
Employee Relationship in Small Business: Benefits and Strategies


Added on  2023-01-12

28 Pages9858 Words38 Views
Employee Relationship in Small Business: Benefits and Strategies_1

The main aim and purpose of current research work is to evaluate and investigate about
Employee relationship in small business that is necessary for a new organisation to develop
effective bonding with its customers and employees. Thus, this research is focused on
recognising the key benefits associated with relationship between employees together with
identifying some powerful points in order to become and achieve a strong competitive strength.
Further, a description and discussion about required skills that are needed to maintain good
relationship among employees of the company is also there.
The current research work and report is based on primary research method where use of
interview is made to collect information directly from the respondents through making use of a
two way conversation. The main findings of this research work includes better understanding
about the importance of employee relationship together with vital role played by this in
enhancing commitment and loyalty in employees towards its organisations. Thus, this research
work yield better implication about the ways and strategies that can be effectively adopted by an
organisation to have better employees engagement together with getting more competitive
strength in business environment. The key word of this research work is Employee relationship
in small business based on findings and evaluation of Upgrade Interiors LTD.
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Topic: “To evaluate about Employee relationship in small business.” A case study on Upgrade
Interior Ltd.......................................................................................................................................4
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................4
1.1) Background to research topic..........................................................................................4
1.2) Background to research organisation..............................................................................4
1.3) Research rationale...........................................................................................................5
1.4) Research question (s)......................................................................................................6
1.5) Research aims and objectives..........................................................................................6
Chapter 2: Literature review............................................................................................................6
2.1) Introduction of literature review.....................................................................................6
2.2) Main body with heading and sub-headings.....................................................................7
2.3) Conclusion of literature review.....................................................................................11
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHDOLOGY..............................................................................11
CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS (Data Presentation)..............................................................................15
Interview Questions..............................................................................................................15
Data presentation..................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION (Data Interpretation).......................................................................20
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................23
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Topic: “To evaluate about Employee relationship in small business.” A case
study on Upgrade Interior Ltd.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1) Background to research topic
To maintain positive and healthy relationship between employees and other associated
parties it is essential and vital for all organisations. Positive relations facilitates a good
communication and effective bonding within the organisation that enhance the coordination and
efficiency of an organisation (White, Lockett and Currie, 2019). The most important and
essential thing that is required to enhance the profit and success level of a company is associated
with the relation and bonding it share with its customers and employees. An effective bonding
and relation with employees is help full in enhancing their performance and efficiency level
through ensuring better guidance and direction that lead to better motivation among employees.
Effective relationships also ensures a feeling of high level of respect and enhanced loyalty and
commitment between employees, managers, leaders and other clients that facilitates and enhance
chances of success and better performance (Eva, Prajogo and Cooper, 2017).
An important and crucial role is played by HR managers in developing and creating
better relationship and engagement in employees that is helpful in reducing all kinds of chaos
and confusion within the organisation thus, enhance overall efficiency and performance of an
organisation. To maintain the viability and effective co-ordination within an organisation it is
essential to keep a proper check and monitoring on efficiency and performance of employees and
other activities (Lee and Moon, 2018). Use of regular feedback and maintaining a two way
communication and bonding with employees is an effective way to get better competitive
strength and business position in the market. Thus, the current research is focused on evaluating
all the benefits and other concept associated with employees relationship in context of a small
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1.2) Background to research organisation
The organisation which is selected for conducting this investigation is Upgrade Interiors
Ltd which is a small company of UK dealing in refurbishment together with construction and up-
gradation of buildings (Upgrade Interior Ltd, 2019). This organisation focus on keeping and
maintaining good relationship between its employees as it understand the fact employees and
workforce are the greatest and most vital asset and resources of a company that plays a crucial
role in its success and earning better profits. In order to expand and get better competitive
strength in business environment to become necessary for Upgrade interior Ltd to focus more on
its employees to ensure retention of its talented and skilled employees for betterment and success
of organisation (Chitra and Shanthi, 2019). Upgrade interior ltd also understand the importance
of having good and strong relationship with its clients to ensure its success thus, makes
continuous efforts to motivate and guide its employees in more effective manner. Upgrade
interior also train and motivates its employees to keep relationship at first priority as it the thing
that forces and influence clients to come back and avail services form this organisation thus, lead
to enhancement in its productivity and efficiency.
Upgrade interior Ltd is having a high level of involvement together with engaged
communication with its employees along with an innovative and problem-solving approach that
is always focused on building and creating a long lasting client partnerships that ensures better
success and performance for this organisation (Upgrade Interior Ltd, 2020). Upgrade interior Ltd
is having a vision of delivering a best building experience and enhanced services and facilities to
its clients through maintaining an efficiencies and trustworthiness of its team (Raizada, 2019).
Thus, the upgrade interior is a suitable organisation to evaluate about the concept of employee
relation and how it facilitates better expansion and success for a small business organisation to
grow up and get more competitive strength.
1.3) Research rationale
The selection of current research topic is rationale and justifiable as it facilitates an
enhanced learning about importance of employees relationship in increasing power and
competency of a small company to become and grow as a medium or large company through
gaining more and more competitive strength and advantages. The justification for selection of
current research topic includes the fact that it also yield relevant information about the steps that
can be adopted by a company to develop better employees relation within its organisation in
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order to achieve its targets and goal more effectively through proper participation and
involvement of all employees (White, Lockett and Currie, 2019). Further, the current research
topic is also important and essential form academic purpose and educational view point of
researcher as it facilitates better understanding and information together with better development
of skills and other competencies.
1.4) Research question (s)
The questions tag that are to be addressed through this research and investigation
conducted on Upgrade interior ltd are as follows:
How to become a strong company trough employee relationship?
Why companies keep maintain a good relation between employees?
Could employee relationship be part of the company’s success?
1.5) Research aims and objectives
The aim of this current research work is, “To understand the benefit of a good relationship
between employees.”
Research objectives
The main objectives and targets associated with this current research work conducted on
Upgrade interior ltd are stated below:
To recognise the benefits of relationship between employees
To identify the powerful point to become stronger competitor
To describe the steps to achieve strongest skills for maintain good relationship between
employees in the company.
Chapter 2: Literature review
2.1) Introduction of literature review
A literature review is an important and crucial aspect of a dissertation or research that
needs to be through and accurate to provide a more viable and better understanding about the
research topic and its objective. Literature review presents a summary and sum up all the
survived and reviewed articles that are relevant and associated with current research topic. Thus,
use of literature review facilitates better evaluation and synthesis of research and provides a
framework and base for conducting other tasks of research in more effective way (Mishra, Dimri
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