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Impact of Digital Marketing on Performance of Aldi: Research Proposal


Added on  2023/06/18

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This research proposal aims to analyze the impact of digital marketing on the performance of Aldi. It includes literature review, research methodology, and challenges faced by Aldi while implementing digital marketing. The study is based on a survey and literature review.

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The main objectives of this report is to analyse the impact of digital marketing on the
performance of an organisation. This study is on Aldi. Now a days, organisation are mostly
focusing on having digital marketing strategies to attract customers. In this given report, there is
a justification and value of research topic is discussed. Further, research aims and objectives are
mentioned. It includes literature review and research methodology in order to collect data and
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Table of Contents
Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................2
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................4
Justification of chosen topic...................................................................................................4
Value of this research ............................................................................................................4
Research aim and objectives............................................................................................................5
Literature review..............................................................................................................................5
Concept of digital marketing within business organisation...................................................5
Impact of digital marketing on performance of Aldi..............................................................6
Challenges faced at a time of implementing digital marketing within Aldi...........................7
Research methodology.....................................................................................................................8
Time plan..............................................................................................................................10
References .....................................................................................................................................12
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Digital marketing is a process of marketing the goods and services on internet through
using different digital channels. It is also known as online marketing as it helps in promoting the
brand and attracting maximum customer towards the brand. There are several types of digital
marketing tools such as content marketing, search engine optimisation, social media marketing,
affiliate marketing and email marketing. These digital marketing tactics helps in increasing the
growth and customer base due to which the profitability and sale of business gets improved
(Dube, 2021). It is important for the business as it can easily track and monitor the performance
of each campaigns. Through digital marketing, company can know how to build, sustain and
scale up the online reputation of brand across all relevant digital platforms. It also gives
opportunity to organisation to connect with audience directly and create a trust in market. The
chosen organisation for accomplishing this research is Aldi, it is a private company that deals in
supermarket, hypermarket, superstore and convenience shop. The Organisation was founded by
Karl and Theo Albrecht in 1946 and headquartered in Germany. Aldi also have a mobile virtual
network operator in Netherlands and Germany which is known as Aldi talk. They also sell low
cost alcohol and also have a website where they serve alcohol in east coast of Australia. Aldi has
formed a joint venture with petrol retailer Avanti GmbH in order to create some no frills petrol
stations which is known as Diskont. They have several petrol station that offers self serve
unleaded or diesel fuel by card operators pumps. The research covers the aims, objectives,
literature review and research methodologies.
Justification of chosen topic
The justification of chosen topic is that now a days digital marketing is more popular
among organisation. It helps in developing company growth and enhancing customer base. There
are various types of digital marketing strategies such as search engine optimisation, pay per click
etc. which results in marketing of products and services of company (Meotto, 2021). This topic is
chosen to get details about digital marketing and its impact on performance of organisation.
Value of this research
Digital marketing is most essential process of a business to enhance their performance
and developing customer base. It results in making improvements in their products and services
and attracting targeted customers towards purchasing of a particular products. Further, Aldi is

