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Equality and Diversity in UK: Promoting Inclusive Practice


Added on  2022/11/28

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This report discusses equality and diversity in the UK, inclusive practice, factors influencing learning, actions that undermine equality and diversity, and policy and regulatory frameworks. It emphasizes the importance of promoting equality and diversity, ways to promote equality and value diversity, and the impact of personal, social, and cultural factors on learning. It also highlights the harm caused by discrimination and the need for organizational policies to reflect equality and diversity.

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Diploma in Education and
Training Equality and
Diversity Inclusive Practice
Unite 18 & 21

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Table of contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
Equality and Diversity in UK -...................................................................................................3
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................5
Factors influencing learning -...................................................................................................5
Actions by individuals which can undermine equality and diversity -.....................................7
Task 3 Summarise policy and regulatory frameworks relating to equality and diversity and
how these influence organizational policies. Also reflect how this can harm the learners from
protecting the diversity................................................................................................................7
Task 4 Summarise own role and responsibilities relating to inclusive practice and analyze the
practice of inclusive learning environment and ways to promote inclusion along with the
benefits. Explain actions taken to value individual learners........................................................9
Task 5 Explain the relationship between own roles and the roles of other professionals
involved in inclusive practice and also identify the individual learning needs.........................11
Task 6.............................................................................................................................................13
Communication strategies to promote diversity -....................................................................13
Impact of own behaviour on organisation’s culture in relation to equality and diversity -. .14
Task 7 Review the effectiveness of own inclusive practice and promotion of equality and
diversity also indentify own strengths and areas of improvement for inclusive practice and
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Equality and diversity in UK is a term that is used to define and champion equality, diversity
and human rights as important values of society. This involves promotion of equal opportunities
for all and mitigation of discrimination on the basis of age, gender, religion, beliefs race and
ethnicity. Inclusive practice involves that all children can attend their local school and supporting
children to develop their independence.
This report will discuss about equality and diversity and inclusive practice. Along with this
different aspects of equality, diversity and inclusive practice will also be discussed in report.
Factors affecting involves policies, regulatory framework, role and responsibilities related to
inclusive practice.
Task 1
Equality and Diversity in UK -
Equality is concerned with allowing equal opportunities and is not treated differently or
less favorably because of their characteristics. Diversity is concerned with considering and
taking into account differences that exist in individuals and groups and accepting these
differences positively. Equality of opportunities involve that every individual regardless of age,
race, gender, class, religion and beliefs get equal chance to use available opportunities and
realize their full potential and fulfill their aspirations. Diversity involves that differences in
individuals in groups are valued and celebrated (Arday, 2019). Diversity in UK is strongly linked
with promotion of human rights and freedoms and is mainly based on principles like dignity and
respect. In addition to this diversity also involves recognizing, valuing and considering different
backgrounds of people and their knowledge, skills and experiences and encouraging and using
differences to develop better value for organisation and society.
Importance of promoting equality and diversity -
Promoting equality and diversity involves encouraging people and organisations to
understand concepts of equality and diversity.
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Positive Relationships- This is one of the importance of promoting equality and diversity in
which relationships within individuals becomes positive. One of the reasons for this is that no
one has any advantage and disadvantage that is likely to affect relationship of individuals.
Positive relationships of individual improve their performance when they are working and
improve and enhance learning when they are in learning environment.
Increased productivity of teams- Teams are everywhere weather it is learning institution,
business organisation or any other place and equality and diversity increases productivity of
teams (Schachner, 2019). This is because individuals and their knowledge and skills when are
valued they share what they know and they share their perspectives. Increased knowledge and
skills within team enhances productivity and performance of teams and enable teams to achieve
their goals in more effective and efficient way.
Teaching children about their conduct- Promotion of equality and diversity is important to
teach children about their conduct with others. This involves teaching them valuing and
respecting everyone regardless of their characteristics and those with protected characteristics are
taught about their rights. This is important for promoting equality and diversity not just in school
or institute but at social level, because teaching and learning of students affect and influence their
future conduct.
