


Added on  2023-02-02

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1.1 Types of oral diseases and their aetiology
Caries Dental caries is caused by action of acids on enamel surface. It is
basically acid that is produce when sugar in food or drinks react
with bacteria.
Gingivitis It is an inflammation of gums that is usually caused by bacterial
Periodontal Diseases Periodontal diseases are infection that is structured around or
within teeth. Which includes gums, ligament and alveolar bone.
Erosion Tooth erosion happens when acids wear away the enamel on teeth.
It is caused due excessive of soft drink and fruit drinks
Abrasion Abrasion removes all layer of skin into moving contact with rough
surface or rubbing upper layers of epidemis.
Attrition Attrition is tooth surface that can be caused by bruxism which is
cleaning and grinding on teeth.
1.2 Evaluating the following terms in details

The progression of dental caries: It is a scientific term for tooth decay or
cavities. It is build up on teeth in a sticky file called plaque. It is mostly bacteria sugar
carbohydrates in foods which an induvial consume eat into acid.
The progression of periodontal diseases: Periodontal is a gum diseases which
inflammatory condition with bone support surrounding teeth. This may progress and
cause due to chronic periodontal which lead to loosening or loss of teeth.
The development and consumption of plaque: Dental Plaque is community that
are found on tooth surface as biofilm which is usually embedded in matrix of polymers of
host bacteria origin.
The inflammatory process: In medical treatment inflammatory process occurs
due to chemical of body’s white cells which are released by blood cells or affected tissues
to protect body from foreign substance.
The effect of disease process: The effects diseases are in humans are coronary
artery diseases and lower diseases and lower respiratory infection. Moreover, it has been
decreasing countries that are caused due to depression as well as anxiety.
2.1 Table on oral health techniques
Oral Health Technique How does this techniques prevent oral diseases
Fluoride supplements It help in preventing diseases that are found in natural water
sources as it ironic that the element fluorine. It is effective in
preventing tooth decay in case of both children as well as
Disclosing tablets This tablet help in removing disordered saliva from mouth
within 30 seconds.
Tooth Brushing Tooth brushing help in flossing out daily germs and bacteria in
order to prevent plaque. Moreover an individual need to change
its brush within 3to 6 months on regular basis.
Interdental aids Interdental aids help in preventing plaque from teeth by
brushing out teeth on regular basis. Moreover, using interdental
aids also help an individual in removing plaque in an effective
Mouthwashes Mouth washer helps an individual to prevent from germs and
other tooth cavity in appropriate manner. Moreover, it help in
removing breath disordered so that a person feel fresh and
active all day.
Dental health message Dental health massage is necessary for an induvial in order to
have healthy teeth. It helps in preventing un usual pain, germs,
infection and other dental problems.
2.2 Effects on oral health
Sugar in diet: sugar in diet leads too many of tooth decades. It is effected by oral
bacteria that are actually feed on sugar consumption. As this consumption creates acids that
usually destroy tooth enamel.

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