
Marketing Environment Analysis for Donald B Chocolate Company


Added on  2023-06-15

13 Pages2443 Words284 Views
Political Science
Donald B Chocolate Company
Marketing Environment Analysis
Assessment 1: Research Case Study Report
Student Name: Student ID:
Subject Name: Marketing Course ID: MKTG6002
Date Due: Professor Name:
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Marketing Environment Analysis for Donald B Chocolate Company_1

Executive Summary
Companies before designing their marketing strategies undertake thorough research of
the market forces. Two primary forces that impacts a company’s operations are micro-
environmental forces, macro-environmental forces and competitive pressures. The scope of this
study deals with analysing these factors for Donald B, a chocolate manufacturing company in
Melbourne, Australia. A brief analysis of buyer behaviour, micro-environmental forces, macro-
environmental forces and competitive pressures is analysed considering that the Company will
expand its operations across national and international basis.
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Marketing Environment Analysis for Donald B Chocolate Company_2

Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................2
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................4
2.0 Buyer Behaviour........................................................................................................................4
3.0 Microenvironment.....................................................................................................................6
4.0 Competition Analysis................................................................................................................8
5.0 Macro-environment Analysis..................................................................................................10
6.0 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................11
7.0 Reference Lists........................................................................................................................12
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Marketing Environment Analysis for Donald B Chocolate Company_3

1.0 Introduction
Market Environment Analysis is the most appropriate and adequate method to arrive at
an understanding related to surrounding of an organization (Aaker, 2008). Donald B is a
chocolate maker in Melbourne and also has two stores. In order to grow its brand in national and
international markets, it has to develop strategies in order to cope with markets. The scope of the
study analyses buyer behaviour in the market, microenvironment, macroenvironment and
competition analysis for the Company to understand possible impact on its business.
2.0 Buyer Behaviour
Buyer behaviour is a complex type of outcome in which a potential customer acts
connected to a decision making for a purchase. Chocolate is a favorite product that attracts
almost all variable type of demographics, hence analysing them further will help segment the
market appropriately and cater to the same (Magretta, 2013). Donald B will be able to design
marketing mix in an appropriate manner by analysing the complex buyer behaviour of
consumers in the market also influence them. A consumer while making a purchase decision
related to any product goes through a complex cycle of decision making on basis of their need
based analysis system. The Company makes a varied type of products as cocoa product,
confectionery, crystalized or glazed fruit, liquorice, marshmallow, drinking chocolate, candied
nut, candied popcorn and so on. A wide range of factors impacts buyers while they making
decision for purchasing a particular product as cultural factors, social factors, personal factors
and psychological factors (Hawkins, 2010). The factors acts within the complex system in which
buyers takes decision related to a particular product.
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