
Evaluation of equality and diversity in workplace of House of Fraser


Added on  2023-01-11

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataLanguages and CulturePolitical Science
Evaluation of equality and diversity in workplace of House of Fraser_1

Title: Evaluation of equality and diversity in workplace of House of Fraser..............................4
1.1 Rationale................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Significance of research.........................................................................................................4
1.3 Aim........................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Objectives..............................................................................................................................5
1.5 Research Hypothesis and questions.......................................................................................5
1.6 Scope......................................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................6
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................12
3.1 Research Methods and Techniques.....................................................................................12
3.2 Research Instruments...........................................................................................................12
3.3 Sampling..............................................................................................................................13
3.4 Ethical Issues.......................................................................................................................13
3.5 Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................13
3.6 Research Design..................................................................................................................13
3.7 Research Approach..............................................................................................................14
3.8 Data Collection....................................................................................................................14
3.9 Gantt chart...........................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION........................................................15
4.1 Research Results..................................................................................................................15
4.2 Research Findings................................................................................................................24
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................25
5.2 Recommendations................................................................................................................26
5.3 Future Research...................................................................................................................27
5.4 Reflective Statement............................................................................................................28
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Research Proposal......................................................................................................................33
APPENDIX 3: Research Ethics Approval Form...........................................................................36
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Title: Evaluation of equality and diversity in workplace of House of Fraser
1.1 Rationale
“Equality and diversity” is one of the most recent and important topic that states leaders
and manager of firm need to respect ideas and opinion of each individual. There are some
companies in which manager do not provide proper respect or gratitude to employees that have
worked hard for growth and success of enterprise which leads to dissatisfaction among
employees. Most of the employees do not like to work with such enterprise that pays less
attention to provide supportive and friendly environments to individual (Griffiths and Vaughan,
2016). Therefore, it lead to high turnover rates and chance of absentees within firm so increasing
cost of hiring new employees that have skills and limited experiences. So, due to increase chance
of discriminative behaviour by manager of company towards employees as made me feel to
conduct research on behaviour that support equality and diversity in workplace. There are
various importance of such behaviour in professional life as it lead to give better outcome for
enterprise like increase in profitability, market share and performance of organisation.
Employees are high motivated and dedicated to work in the organisation that provide safe and
secure working environment to individual (Keval, 2020). So, leaders and manager need to
gratitude and respect each individual that belongs to different culture and tradition so that they
can work in coordinated manner of better growth and success of firm. Thus, in order to conduct
research I have chosen crucial topic that can helps number of organisation to retain employees
satisfaction and loyalty so that better and qualitative services can be renders to end user.
1.2 Significance of research
The research conduct is important because human are the most crucial and essential
resources for any organisation so they need to be equality respected for overall growth of
enterprise. There are many large companies in Britain that employee’s huge number of
individual so that task can be completed within limited time and cost and wants of people can be
fulfilled. Most of the employees ensure that leaders and manager of their company behave in
proper and gratitude manner to manage diversity within firm. But there are organisation that does
not values its human resources which have adversely impacted on their operation and brand
image in the market (Raphael, 2019). Employees have not have provided support and guidance
Evaluation of equality and diversity in workplace of House of Fraser_4

