
Impact of digital marketing and promotions on “The Works” retail company


Added on  2023-06-18

11 Pages3253 Words458 Views
MarketingData Science and Big DataCalculus and Analysis
Research Proposal Form
Section One: Research title, aim, objectives, questions
Title or working title of research project
(in the form of a research aim, objectives and/or questions)
Title : Impact of digital marketing and promotions on “The Works” retail company.
Digital marketing is referring to the advertising and making promotion of the company products and
services through digital channels. There are various types of digital marketing channels that are being
coming in the market now a days such as search engine, email marketing, social media marketing and
mobile application etc. as these helps the organisation in enhancing their customers base and providing
updating information to the customers. There are various latest technologies are coming in the market in
order to attract customers towards the brand (Casanoves-Boix, and Pérez-Sánchez, 2021). Some of these
are digital marketing channels used by business. As now a day digital marketing platforms are increasing
in the market which helps customers in purchasing their products and services through online basis rather
than going on any physical shop and doing bargaining. Some of the importance of digital marketing is
that it helps the organisation in increasing their customer base, developing and targeting new customers,
solving customers complaints, increasing productivity of employees and organisation both. The
organisation selected in this report is The Works, as it is the discount retailing organisation which is
selling the books, art and gifts, games and stationery items. It was founded in the year 1981 which is
having 530 stores in the locations. This report includes research aims and questions, then literature review
review is regrading the objectives is mentioned and research methodology and time scale is used.
Research aim: “To analyse the impact of digital marketing and promotion on the performance of the
retail organisation.” A case study on The Works plc.
Research project objectives
To determine the various digital marketing and promotion techniques used in The works to enhance
their customers.
To analyse the impact of digital marketing and promotions on the performance of The works
organisation. To analyse the challenges faced by managers in implementing of digital marketing and promotion
strategy in the business environment.
Research Project questions
Impact of digital marketing and promotions on “The Works” retail company_1

What are the various digital marketing and promotion techniques used in The Works to enhance their
What is the impact of digital marketing and promotions on the performance of The Works
What are the challenges faced by managers in implementing of digital marketing and promotion
strategy in the business environment.
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
Reasons for choosing the project
The reason behind choosing this topic is that this topic helps in enhancing the growth opportunities to the business and this
now a days can be me in getting more knowledge and skills about this digital marketing and promotions methods used in
the organisation. There can be positive and negative impact of these digital marketing campaign in the organisational. By
conducting this research I will be able to enhance some of the skills like communication skills and decision making skills.
As these skills will helps me in my near future as well (Celimli, and Adanacioglu, 2021). Further this will helps me in
personal and professional development. As by conducting research through primary and secondary methods both, I will be
able to make connection with other people and this result sin enhancing my skills as well and making effective
relationships with each other. As this topic is more important now a days. Digital marketing and its promotion is done by
every organisation in order to attract their customers and enhance their sales. So by conducting this research I will be
getting knowledge about this digital marketing and promotions and which could helps me in near future when I search for
any job role in marketing field.
Section Three: Literature sources searched
Use of key literature sources to support your research aim, objectives and/or questions:
Various digital marketing and promotion techniques used in The works to enhance their customers.
According to Das, (2021), Digital marketing is the process of promotion and advertising of the products and
services through digital media. There are various digital marketing strategies that can be used in the
organisation for enhancing their employees. This helps in improving the sales and brand image. Some of the
digital marketing strategies are used in the organisation are social media marketing- as this now a day most of
the organisations are using this marketing strategies. Because there are large number of people existing on
social media platform. Organisation upload many photos and videos on this page which could be seen by their
followers and this results in enhancing towards their products and services. Then another digital marketing
and promotion strategy which is being used by mangers in the organisation is search engine optimization- as it
involves creating more traffic to a websites by making sure that there websites appears higher results such as
From Dora, Roespinoedji, and Roespinoedji, (2021), Then next digital marketing strategy is email marketing- as
Impact of digital marketing and promotions on “The Works” retail company_2

in this email are the great marketing approach which is to be get to return to the company brand and purchase
their products. This email helps the company in making effective relationships with customers so that they
could feel more motivated and results in development of their organisation. As in context with The Works,
there managers are using theses digital marketing strategies and promotion techniques in order to enhance
their customer base and making effective relationship with customer as well. This helps them in developing
opportunities for their future as well. Further, the video advertising is the technique can be used in the
organisation for attracting customers. Then this can be the best. As by this company could make videos of
their arts and crafts so that they could attract more customer and this results in creating more growth
opportunities as well.
Impact of digital marketing and promotions on the performance of The works organisation.
According to Granata, (2021), Digital marketing and promotions helps the organisation is having positive and
negative impact both on the performance of organisation. The positive impact which digital marketing and
promotions are providing to the organisation is that it is giving business boundless reach- as through digital
channels like social media sites helps the organisation in reaching to the large number of audience. Because
this consist of large number of population in digital media. So if large group of customers see the post then
they could buy it more and enhance company sales. Then another positive impact of digital marketing is that it
can be money saver- because this helps in saving money spend on traditional marketing that is through
physical marketing. As in this fuel cost and employees efforts are taken into consideration. Next impact can
be it helps in interacting better with the customers. As socials media sites and email marketing helps the
organisation in connecting better with the customers and solving their problems as well ( Ilham, Saputra, and
Putri, 2021). The negative impact which is being faced by organisation at the time of using digital marketing is
that it sometimes sweep the business in media fatigue- as when people sees more ads and promotion of a
similar products then they just shut done their smartphones and that website as well. Another negative impact
which is seen of digital marketing is that it sometimes can be the time drain on the business, also there can be
devolve into the damage control operations.
Challenges faced by managers in implementing of digital marketing and promotion strategy in the
business environment.
From the views of Ju, Chocarro, and Martín, (2021), Some of the challenges which could be faced by an
organisation while implementing of digital marketing and promotions in the business environment is that
driving relevant traffic to the website as this can become a major challenge in creating brand awareness and
targeting right customers. As there is a heavy traffic on websites and this could create irrelevant to the
audience and they might get frustrated by this. Then next challenges could be faced by employers is Lead
generation using social media- as most of the businesses do not know how to remain consistent in the
websites. As most of them could not paid for their campaigns and could not able to lead generations. Another
challenge could be faced by keeping changing up with the changing trends- as digital marketing is changing
very frequently so this could be a issue for the mangers to be up to date according to the changing trends ( Li,
Kim, and Choi, 2021). So this should be considered in mind while implementing digital marketing methods and
Impact of digital marketing and promotions on “The Works” retail company_3

promotional strategies in the organisation.
Section Four: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the research project
(e.g. research, development and analysis of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, tutor
meetings, production of final outcome, evaluation, writing the report):
How long this will take:
Impact of digital marketing and promotions on “The Works” retail company_4

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