has no one to talk about.
This paper will illustrate pathophysiology of the diabetes mellitus, how it is manifested in client,
diagnosis and interventions, policies and guidelines in the following paragraphs:
Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus:
The case study represents diabetes mellitus type II of a 61 year women who are suffering
from different diabetes syndromes and seeking the assistance of social workers to resolve her
Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Interventions_2

health issues (Holman, Young and Gadsby 2015). From the perspective endocrinology, insulin
is a peptide hormone excreted from the beta cells of the pancreas. The pancreases secrete insulin
in the bloodstream where it circulates in the blood to lower the blood sugar level through
inducing glucose metabolism. Glucose plays a major role in the development of diabetes mellitus
II. When glucose level is low for several conditions, insulin breaks down stored glycogen to keep
the glucose within the threshold level (Evans et al. 2018). In patient with diabetes type 2 as
observed in case of Pauline, as glucose level increased in the blood due to glycogen metabolism
the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreases started secreting more insulin’s and eventually,
these cells become impaired to meet the demand of the body (Holman, Young and Gadsby
2015). Therefore, deficient insulin action results from inadequate insulin action or diminished
tissue responses to insulin due to the complex action of the hormone pathway. Accumulated
evidence highlighted that overweight, family history, having a sedentary lifestyle, pre-diabetic
syndromes are highlighted as the risk factors of the developing diabetes mellitus type II
( Holman, Young and Gadsby 2015). In the case study, the patient had was overweight and
usually has a sedentary lifestyle without exercise. Hornby et al. (2015), suggested that physical
activity helps to control the weight and uses glucose as energy which consequently makes cells
more sensitive to insulin. Moreover, the blood glucose level of Pauline is higher which further
indicated pre-diabetic syndrome and she also had the habit of smoking which gave rise to
diabetes II. Therefore, extreme symptoms such as increased thrust, hunger, blurry vision and
frequent urination are observed in patient. . Brinck et al. (2016), suggested that when the glucose
level is high in blood, the excessive glucose excreted in the urine, the water follows the
concentration of the glucose resulted in high output as an observed inpatient. This further leads
to the increased thirst as observed in the case of Pauline. Hornby et al. (2015), reported that
Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Interventions_3

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