Developing collaborating learning environment- This involves creating a learning
environment for students in which students can work collaboratively in diverse groups within
your teaching schedule (Dennissen, Benschop and van den Brink, 2019).
Ways to promote equality and value diversity -
Setting clear standards- Setting clear standards regarding how individuals in organisation and
students and staff need to be treated. This involves any biases possible because of unclear
standards and because discrimination does not have consequences.
Challenging negative attitude- This is also an important way to promote equality in which
negative attitude of individuals regarding individuals with protected characteristics. In this
individuals with protected characteristics and others in organisation are required to challenge
negative attitude to promote equality.

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Treating staff and students equally and fairly- This is important that authorities in school and
institute treat all staff and students fairly and equally. This is to promote equality and also to
make students learn equality in their conduct.
Acknowledging differences- To value diversity acknowledging diversity is most important and
first step. In this differences of individuals should be acknowledged and not avoided or ignored.
Enabling students to learn importance of diversity- Learning and teaching importance of
diversity is also important to promoting value of diversity in different areas of life especially in
learning and work.
Categories for Equality and Diversity in UK includes-
Age: On the basis of age there should be no discrimination in opportunities available for
Disability: individuals with disability should be provided equal opportunity for learning and also
provide supportive tools for learning.
Gender reassignment- In this if individuals have gone through gender reassignment, there
should be no unfavorable treatment in context of their learning.
Marriage and civil partnership- Marriage and civil partnership can also lead to discrimination,
however in learning environment there should be no discrimination in opportunities available for
Pregnancy and maternity- Women should not be treated unfavorably in relation with learning
when they are pregnant.
Race- This involves grouping humans based on shared physical or social qualities and there
should be no discrimination on the basis of race and everyone should be able to equally use
opportunities available.
Religion or belief- There should be no discrimination when individuals in learning environment
have varied religion and beliefs.
Sex- This involves discrimination based on gender and male and female participants in learning
should be treated equally.
Sexual orientation- Individuals should not be treated differently and their opportunities should
not be harmed on the basis of their sexual orientation.
It is important that on the basis of all these nine categories there is no discrimination with
individuals when they are in learning environment.
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Task 2
Factors influencing learning -
Impact of the personal, social and cultural factors-
Personal- Personal factors affecting learning involves impact of factors such as age, gender and
interest of individuals. Along with this intelligence level and motivation also influence learning
of individuals. This means that to learn at a young age is easy and individuals are able learn
faster and effectively (Song and Choi, 2017). Along interest also influence learning in which
subject or area of learning in which individual is interested is easy for them to learn. Motivation
of individuals also influences their learning.
Social- Social factor also has strong influence on learning of students in which creation of
language environment and experience environment that stimulates mind to grow make positive
influence on learning of individuals. Along with this systematic rewarding a child for their
learning encourages learning in children. Social factor also involves peer pressure which affects
learning in several ways, this not only affect how much and effectively students learn and their
behavior towards learning but what they learn and way of learning also gets influence by peer
pressure. In social factor affecting learning relationship of teacher with their students also make
positive impact on learning.
Cultural- Cultural background of children also makes considerable impact on learning of
individuals. This means that cultures that encourage learning help in improving learning abilities
of children and they are motivated towards learning (Andrew and, 2019). Such cultures
places significant impact on learning and same set of values is passed on to children and this is
why they consider learning important. On the other hand, cultures not considering learning
important and not encouraging learning are likely to discourage children towards learning.
Impact of different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities on learning -
Cognitive Abilities
Cognitive skills or abilities are mental skills through which individuals process acquisition of
knowledge. In other words cognitive abilities are skills based on Brain that are needed for
carrying out task from simplest to most complex. Cognitive abilities of individual have
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significant impact on mechanism of how they learn remember and solve the problems and pay
attention. Cognitive abilities of individual have considerable impact on their learning (Cobb,
2017). One of the important cognitive skills for learning is reading ability of individual and
individual having ability to read find it easy to learn compared to those who do not have good
reading skills or abilities. Similarly learners with good analytical ability are able to learn easily
compared to those who don’t have good analytical skills.
