
Discussion: Developmental Psychology Name of the University Author


Added on  2023-04-23

28 Pages6741 Words454 Views
MusicNutrition and WellnessHealthcare and Research
Developmental Psychology
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note
Discussion: Developmental Psychology Name of the University Author_1

Discussion 1: Popularity in Middle Childhood..........................................................................3
Discussion 2: Weakened Parental relations...............................................................................4
Discussion 3: Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence........................................7
Discussion 4: Moral Development.............................................................................................8
Part A:....................................................................................................................................8
Part B:.....................................................................................................................................9
Discussion 5: Dove Beauty Campaign.....................................................................................11
Part A:..................................................................................................................................11
Part B:...................................................................................................................................11
Discussion 6: Self Discovery Quiz results (Holland Code Career Test).................................12
Discussion 7: Emotional Affairs..............................................................................................13
Part a.....................................................................................................................................13
Part b:...................................................................................................................................13
Discussion 8: Marriage and Longevity:...................................................................................15
Discussion 9: My Death Announcement..................................................................................16
Case Study: Case Study- Observation and interview of a human subject...............................17
Introduction of the participant:.............................................................................................17
Four types of development relevant theories and concepts:................................................17
Stage of development of the subject is experiencing:..........................................................19
Biological, Cognitive, Social, and Personality issues faced by the subject:........................19
Theories and concepts relevant to the individual:................................................................20
Discussion: Developmental Psychology Name of the University Author_2

Findings, revelations, surprises and difficulties encountered in the study:..........................21
Discussion: Developmental Psychology Name of the University Author_3

Discussion 1: Popularity in Middle Childhood
During my elementary and junior high years, my social competencies included the
ability to socialize with people, develop communication and interpersonal relations with
them. I was also a low status child and most of my classmates were from families that were
economically rich and higher family income groups.Since I was very good in interpersonal
communication and had strong emotional intelligence, I was able to develop friendships with
children belonging to both high and low status children in the school and thus have a large
friends circle.During the school years, I was very much popular as I was avidly involved in
various extracurricular activities such as sports and debates in which I have represented my
school on a number of occasions at both national and state levels.One popular child I can
recollect from my school memories was an individual who came from a rich and affluent
family who were very much popular in the state. One unpopular child I can recollect was an
individual, who was raised by a single parent and was very secluded and withdrawn from
other children.The popular child was more of an extrovert and outgoing person, preferring the
company of others and enjoying being at the center of attention. This child would often go to
great lengths to impress his friends, throwing parties and showing off expensive gadgets to
his friends. This significantly contributed to his popularity as children got attracted to the
privileges this child inherited.The unpopular child on the other hand rarely spoke with other
children, was hardly seen playing games with others during recess and mostly kept to himself
and was awkward socially. Due to this he was mostly rejected by his peers and was
considered to be unpopular in school.The unpopularity of this child in my opinion have been
caused due to a poor interaction and inadequate communication between the child and his
peers and his introverted and withdrawn nature.
Discussion: Developmental Psychology Name of the University Author_4

Discussion 2: Weakened Parental relations
The relationship between the parents and the child are stressed by various factors resulting in
a weakening as sometimes estrangement of the relation. These factors can include:
1) The psychological stress in the first year of after divorce where the children
experience maximum psychological distress, anxiety, anger and disbelief.
2) Emotional impacts on the children when they have to choose between which parent to
live with; a feeling of guilt thinking they might be responsible for their parent’s
separation and anger about the divorce on themselves or the parents.
3) Stressful events such as losing daily contact with one parent; increased amount of
stress on the single parent taking care of the child; changes in schools or shifting to a
new home, changing the neighborhood and sometimes reduced access to resources.
4) Remarriage and adjusting to it.
5) Mental health risks such as anxiety, depression and compulsive disorders
6) Deterioration in academic performance
In order to protect their relation with their children during divorce the following should be
considered and ensured:
1) Equal Responsibility for either parents to take care of the child
2) Co-parent the child after the divorce peacefully, keeping personal conflicts and the
divorce aside
3) Not putting the children in the middle of the conflict between the parents
4) Maintaining a healthy relationship with the child
5) Showing consistency in disciplining
6) Always monitoring the children especially in their adolescence
7) Empowering the children
Discussion: Developmental Psychology Name of the University Author_5

8) Develop coping skills among them
9) Give them a feeling of security and safety at home
10) Taking part in parent education and counselling programs.
11) Always maintaining a clear and open communication with the children, especially
when they are growing up.
Reply to Onyx A.CN’s post:
I completely agree that one of the most crucialresponsibilities of parents going
through divorce is to protect their relation with their children through this process and after it.
It is important for the parents to impress upon the children that the divorce is a result of a
mutual agreement between two consenting adults to terminate their interpersonal relation and
would in no way hamper their relation which the children and the parents still has the
responsibility of taking care of the children even after they are separated (Thompson et al.,
2017). Parents should also not put the children in a position where they have to choose
between one parent and another which can increase anxiety among them (Morrison et al.,
2017). As parents, one has the responsibility to look after the best interest of the children,
which means taking every action to ensure the divorce does not leave a child with an
emotional scar (Braithwaite et al., 2016).
Reply to Victoria Ch.MO’s post
The fact that the process of parental divorce and bad parenting can be a learning
experience for a child, as they realize the kind of parenting practice one should not engage in,
learning from their personal experience (Kalmijn, 2015; Jackson et al., 2016). I believe that
such as outlook can develop when the child has enough emotional resilience to overcome the
emotional stress of poor parenting and learn from the experience instead of the experience
Discussion: Developmental Psychology Name of the University Author_6

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