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using digital marketing strategies such as search engine, social media marketing etc. to attract
customers towards brand (Brusselaers, Mommens, and Macharis, 2021). This develops
researcher personal and professional skills as well. They are enhancing communication and time
management skills while conducting this research.
Research aim and objectives
Aim : “To analyse the impact of digital marketing on performance of organisation”. A study on
Objectives :
To understand the concept of digital marketing within business organisation.
To determine the impact of digital marketing on performance of Aldi.
To examine the challenges faced at a time of implementing digital marketing within Aldi.
What do you understand by the concept of digital marketing within business
What is the impact of digital marketing on performance of Aldi?
What are the challenges faced at a time of implementing digital marketing within Aldi?
Literature review
Concept of digital marketing within business organisation
As per the opinion of Garcia, and Martinez, (2021) Digital marketing is also known as
online marketing, it is refers to the promotion of brand to connect with potential customers while
having use of internet in a form of digital communication. Digital marketing can be used in
following ways such as social media, internet, search engines, mobile device etc. which results in
attracting more number of customers. Digital marketing is a process of using internet to reach
their customer. Digital marketing targets a particular segment of customers base. Digital
marketing is rising now a days within business because it is resulting in attracting targeted
customers and developing growth opportunities for company as well (Alaoui, and Cova, 2021).
Internet marketing is different from digital marketing. Internet marketing is refer to the
advertisements of products solely on the internet but on the other hand, digital marketing is
taking place through mobile devices and other subway platforms which is used by marketers of
organisation to develop and retain for longer time in a market. There are certain importance of
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digital marketing such as it helps in enhancing customers, global reach, reducing cost of entry
and building brand reputation etc. further, this is resulting in increasing sales of an organisation
and developing customer bases. There are certain method through which digital marketing is
done. These are social media marketing, search engine optimisation, pay per click, email
marketing etc. some of these like email marketing and social media marketing is used in Aldi in
order to enhance sales and customer base as well.
Impact of digital marketing on performance of Aldi
According to Otermin Pagola (2021), there is a huge impact of digital marketing on the
performance of Aldi as it reaches to wider audience and also open new opportunities for
business. There are various examples of digital marketing such as social media marketing, video
marketing, email marketing, search engine marketing, affiliate marketing, video marketing and
many others. The performance of Aldi increases when they have global reach. Through digital
marketing tactics, company can attract more and more customer towards the brand. It also helps
in removing the sorts of geographical barriers and offer services to customer living miles away.
Digital marketing is a cost effective strategy as it helps organisation to save money and generate
more leads. Aldi can also measure the performance and effectiveness of business through digital
marketing tools and tactics. Organisation runs various campaigns and also invest money in
different marketing campaigns. So, through digital marketing Aldi can track the results of
campaign and leads to improvement. Digital marketing allows company to target ideal customer
and reach to right people. The main motive of digital marketing is to grab the ability to target
people specifically. Aldi can easily target the customer on the basis of their interest by creating
consumer personas. The performance of Aldi increases when digital marketing allows to reach
customer at start of buying journey. Generally, customer turn to internet at the starting of buyer
journey and look for the products that fulfils their needs and demand. By utilising digital
marketing, company can attract consumers to page and provide them relevant information.
Digital marketing also enables organisation to make changes for getting better results due to
which the performance of Aldi increases. It is important for organisation to make changes when
they are investing in online marketing as it helps in gaining better results (Pullman and Wu,
2021). There is a positive impact on Aldi while suing digital marketing tactics as it focuses on
improving the conversion rates. But for increasing the conversion rates, it is necessary for Aldi to
invest in conversion rate optimisation. While focusing on people who have more interest in
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purchasing the goods and services of Aldi helps in increasing the chances of earning a
conversion and also improves its growth. The digital marketing also improves customer service
by meeting consumers at right moment and guide them through each step of customer journey.
Aldi also stands out fro the crowd due to implementing digital marketing technology for
attracting and retaining more and more customer. The objective of digital marketing is to
increase revenue and boost the performance of company. Aldi must focus on combining SEO
and pay per click in order to increase the probability of getting identified by potential customers.
Digital marketing also personalise the brand and control the messaging by using customer
personas for guiding the types of content that company has created and personalising the ads and
emails with the name of consumers.
Challenges faced at a time of implementing digital marketing within Aldi
As per the viewpoint of Shucksmith (2021), there are various challenges which can be
faced by Aldi while implementing digital marketing. Organisation must focus on addressing the
issues in order to run the business in effective and efficient manner.
Creating consistent branding is one of the challenge which is faced at the time of
implementing digital marketing within Aldi. In marketing, branding is considered as one of the
important aspects. So, while implementing digital marketing it is important to create
recognisable and relevant brand. Without consistent branding, company cannot succeed in
market for long run. It also helps in attracting more and more customers towards the brand due to
which the profitability and sale of business increases.
Generating traffic and leads is another challenge which may be faced by company
while implementing successful digital marketing. It becomes difficult for Aldi to generate traffic
and leads due to more platforms become available. In order to attract more and more customer
towards the brand, it is important to create content that audience truly wants. To generate traffic
and leads, company must send follow-up email to customer with the offers and also create
landing page where customers can easily fill the form to download the offer.
Managing website is also a challenge which may be faced by Aldi while implementing
the digital marketing tools and techniques. Managing website is considered as one of the biggest
challenge for company as it helps in attracting large number of audience. The website helps in
attracting, nurturing and converting the leads. So, it is important for the company to understand
the importance of website and design appealing site that helps to navigate easily. Aldi must get