Physical Abilities
Physical abilities of individual also make impact on their learning good physical abilities
make positive impact on learners learning because they are able to complete all the task related
to learning easily. In this individuals with physical disabilities and challenges might find it
difficult to learn and specifically those who lack supporting equipment. Physically challenged
individuals are those who have visual and hearing impairment. Individuals with visual
impairment might find it difficult to write it and required supporting equipment to learn.
Individuals who are physically challenged are also not able to completely engage in class which
is very important for effective learning of children.
Sensory Abilities
Sensory abilities, is concerned with performance of different sensors in individual. Such
as auditory attention involves ability of individual to focus on single source of sound in presence
of other sounds (Einarsen and, 2020). Depth perception which is concerned with ability to
judge difference between individual and an object are Sensory abilities. Along with this vision,
hearing and using other senses impact on learning of individual.
Actions by individuals which can undermine equality and diversity -
Stereotype- Stereotype can be defined as over-generalized and fixed idea about something or
someone and special class of people. Stereotypes about class of people can undermine equality
and diversity. This means that a group of people treat another group with protected
characteristics less favorably because of certain stereotypes.
Discrimination- Discrimination or treating someone or a group less favorably than others is
discrimination and this has a strong impact on equality and diversity (Einarsen and, 2020).
Discrimination causes inequality and also degrades value of diversity in society or at different
places including school and learning institutes.

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Bullying- This is an act in which individuals or group are cruel by habit and insult others and
threaten them because it is perceived that they are weaker, smaller and vulnerable in some way.
This can significant undermine equality and diversity.
Harassment- This is concerned with bothering someone or a group and creating troubles and
doing so with individuals and groups with protected characteristics undermine equality and
On the basis of this it is recommended that systems and structure that do not promote
equality and diversity should develop systems and processes for regular internal inspection
system. Along with equality legislation should also be implemented in organisation because they
guide acceptable and unacceptable behavior in organisation. Along with this disciplinary process
should also be there is place for maintaining equality and diversity.
Task 3 Summarise policy and regulatory frameworks relating to equality and diversity and how
these influence organizational policies. Also reflect how this can harm the learners from
protecting the diversity
Equality and diversity go hand in hand. Both these factors are the means through which the
society is being depicted and through these factors the society is being reflected on the scales of
the behaviours and practices which are being formulated within the society. The policy and
regulatory framework relating to equality and diversity help in the process of how the society
reflects the behaviour and the diversity of people which makes the most of the systems and
through this the society reflects on what are the terms and the conditions which are to be
followed while residing in the society (Mousa and, 2020). The organizational policies are
being influenced by the diversity and the equality aspect as the organization has different kinds
of cultures and the individuals who come from different regions and reflect their behaviour and
different cultures from which they belong. Diversity and equality are the most important factors
in the organizations as they helps in analyzing the major parts of the organization and how the
organization is being affected by these different cultural practices which are there.
Diversity affects the organization and its systems which are the initial and major concern
for the whole organization as different individuals have different perspectives and different ideas
and origins through which they come. Managing the diversity and the equality in the
organization is very important to know that all the aspects of growth are related with
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organization functions on large scale (Georgiadou and, 2019). This also initiates the
changes and the new innovative processes to take place for making the equality and diversity
factor on the equal basis. For better productivity the organization has to look at the diversity and
the quality factor which makes the process of the organization easier on the terms that that fulfil
the employment needs and requirements by satisfying the customers and the organization’s
growth and the development aspects.
