
Digital Technology in regards of ASDA3 Importance of Digital Technology on Business Operations and Activities


Added on  2020-12-18

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Digital Technology in regards of ASDA3 Importance of Digital Technology on Business Operations and Activities_1

Table of ContentsTITLE:.............................................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................11.1 Research Topic.................................................................................................................21.2 Importance of the problem ..............................................................................................21.3 Aim of the research project..............................................................................................22.0 Research Objectives and Research Question.............................................................................2LITERATURE REVIEW ...............................................................................................................3Concept of digital technology in regards of ASDA...............................................................3Importance of digital technology on business operations and activities to reduce marketingcost by 20%............................................................................................................................5Main issue faced by ASDA while implementing social technology at their workplace within 1year.........................................................................................................................................8Different ways through which ASDA can easily overcome issue related to the rapidadvancement in social media technology to gain 10% increment in revenues....................10METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................104.1Research Design, Research approach and Research Type .............................................114.2 Rationale.........................................................................................................................12Time scale.............................................................................................................................13Access to Data and Research Ethics.....................................................................................15Limitations............................................................................................................................15RESULTS AND FINDINGS.........................................................................................................15RESULTS/FINDINGS..................................................................................................................16Data Sheet.............................................................................................................................19Data interpretation................................................................................................................22ANALYSIS....................................................................................................................................38As per secondary data...........................................................................................................38
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As per primary data..............................................................................................................38CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................39RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................................................39REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................40
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TITLE:“To analyse the implication that are cause by the rapid advancement in digital technologyand its influence on the operations of firm.”A study on ASDA.INTRODUCTIONManagement is identify a coordination and management of the business activities in orderto accomplish defined goals and objectives. Management in entire business areas andorganisational activities are the acts of acquiring people together in order to attain wanted targetseffectively and efficiently (Alam and Imran, 2015). One of the main issue in businessmanagement is latest technology which highly impact on business operations and activities in adirect manner. For this dissertation chosen organisation is ASDA which is a British supermarketretailer in England, United Kingdom. This business was established by Roger Burnley, RobMcWillian in 1949. company decide to implement latest technology in their organisation tomaximise customer base and improve their productivity within predetermined time period.Digital technology is one of the important and essential tool which is used by an organisation. Itis the use of websites to promote a service or product to the customers. It is refers to theeffective techniques or tools that target social networks and application to increase brandawareness or advertise particular product or services. In addition advancement in technologywill support an organisation to achieve better outcomes in given time period (Bogers, Hadar andBilberg, 2016). Business are impacted by changes and modification in the digital technology. Such typeof change offers risks, threats and opportunities to an organisation. Some enterprise can leveragechanging and modifying technology to enhance process and product or even develop innovativeprocess and product that will enlarge markets and profit. Rapid changes in digital technology ishighly impact on the business operations and activities because in this company required moreamount of capital, knowledgeable people and many other. Latest digital technology is applied byASDA in order to enhance their sales and maximise customer base. These digital techniquesupport an enterprise to maintain long term sustainability at marketplace (Chaudron and et. al.,2015). In this research, there is discussion about social media technology because this is the waythrough which managers of ASDA can communicate with internal as well as external parties ofassociation. This technology includes different activities like image updates and posting text,1
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videos and many other data that drives customer commitment. In order to implementdigitalisation in the organisation, ASDA faced some issues such as time management, datamanagement, continuing decline of organic research, creating an effective cross channel strategyetc. All this are identify as main problem which highly impact on business operations and theirdifferent departments such as marketing, sales, finance, human resources and so on. Majorimpact of digital technology is on sales activities because it help an organisation to maximisebrand awareness among customers. 1.1 Research Topic“To analyse the implication that are cause by the rapid advancement in digital technologyand its influence on the operations of firm.”A study on ASDA. 1.2 Importance of the problem One of the main problem in this dissertation is rapid changes in digital technology whichhighly impact on business activities and operations in direct manner (Collins and Halverson,2018). Digital technology is important tool for the ASDA to advertise their goods and services tothe customer's easily. But sometime, rapid changes in technology is adversely influence onorganisation for example: in this business need to use different sources, hire talented workforce,require maximum amount of capital and many other. All these problem are important andessential for the ASDA to implement latest technology and gather appropriate outputs andresults. Therefore, digital technology is significant for the organisation to maximise clients baseand increase their brand awareness among different customers. With this research, importance ofsocial media tools are clear and its impact on marketing operations of company. This alsoprovides knowledge about issues which arise in implementing social media technology andmeasures to overcome it. Hypothesis for this research is to understand path way to conductresearch and collect information through questionnaire (Garrison, Wakefield and Kim, 2015). 1.3 Aim of the research project“To analyse the implications that are cause by the rapid advancement in social mediatechnology and its influence on the marketing operations of firm.” A study on ASDA.2.0 Research Objectives and Research QuestionResearch objectives: It is identify as a main section of research in which an investigatorprepare some questions in order to complete all activities of research in an appropriate and2
