
Digital Disruption in the Retail Sector: Impact, Opportunities, and Skills


Added on  2024-06-21

20 Pages1981 Words57 Views
Digital Disruption in the Retail Sector: Impact, Opportunities, and Skills_1

Table of Contents
1. What is digital disruption?.....................................................................................................4
2. How this will impact on the sector represented by your degree with emphasis on the role of
data as a business tool?..............................................................................................................4
3. Define what this means in terms of types of jobs within the sector and the skills that will be
required to build a successful career within it............................................................................5
4. An online research questionnaire to be sent to an industry professional...............................5
5. A discussion guide for use in a face to face interview with an industry professional...........6
6. Test the questionnaire and present if and how the research technique worked effectively
along with future corrections if required....................................................................................6
Reference List............................................................................................................................9
Digital Disruption in the Retail Sector: Impact, Opportunities, and Skills_2

Information and data plays a significant role in making effectual decisions by the
administration of retail industry. In this context, this presentation enlightens on the concept of
digital disruption and the way it influences the operations of retail sector. It highlights the
impact on data which is considered to be a business tool. In addition, it also discusses the
different varieties of jobs present within the sector and skills required for the same. Research
questionnaire and a discussion guide are also developed in this study to acquire more
knowledge from target respondents regarding the digital disruption and its influence of career
of the respondents.
Digital Disruption in the Retail Sector: Impact, Opportunities, and Skills_3

1. What is digital disruption?
Digital disruption refers to the changes that occur due to emergence of new advanced
It modifies the fundamental expectations and attitudes among the culture, market and
industrial procedures (Skoget al., 2018).
It is believed that digital disruption helps in progress and evolution of a business
establishment or an industry. According to the views of Munandar and Albab(2020), digital
disruption result in paradigm modification of the operations that are carried out in a business
organisation. Digital disruption aids the business establishments within the retail industry to
remain competitive and innovative. This might be beneficial or a drawback for an
organisation. Implementation of digital disruption might be beneficial in the sense it would
provide the business establishment with new end technologies that might be helpful in
dealing with existing competitors. On the other hand, it might be considered a drawback if
the establishment do not acquire adequate expertise in its workforce who would be able to
make other’s understand about digital disruption.
2. How this will impact on the sector represented by your degree with emphasis on the
role of data as a business tool?
Utilisation of big data and business intelligence for effective implementation of digital
Digital disruption aids the retail industry to enhance its customer base by offering them
with exclusive support and services
Industries experiences digital disruption when the desires and requirements of customers are
frequently changing and it becomes quite challenging for the business establishments to
understand the same. Based on the above mentioned statement, de Morais(2019) added that
better understanding of digital disruptions assists the management of business establishments
to successfully meet the requirements of its potential customers, thereby opportunities for
attracting new customers is elevated. In this respect, it can be stated that with utilisation of
data through business intelligence and big data, organisations in retail industry are able to
make better decisions thereby escalating their brand in the market.
Digital Disruption in the Retail Sector: Impact, Opportunities, and Skills_4

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