The promotion of equality and diversity can protect learners from risk of harm which is
related to the aspects of diversity and equality on large scale. This makes the process of the
organization more effective and this will help the learners from how the diversity and the
equality define the organization function within the society. The main aim of the diversity and
the quality is that how the society will reflect to the purpose of making the things effective and
this makes the process of different cultures and different behaviours of individuals within the
society reach the scale that they effectively contribute to the society (Chang and, 2020).
The learners will be able to learn that how the diversity and the equality factors of the society are
playing the major role and helping the company making the factors of growth and development
aspects grow on the scales of equality and diverse population in the organization. Through
promotion of equality and diversity the learners will be able to learn that there are wide range of
individuals who incur different backgrounds and this will help them to communicate with them
more effectively by accepting the fact which is being provided and represented to them.
Therefore, the diversity and the equality are the major factors which contribute along
with the organization and make the process of the whole society incur to the better productivity
and on better growth and developmental scales. The main things which is observed in this whole
evaluation of diversity and equality is that the learners will also be able to learn things and these
factors of how they work in the society and what are the different phases of the equality in the
society (Hieker and, 2017). Also the organization following the nest practices of how to
maintain the diversity and equality foster better productivity and this makes the initial step
towards what are the major aspects of the being productive in the systems of following the
diversity and equality rules and regulations on large scale. Thus, the part which is to be taken
into consideration is the fact that the diversity and the equality play major role for analyzing and
processing the concepts of the society and this initiates the process of making the organization
ensure that these two factors are the key concepts which makes the most of the work effective
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and efficient along with contributing to the society in significant manner (Gibson and,
2018). Organizations on the other scale are concerned that the rules and regulation are
formulated according to the practices which are followed by equally treating the individuals of
the organizations so that this factor becomes normal that the organization is keeping the diversity
and equality high on the terms and that they are considering it on the grounds to follow the on
proper basis and in significant manner on progressive and developmental terms.
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is the technique which helps the employers to
in making recruitments in safer forms and this helps in preventing the unsuitable individuals who
are working or are willing to work (Cummings, 2020). DBS check is the criminal record which is
to be considered for the teachers’ recruitment basis. And this also ensures that the teachers in this
case do not have any criminal record in their career. This shows the details of all the convictions,
final warnings, reprimands and cautions which are held on central police records.
Education and Training Foundation Standards for teachers are as follows –
Teachers are reflective enough that they are enquiring the practitioners about the
education practices and how the value of education is to be processed.
Teachers act with honesty and integrity which makes their standards high and this
ensures them to work on the scale of how effective and efficient they should deliver their
education practices to the students (Hoel and, 2018).
Teachers maintain high standards of ethics to provide support the learners in their
professional behaviour.
Teachers are vocational specialists and have the knowledge of how make the learners
learn about the various subjects knowledge
The main purpose of the standard is in supporting the teachers so that they can maintain
their standards effectively and efficiently.

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Task 4 Summarise own role and responsibilities relating to inclusive practice and analyze the
practice of inclusive learning environment and ways to promote inclusion along with the
benefits. Explain actions taken to value individual learners
Inclusive learning entitles to the learning experience of students which respects and enables the
diversity removes barriers and enables participation and anticipates the needs of learning and
provides preferences. I being the teacher will make teach the students that what are the effective
ways of learning and what are the ways through which the students will be able to learn and
incur the knowledge and information in their minds (Pit-ten Cate and, 2018). My roles and
responsibilities related to inclusive learning is that I will teach the students how to study and
make some rules regarding how to engage the students in various learning so that they are able to
make the creative sense in what I make them learn. In an inclusive learning environment I will
ensure that the students are also encouraged and excited to know their role and duties which they
will inhibit in the learning process effectively and efficiently in a significant manner overall.
Also, there are various benefits of inclusive learning environment which will help the
students in learning easily. The benefits are as follows –
Students develop patience through their emotional quotient. Along with this, compassion
for peers and tolerance level becomes more and this makes the most of the work easier
for them helping them to study well.