that lead to high turnover and chances of absentees reducing number of employees and affecting
company profitability. Therefore it is significant topic to conduct research so that companies can
be aware of important of behaviour that support individual and equality so that they can easily
perform their work and contributed towards achievements of common goals. The report wants to
explain about importance behaviour that supports equality and diversity within firm (Schachner,
2018). Manager has to be have politely and in positive attitude so that employees can put their
best efforts for expansion of business operation in the market. Therefore it can be illustrated form
above as per my view it is essential topic that describe the way behaviour of individual can
promote equality and diversity in the organisation.
1.3 Aim
To analysis and evaluates managerial behaviour that can support equality and diversity in
workplace. A case study of House of Fraser.
1.4 Objectives
To known about importance of behaviour in managing equality and diversity.
To analysis the impact of managerial decision making in bring equality and diversity in
To identify various challenges that is faced by manager in coordinating different
individual towards common goals.
To find out various recommendation and suggestion that can helps manager to
implement equality act in workplace.
1.5 Research Hypothesis and questions
1. What are the benefits of manager behaviour in implementing equality and diversity for
2. What are the impact of managerial support behaviour on employees and work place of
3. Different challenges that are faced by management in managing equality and diversity in
4. Various methods that can be used to provide equal opportunities to all so that maximum
outcome can be gained?
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1.6 Scope
It can be illustrated form above analyses that scope of research on behaviour that support
equality and diversity is wide. The report can be further deeply analysed in order to known about
impact of managerial behaviour in reducing employment turnover, brining equality and
managing diversity in workplace. It is can be used by number of manager in order to find ways
that can improve performance and productivity of employees so that company can earn
maximum profit margin. Thus, the research is not limited rather it is wide that covers various
areas such as importance of manager behaviour in brining equality and diversity. It has described
about different challenges that are faced by manager handling people that belong to different
culture, taste, preference and tradition (Syed and Ozbilgin, 2019). The report has also included
various points such as the techniques that can be used by manager in order to provide good
working environment.
2.1 Introduction
Manager is responsible for planning, arranging resources and managing different
employees that are working in organisation so that particular outcome or objectives can be
achieved. Manager of company through continuously monitoring and supervising performance
of each individual is able to identify various challenges that they are facing n workplace. Thus,
able to find effective provided solution so that they can be offered supportive and friendly
behaviour to perform different function.
2.2. Main body
Theme1: Importance of manager behaviour support in equality and diversity
As per view of Noon, (2018) There are various benefits or importance of manager
behaviour that support equality and diversity such as helped in improving performance of
employees so that quality products and services can be given to customers. It also helped in
raising moral and motivation level of individual to work hard so that firm can gain competitive
advantages in the market. The author has also stated that it has helped in better coordination and
cooperation of individual efforts towards common goals. There are some other benefits of
equality and diversity like employees are highly influenced to take risk and adapt to different
changes so that company can achieve its objectives. Workplace diversity is the variety of
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differences between people in the organization. it is not only included individual’s identification
but also how behaviour impacts them. Attitude of the people plays essential role in the
organization such as when employer keeps fair treatment with the staff then it encourages
employee to give high performance in the workplace.
However, another Barak, (2016) have criticized about above stated statement in their
published research papers that to handle equality and diversity in the workplace is not easy task
for the company. The reason behind is that it requires good leadership style and high
understanding between employer and employees then it may possible to achieve profitability in
the workplace. Due to lack behind of leadership skills, managers unable to communicate with the
diverse cultural staff as result raises conflicts among them. To manage equality and diversity
effectively in the workplace needs strategic policies which can maintain wellbeing of individuals
in the working place. So, it demonstrates that manager must have good strategic skills so that
they can develop profitable policies that helps employer and employees to meet it’s objective on
time. But if a manager is lack behind of this skill then it leads competitive disadvantage in the
company and reduces profitability of the company. When managers discriminate it’s staff in the
workplace then it directly impacts staff productivity in the workplace because discrimination
demotivates them to give high efforts so they avoid to give full attendance in the workplace.
Guillaume and et.al., (2017) has stated in their books that only a good behaviour of the manager
can not help to maintain equality and diversity in the workplace. Functioning and skills of the
managers supports to impact on individuals’ behaviours in the workplace. When a manager has
good post but lacking behind of manager skills like problem solving, time management, task
delegation, motivation and others then they cannot become good manager and unable to manage
equality and diversity within organization.
Theme 2: Impact of managerial decision making in bring equality and diversity in firm
As illustrated by Krivkovich and et.al., (2017) manager plays essential roles such as
planning, organizing, conducting, controlling and coordination in the organization. These roles
manage all operations in the corporation and helps to meet its objective over the time. However,
managers have numerous functions i.e. recruitment & selection, rewards & punishment, training
& monitoring and decision-making which they perform in the organization. To bring diversity in
the workplace recruits skilful applicants from outside the boundary then selects talented
applicant who suitable for the vacant position. There are few reasons that causes manager
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recruits diverse staff in the workplace. This type initiatives takes by MNC’s which operates
across the world and has good brand image in the business market. these MNC’s companies has
aim to fulfil each customer objective by offering high quality products and services so that in
return they can generate lifetime loyalty of customer for the brand. Therefore, company uses
employee diversity strategy in the workplace. With the strategy, managers enable to lead
diversity in the workplace and trains them effectively so that they can understand each customer
behaviour and enhances purchasing behaviour of the customer in the market. To bring equality in
diverse workplace develops different type of policies by managers that helps corporation to gain
profitability and builds healthy working environment in the workplace. Anti-discrimination
policy offers by managers to the diverse cultural staff that maintains their wellbeing and
improves productivity in the working place.
Other Lindblom, (2017) perspective, fairness in decision-making process is another good
opportunity for managers which helps to make individuals loyal for the company and promotes
them to give high quality in their working in the workplace. When manager keeps transparency
in decision-making process, promotion policies, task delegation and other business activities then
it builds trustworthy relationship between management and staff and encourages them to retain
in the company for long time. Managers makes employee orientation decision in the
organization. it gives positive impact on equality and diversity in the firm such as managers
personally makes individuals learns that how to perform in the workplace and how coordinate
together while working in the team. It helps staff who belongs to different countries, states and
keeps difference to each other in term of race, culture, language, attitude and performance skills,
to communicate with each other effectively while employee orientation program and improves
their working skills as well. Thus, managers’ decision-making brings equality and diversity in
the firm effectively.
However, some Milner, Demilly and Pochic, (2019) have criticized above authors in their
published articles that managerial decision-making does not give any effective impact to bring
equality and diversity in the firm. The reason behind is that it requires skilful managers who can
develop effective strategy and takes effective decision to maintain diversity in the workplace.
Authors has illustrated in their books that managerial decision-making needs high specification
then it can lead equality and diversity within organization. When a manager does not have this
skill as result, they cannot bring equality in diverse workplace and wrong decision-making
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