
Environmental Justice and Social Work


Added on  2020-01-15

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TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1: COMPARING AND CONTRASTING BOTH THE ARTICLES..................................3TASK 2: CV AND COVERING LETTER.....................................................................................5a) CV......................................................................................................................................5b) Cover letter.........................................................................................................................7TASK 3: MYTH: GLOBAL WARMING, ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM..................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................102
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INTRODUCTIONIn the first task of report, two different news articles are involved which depict one singleissue in different ways.The first article discusses about the most shocking thing regarding Calaisjungle which states that there are various issues faced by refugees and thus, it is not easy to solvethem. It also analyzes the issues faced by people in Beirut, Lesbos and Calais. Here, problemsfaced by migrants in the refugee camps have been discussed as they are not getting any kind ofhelp from either French or British government (Germak, 2014). On the other side, second articlesays about the way in which Calais is improving their condition on their own by fighting fromthe deficiencies and the jungle or migrant camp has been converted into a mini city that involvesrestaurants, free Wi-Fi, theatre, books shops and many more. TASK 1: COMPARING AND CONTRASTING BOTH THE ARTICLES As per the evaluation of both the articles, it states that author undertakes two differentapproaches while describing the situation of Calais refugee camp. The writer while describingthe first article focuses on the issues faced by people within refugee camp in the jungle. It alsodiscusses about no effective measure taken by the France or British government in order toovercome the problem. Author uses very complex language in first article as compared to secondarticle (Fleckenstein and Seeleib-Kaiser, 2011). First article describes about the condition ofpeople in the refugee camps and no protection has been given to children in regard to their healthand food. Here, author describes the condition of Dunkirk and state that the condition is muchworse as compared to Calais. In Dunkirk, there is no proper shelter provided to refugees as wellas there are no sanitation facilities for people which results in bad health and certain diseases.Also, it has been noticed that British government officials are not taking any serious action overthe problem of Calais because they are saying that it is the French country and if they intervenein between the situation, it might become worst (Weaver, 2011). Author also describes the survival of refugees where crisis is closest to the shores andthere is no one to overcome people from such problem. Individuals living in such camps do notget proper food and thus they suffer from different diseases such as cold, flu etc. They also faceproblems such as exploitation, sexual violence, wars and disputes etc. At the end, writer statesthat it is essential for both French and Britain government to mutually understand the problemand take action in order to overcome the issue (Howe, 2016). However, it is a moral3
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responsibility not to turn back while providing comprehensive solution so that people can livebetter life. The second article discusses about the transformation that happens in Calais from ajungle camp into a mini city. It has been assessed that there are various shops for shopping andpeople used to wait thereto be smuggled illegally out of France to live a better life in Britain. It isan informal style of writing and author also uses simple language to carry out the article. Calaishas grown into a self contained mini city that involves restaurants, libraries, hotels, night clubbut still people are trying to migrate to asylum in Britain (Reinisch, 2015). Overall, the junglecamp stated to be a mini city that involves theatre, art gallery and night club that serves beer. Italso involves mosques and churches in the camp which is decorated by excellent paintings ofangels. Author describes about improving living conditions in refugee camps as different charityorganizations are taking concern of such people and provide them food, medicines, clothes andother necessary items. Also, there has been a different food shop that sells food and cigarettes topeople as per their needs. But still people are trying to smuggle in Britain in order to start a newlife (Davies and Isakjee, 2015). Thus, through comparing both the scenarios, it can be evaluated that the first article isdescribing the issues faced the refugees while living in the Calais jungle camps. It createsvarious problems for them to survive in such conditions. While, in the second article, authorstates that the condition of Calais jungle camps is overcoming and its growth has been startedthere (Bhutta, 2016). This develops jungle camp into a mini city. There exists, shops, restaurant,hotels, churches, mosques, theatre and night club. But still, writer empathizes upon that thepeople of refugee camps who are dreaming to smuggle themselves from France to Britain inorder to live a better life. The first article was written in a formal manner describing the worstcondition of Calais and using difficult vocabulary regarding the problems among British andFrance government (White, 2015). On the other hand, the second article is written in a moreinformal manner as author uses simple language in regard to describe the development andgrowth of the Calais jungle to a mini city. Thus, it assesses their living condition but still authorraises the consequences that people are dreaming of migrating to Britain in order to live ahealthier life. It has been evaluated that the second article was found more balanced in view ofregarding the developing condition of Calais jungle and overcoming the problems faced by4
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