Students in inclusive learning environment learn to accept the weaknesses and strengths
of the other students or their peers (Gavish, 2017).
Students learn how to work in teams and collaborate in the inclusive schools.
The students by communicating with the peers will be able to grow personally and create
friendships with them that lasts long.
Students also respect their own individuality and they are able to make that effective in
their inclusive learning environment.
Inclusion learning environment can be promoted by the ways in which the students are able to
make their studies and learning creative. The ways through which inclusive learning
environment can be promoted are –
Promote a positive environment in the classroom for students so that they are engaged in
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Diversity of students should be embraced which increases the value different cultures
from which the students come from.
There should be an increase in cultural competence which values the students work.
Students should be taught to interact more so that they are able to communicate in the
most effective and efficient way possible.
Community learning should be fostered for the learners to encourage them to learn and
gain more knowledge.
Actions that can be taken to value individual learners and explain good practice in providing
learners with information and to make them gain knowledge is the best thing which I will make
them learn. I will remove the barriers which may occur in learning process of the students and
will ensure that the students are able to learn and effectively are gaining knowledge about what is
being provided to them while studying through me (Adams and, 2018). I will ensure that
proper learning environment is provided to students so that they are engaged in learning actively
and making their time effective towards how process of learning can be done. Along with this, I
will ensure that there is proper communication between the students so that they are able to make
friendships better and what all learning they are able to ensure what is been provided in learning
while inclusive environment from my side.
I will initiate activities and programmes which will help the students to encourage and
engage more in the studies so that they are able to know their capabilities and strengths and work
along with them on larger scale. I will also take action in this inclusive learning that the students
are provided quality education and that they are learning from it and enjoying the very basis of
what has been provided to them (Sailor, 2017). This will also keep them intact towards anything
new which they will learn and this will also help them to gain knowledge and information in an
effective and significant manner. I will know about interests of students in what activities they
are attracted towards and what they wish to learn more in inclusive environment classroom. On
this basis, effective learning skills will be developed by students.
Task 5 Explain the relationship between own roles and the roles of other professionals involved
in inclusive practice and also identify the individual learning needs
My role being a teacher is that I will teach the students to learn and make the effective use of
inclusive learning practices which are being allotted to them. This will make them encouraged
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more and will work towards what are their key roles and skills which they will depict in their
study and through this the students will be engaged in the different forms of learning. My role is
to encourage and take initiatives towards effective learning programs which I will come across
through the practices framed in the inclusive classroom (Shore and, 2018). I being teacher
am responsible for the students to take concerns for the initiatives in which they will be learning
about the major processes of how to take initiatives in studying. I being teacher will be taking the
points of concern of what are the requirements of the students so that they are fulfilled and the
students are engaged in learning processes.
Other professional roles which are alongside the role of teacher are as the parents,
mentors and the colleagues which are involved in this reference of inclusive learning
environment. The mentors play the role of initiating different programs on the level that they
guide the other people in this inclusive learning programme (Finkelstein and, 2021). The
main thing is that the mentors provide guidance to the other people who are engaged in learning
and this makes sure that the mentors are the guides which provide the knowledge and the
information to the other people in the system.
Parents are also involved in making the factor of how the learning process of the students
is initiated. Parents play the role of being at the students part and this concerns them on the note
that whether their child is able to learn properly from the services which are being provided by
the teachers and the other staff members of the classroom in the inclusive learning.
