
Digital Business: Advantages, Disadvantages, Models, Collaborative Relationships, and Strategic Alliances


Added on  2022-12-26

12 Pages3809 Words79 Views
Digital Business
Digital Business: Advantages, Disadvantages, Models, Collaborative Relationships, and Strategic Alliances_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
1. Define digital business and its advantages and disadvantages ...............................................1
2. Critically evaluate new and emerging digital business models...............................................2
3. Evaluate the impact of new collaborative relationships and strategic alliances through
digital technology.........................................................................................................................4
4. Discuss e commerce and its principles....................................................................................7
CONCLUSION: ..............................................................................................................................8
Digital Business: Advantages, Disadvantages, Models, Collaborative Relationships, and Strategic Alliances_2

Digital Business: Advantages, Disadvantages, Models, Collaborative Relationships, and Strategic Alliances_3

Digital business is said to be that they create a new technologies new ideas and new
innovative products or services in marketplace (Aagaard, Aagaard and Harrison, 2019). It is a
business model that organisations an individuals to buying and selling their products over
internet. It can operates several segments which are named as business to business( B2B),
business to consumer( B2C), consumer to business(C2B), consumer to consumer(C2C). This is
also considered related to business transactions of money, funds and draws on a various
technologies are use in this such as mobile transfer, internet marketing and many customers
dealings with online transaction systems. Selected organisation is Greenlight, it is a digital
marketing agency in UK and founded in 2001. they have a team about 150 people so that they
specialised in social media, content marketing and many more. In this report, various topics are
covered such as benefits and limitations of digital business, new and emerging digital business
models that are used in organisation, impact on strategic alliances and collaborative relationships
along with merits & demerits and e commerce and its principles.
1. Define digital business and its advantages and disadvantages
This term consist of creation of new opportunities and provide customers new
technologies, new value chains and the way of doing new things through internet (Calligaris,
Criscuolo and Marcolin, 2018). Sometimes digital business offers new ways to connect various
people, new collaboration and build and maintain relationships and trust between people. So
that's why they can create new designs for customers so that customer are easily to identify new
products or services that are offered by organisations. With relation to Greenlight, it is very
useful for firm if they are develop their new quality design for customers then customer are
attract more towards their firm. Various advantages and disadvantages of digital business are as
Increased data collection: Many of firms are enhance their data and collect various data
customers but benefit for analysis data which will impact on business forward. It can creates a
system for gathering their data and integrated business power at highest level. In case of
Greenlight, various functional ways to attract customers and produce a single view of operations,
Digital Business: Advantages, Disadvantages, Models, Collaborative Relationships, and Strategic Alliances_4

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