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systematic manner (Davies, Coleman and Livingstone, 2015). This part of research is based ontwo variables one is dependent and other one is independent. In which success and growth of anorganisation is depend on the technology. There are some important and useful objectives whichare determined as under: To understand the concept of social media technology in regards of ASDA.To examine the importance of digital technology on business operations and activities toreduce marketing cost by 20%. To evaluate the main issue faced by ASDA while implementing social technology at theirworkplace within 1 year. To analysis the different ways through which ASDA can easily overcome issue related tothe rapid advancement in social media technology to gain 10% increment in revenues. Research questions: It is another important part of research which is based on researchquestions and effects on investigator towards accomplishment of goals and objectives of research(Deegan and Sutherland, 2016). There are some important questions according to the objectivesare determined as under: Do you understand the concept of social media technology?What is the importance of digital technology on business operations and activities toreduce marketing cost by 20%? What is the major issue faced by ASDA while implementing social media marketing attheir workplace? What are the ways through which ASDA can easily overcome issue related to the rapidadvancement in technology? 3
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LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review is a kind of review article and scholarly paper which includes actualknowledge about substantive findings as well as methodological and theoretical contribution to aspecific research topic. In this part of research, different number of scholars and authors are givetheir point of view about the research topic. Concept of digital technology in regards of ASDADigital technology is identify as one of the main and essential tool which is used byASDA in order to improve their operations and enhance productivity within predetermined timeperiod (Haffke, Kalgovas and Benlian, 2016). Digital technology is large concept which is usedby each and every company for introducing their products or services to the customers and inmarketplace. There are different forms of technology such as modern and traditional. Undermodern method, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other forms are used to attract largenumber of customers and achieve better results within predetermined time period. According tothe Harmon, 2018, digital technology includes entire kind of applications and electronicequipments that follow data in the way of numeric code. Thus it is essential and significantconcept for the growth and success of an enterprise within predetermined time duration. As per the view point of Nikki Baird (2018), digital technologies are used by severalbusinesses to create game changing business innovation that work toward improving existingindustry or create a new one. Digital transformation help in improving the current businesspractices performed by an organisation by simplifying the way in which it perform operations ordeliver services to its customers (Huang and et. al., 2017). The impact of digital transformation isalso visible at retail industry where technological advancement has totally improve the way inwhich retailers like ASDA delivery physical goods or services to its customer. The digitaltechnology is a main part in ASDA company and it provides benefits to consumers to shop fromthe multiple channels. ASDA has changes the way in which a consumer acquire product and howeach part of shopper's journey has been digitalise to save their time and improve shoppingexperience of customers. Digitalisation has bring up several changes within the serving pattern ofretailers as at the time of end-to-end shopping, retailers have to held product information bythemselves within store. But now after moving toward digitalisation ASDA present informationabout its product or services over its own website in a detailed manner (Collins. and Halverson,4
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2018). This help a lot in influencing customers to purchase their product or services afterlearning about the basic information about the product along with the experience shared bycustomers. Digital technology is identify as one of the main and essential tool which is used byASDA in order to improve their operations and enhance productivity within predetermined timeperiod. Digital technology is large concept which is used by each and every company forintroducing their products or services to the customers and in marketplace. There are differentforms of technology such as modern and traditional. Under modern method, Facebook, Twitter,Instagram and many other forms are used to attract large number of customers and achievebetter results within predetermined time period. According to the Harmon, 2018, digitaltechnology includes entire kind of applications and electronic equipments that follow data in theway of numeric code. Thus it is essential and significant concept for the growth and success ofan enterprise within predetermined time duration (Johnson and et. al., 2016). ASDA operates in many countries, so it is important to understand to analyse externalmarket of geographical region. With use of social media, managers of ASDA can communicateand market their products to consumers. There is more specific and relevant information withthem. Apart from this there is ease in communication with workforce who works at new country.This takes them aware about their roles and responsibilities. There is use of e- mail for sharingdata and approval for some related projects can be taken frequently under authentic platform.Social media is cheap method of communicating with internal and external parties of ASDA. Incase of developing country with use of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. it is easy to advertiseproduct because people are more technology savy. There is positive impact on brand image ofASDA as well because people recognise them at new land (Davies, Coleman and Livingstone,2015). Role of ASDA company in London provide the better services as well as Moderninformation technology (IT) to understand as result of meeting among communicationtechnology and modern digital computing. ASDA organisation use digital technology tocommunicate with the people and also aware them about availability of services or products in adetailed manner. This business firm has penned three- year contract with the IT servicescompany and that is HCL technology in order to support the digital transformation by applicationdevelopment services. The main objective of using digital technology is to enhance business5
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