The individual learning needs are met by the path through which everything is analyzed
and this initiates the process of how learning can be done with the help of what are the factors
which are essential in learning and taking notes of the activities which are in addition to how the
inclusive learning programs are initiated and this assures that through learning the knowledge is
gained and information is achieved and this makes the most of the planning and the process work
on the scale of growing and progressing towards the learning process (Gray and, 2017). It
is very necessary to identify the individual needs which help in analyzing the key strengths and
weaknesses which are incurred by the individual and the person is also able to identify the
pitfalls and the weaknesses which are there to be improved and enhanced. Through individual
learning the individual also encourages and motivates self to adopt new methods and ways of
learning which helps it to know more about them (Zagona and, 2017). This also increases
the communication between the other individuals and sharing of information increases the base

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of what the individual is seeking. Providence of knowledge is also gained in the process of
individual learning. Along with this, innovative ways through which learning is possible is
increased and this ensures that what are the major flaws and the key success points which allow
the most of the learning to be effective and significant in terms of what is to be provided to the
Therefore, to liaise with the professionals involved I learn and discuss with the aspects or
the points which are beneficial for the process which is being followed in the inclusive learning
practice for the students (Dewsbury and, 2019). This allows the professionals to take
decisions in favour or for the benefit of the students and the teachers on the overall basis. The
professionals help in the process of learning and to ensure that the education system is working
properly and this is the main ting which the professionals are looking for in the process of
knowing what the changes which are to be taken place are. Thus, this is the process of how the
professionals play the role in growing and observing the progressive patterns which are taken for
the benefit of the students in an effective and significant manner to be done.
Acknowledging the limit of my own role which is me being a teacher I will provide the
best knowledge and information to the learners so that they rely on the information which is
being received to the students from my side.
The points of referral which are to be made available to meet the student’s need is to
make them clear all the information and provide them all the details so that they are able to make
their initiatives through which students are able to recognize what are their actual needs and
wants which they desire of (Sider and, 2017). The main thing which satisfies and meets the
standards of the students is that they are able to identify their key strengths and needs which
make them encourage more to learn from what they wish to achieve.
The means by which I communicate with the professionals is that by discussing what is
to be done regarding to the knowledge and the information to be provided to the students and in
what ways can the education system be helpful for the students so that they incur the best
education in each subject in a significant manner.
Task 6
Question 6 A
Evidence used for this is Report
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Communication strategies to promote diversity -
Listening more often- Listening skills are important element of communication and in order to
promote diversity in organisation. This enables to understand different aspects and perspectives
of different people in different backgrounds. This also ensures that everyone gets opportunity to
share their opinion and point of view (Daugherty, Wilson and Chowdhury, 2019). This enables
to understand different people and qualities of them which enable to mitigate any prejudices
against them linked with their protected characteristics.
Considering attitude- This is also very important strategy for communication in which body
language plays very important role in communication. This is why it is important that
considering attitude towards communication with different people in organisation. This means
that attitude in communication should be positive and considerate and not something which can
be considered offensive and insulting by others and especially those with protected
Avoiding interruption- This is also a communication strategy required for the purpose of
promoting diversity in organisation. Individuals when interrupt communication of others this is
likely to create an insulting and offensive situation and this is interruptions should be avoided for
the purpose of promoting diversity in organisation and also in learning institute.
Communicating often- In order to promote diversity, it is important that communication takes
place regularly and all individuals in organisation communicate with each other (Lehan, Hussey
and Babcock, 2020). This enables them to understand other effectively and they also develop
cultural awareness and get to know about real positive and negative sides of different cultures
and in such situation stereotypes affecting diversity reduces. People also become able to build
relationship and is one of the very important way to promote diversity.
Communication about diversity- This is also a communication strategy in which organisations
and other places willing to promote diversity should communicate about diversity.
Communicating about diversity and informing about existing diversity and informing about
benefits of diversity are very important for the purpose of promoting diversity.
Valuing diversity in communication- acknowledgement of diversity is important but valuing
differences is also important through communication within diverse groups. This means that
positive elements of differences and diversity are considered and valued for its promotion.
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Impact of own behaviour on organisation’s culture in relation to equality and
Organisational culture can be defined as collection of values, expectations, and practices
that guide actions and behaviour of individuals and teams in organisation.