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the feedback from customer regarding the issues they faced while using website and also make
changes accordingly.
Understand tools and technology is also other challenge which is faced by company as
they have to decide the right tools, software and technology in order to implement successful
digital marketing tools. Through different tools and technology, Aldi can send emails to
customer automatically and keep records of all leads activity on company's sites. The tools and
technology also helps in managing the deals and keep track of sales (Mustafa, 2021).
Creating right content is also a challenge which can be faced at the time of
implementing digital marketing within Aldi. Through generating traffic and leads helps in
creating awesome content. In order to create strong reputation and image of company it is
important to create right content that attracts more and more customer towards the brand. Aldi
must make customer the hero of content and ensure that there problem must be solved in
effective manner.
Training employees is one of the biggest issues which is faced by company while
implementing different digital marketing tools and techniques. Aldi must train their employees in
order to improve their knowledge and performance in workplace. It is essential for the company
to evaluate the level of strengths, weakness and expertise of each individual. Organisation must
hire talented employees in organisation that can contribute their best efforts in achieving the
goals and objectives of business.
Research methodology
Research onion framework is that which consisting of different layers which analyse
different methods to collect data and information (THEVOICEOFAMCHAMHUNGA, 2021).
Research methodology is used by researcher to analyse various methods and approaches
resulting in achieving research objectives. These methods brings reliable and valid informational
bout a specific topic. Research onion framework is mentioned below :
Research philosophy : Research philosophy is the set of principles that concerns about
worldwide from which research is conducted. It consist of two types of research philosophies.
These are positivism and interpretivism philosophy. Present research is based on positivism
philosophies which helps in assuming knowledge that is independent of the subject which is
studied. This is based on quantitative data and information to analyse better information about
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Research approach : Research approach is must be picked to analyse informational
appropriately (YOLCU, 2021). This consist of two types. These are inductive and deductive
approach of research. Presents study is based on deductive approach which brings specific
hypothesis development which is based on literature review. Further, it includes quantitate data
and information that brings numerical information.
Research strategy : Research onion is having another layer of research strategies which
consist of various types. These are experimental research, literature review, survey, action
research, survey and case study etc. these strategies helps in analysing and gathering data and
information in most effective manner. Present study includes literature review and survey.
Survey is conducted through questionnaire which includes open and close ended questions.
Literature review is presented which involves analysing of several books and articles in order to
gain true and reliable information (Leeman, 2021). Literature review brings in depth information
about a specific topic.
Research method : Research method consisting of two types., these are quantitative and
qualitative research. Present study is based on quantitative research method because there is a
use of numerical data and findings to get reliable and valid information. Quantitative data is
collects through questionnaire survey which is filled by respondents to get true interpretation and
Data collection method : Data is collected through primary and secondary methods. In
current study, investigator is using both of the methods of data collection. Primary data is
collects through graphs and charts which brings statistical about a given topic. It includes
frequency table and questionnaire survey to gather information from respondents. Further,
secondary data is collected through literature review which uses different books and articles and
newspapers to collect and analyse data and information (Keskinen, Samuel and Winschiers-
Theophilus, 2021). It is presented in a form of literature review. It brings in depth knowledge
about a topic.
Sampling : Sampling is a method of selecting some of a samples from large number of
population. It consists of two types of sampling method probabilistic and non probabilistic. In
this study, probabilistic method is used because because it includes random sampling in order to
select a sample (Hong, 2021). The sample size taken in this research is 30 who are the employees
of Aldi. They are given a questionnaire to fill it and provides true findings and interpretation.
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Time horizon : Time horizon is of two types cross sectional and longitudinal. In this
research, investigator is using cross sectional time horizon to complete research on a given time
period. It is used in this research because observation are of single point of time which is mostly
sued in survey to complete it on time.
Ethical issues : There are certain ethics which is to be followed by researcher such as
confidentially of results should be maintained and data and information could not be leaked to
any third party. Further, researcher should not do any biasses among respondents answers and
while selecting sample (Zschiesche, and Errichiello, 2021). This helps in getting true
Reliability and validity : The data is reliable because there is a use of frequency table
which results in gaining true information about a research topic. Further, while using literature
view, investigator is providing valid information about a chosen topic. It also brings in depth
knowledge about topic.
Time plan
Task Week
4/ 5/ 6
k 10
and Project
the results
n of the
project to
the Board
of Directors

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Books and journals
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