There are several ways in which own behavior can impact culture of organisation
regarding equality and diversity. Ways in which own behavior can impact culture of organisation
Reflecting organisations values for equality and diversity through own actions- This is
important impact of own behavior in which reflecting what organisational values are in relation
with equality and diversity (Noon, 2018). This communicates value of equality and diversity in
organisation and practicing organisational values create positive culture of organisation favorable
for equality and diversity.
Obtaining and sharing feedback- Behavior of obtaining and sharing feedback in organisation
contributes in a creating a culture of organisation where communication about equality and
diversity is open.
Adherence to organisational standards about equality and diversity- Adherence to
organisational standards is a very important behavior that makes impact on organisational
culture. Organisational culture is built when everyone follows standards and policies and own
practice play important role in building organisation culture.
Encourages others- Own practice in favor of equality and diversity encourages others to think
and act in same direction. This means that when individual has positive impact on others, their
actions and behavior encourages others and this make changes in organisational culture.
Motivating others to consider and value equality and diversity can make considerable impact on
organisational culture in relation with equality and diversity.
Task 7 Review the effectiveness of own inclusive practice and promotion of equality and
diversity also indentify own strengths and areas of improvement for inclusive practice and
Inclusive practice is a teaching approach which recognises the difference between students and
so that they can access the educational content and general information and gain knowledge from
the perspective sand ways through the practices which are being initiated for the process. this is

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the practices which also involves learning and the sharing of the information which is being
passed on from teacher to the students on effective and significant scale (Specht and, 2018).
The inclusive practices involves the students to be more on the scale of what they learn and
imbibe for which they have their own aspect and the learning process. through inclusive
practices various other programmes are also initiated which assures that the skills and
capabilities of the students will be enhanced more and this will bring the information to both the
teacher side and the students side on progressive note.
Effectiveness of inclusive practice and promotion of equality is the major factor which
brings diversity of individuals and through this they are able to learn what has been offered to
them on large scale. My strengths and areas which I have identified in this process is that I am
capable of teaching the students effectively and in most important on detail basis which makes
the students learn many things and gain knowledge on the prior basis. This is seen when the
students respond to me in the classroom when I am teaching them (Brennan, 2017). The
promotion of equality and diversity in my perspective and in my opinion is done through the
basis that the only possibility which I make sure is the involvement of diverse students which
come from different cultures and this is the encouraging part both for the learners and for me.
Also, the learners or the students are able to learn more from me as they are under my guidance
and in this I will provide them all the information regarding the subjects and the education
system which is being followed.
On the basis of above discussion, it can be said that equality and diversity are two connected
terms and practices and where there is diversity equality is important for taking benefits of
diversity. Report discussed about different factors influencing learning and different elements of
equality and diversity. Promotion of equality and diversity and role and responsibilities in
relation with inclusive practice was also discussed. Inclusive practice involves allowing and
creating opportunities for child so that they can attend school.
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Books and journals
Andrew, J and, 2019. Analyzing the Factors that Influence Learning Experience through
Game Based Learning using Visual Novel Game for Learning Pancasila. Procedia
Computer Science. 157. pp.353-359.
Social Justice Issues in Physical Education. p.185.
Cobb, E.P., 2017. Workplace bullying and harassment: New developments in international law.
Taylor & Francis.
Daugherty, P.R., Wilson, H.J. and Chowdhury, R., 2019. Using artificial intelligence to promote
diversity. MIT Sloan Management Review. 60(2). p.1.
Dennissen, M., Benschop, Y. and van den Brink, M., 2019. Diversity networks: networking for
equality?. British Journal of Management. 30(4). pp.966-980.
Einarsen, S.V and, 2020. Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace: Theory, Research
and Practice. CRC Press.
Lehan, T., Hussey, H. and Babcock, A., 2020. Mission Unaccomplished: Beyond “Talk [ing] a
Good Game” to Promote Diversity and Inclusion. Journal of Educational Research and
Practice. 10(1). p.12.
Noon, M., 2018. Pointless diversity training: Unconscious bias, new racism and agency. Work,
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