
Market Research for Duque Papetiers Gros


Added on  2020-10-23

14 Pages2614 Words378 Views
Market Research for Duque Papetiers Gros_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1Explaining overview of Germany's wholesale stationery market...............................................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................2Analysing annual spending on writing and stationery items on per capita basis of Europeancountries......................................................................................................................................2TASK 3............................................................................................................................................3Analysing sales data of recent financial years of firm................................................................3TASK 4............................................................................................................................................6Assessing feasibility of the German stationers market for firm..................................................6TASK 5 ...........................................................................................................................................8Calculating costs of new building for the business.....................................................................8TASK 6............................................................................................................................................9Calculating value of mean of orders...........................................................................................9TASK 7............................................................................................................................................9Customer satisfaction..................................................................................................................9TASK 8..........................................................................................................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONExpansion to nation is crucial strategy which needs to be undertaken by conductingmarket research. Present report deals with Duque Papetiers Gros which is engaged in stationerybusiness in France and want to expand to Germany. Report will provide overview of thewholesale stationers market along with it annual spending of European countries will bediscussed with graph. Moreover, sales data will be analysed, feasibility of market will be made.Computation of new building cost will be made, mean value of orders will be attained and lastlyconclusion will be provided. TASK 1Explaining overview of Germany's wholesale stationery marketThe German stationers market is among the highest spending nation in all the Europeannations. Stationery market makes good amount of money as purchasing power of German peopleis high making it profitable for the whole industry in effective manner (Müller, 2017). In relationto this, firms are making good quantum of profits as people spend a lot on the stationery items upto a high extent. Writing and drawing materials are used in abundant manner by people whichwholesale stationers market favourable to businesses for earning profits in the best way possible.It can be analysed from the report that around 14.8 billion was annual turnover of stationeryindustry in accordance to MGCC report 2016. Furthermore, 35.2 has been spent by German people on per capita basis benefitingGerman economy quite effectually. On the other side, it can be noticed that sales revenue areminimised due to technological advancement making less usage of paper (Bell, 2017). Apartfrom this, stationers market continues to earn profits as cost of intermediaries are reduced up to ahigh extent making more profits at disposal of businesses. In addition to this, due to high-incomegenerating industry, many of the pharmaceutical firms, hypermarkets and supermarkets areattracted to diversify their operational activities in stationery products. Thus, it can be analysedthat from the facts and figures that German wholesale stationers market is able to produce profitsin the best manner possible by supplying writing and drawing items to people. This makesfeasible for Duque Papetiers Gros to effectively attain profits in Germany as ample ofopportunities are prevailing in the country for firm.1
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TASK 2Analysing annual spending on writing and stationery items on per capita basis of EuropeancountriesGermany is one of the largest economy in the world and has good growth of GDP. While,it is the highest spending nation in Europe of stationery items. In relation to this, graphicalrepresentation of data has been made which highlights most spending nations on per capita basison stationery products on annual basis. Graph is made which will simplify complex data intosimpler one in effective manner. It can be assessed from the graph that Switzerland tops the charthaving the highest money spent by people on annual basis which is evident that 35.5 is spent.Next to the chart, Germany comes to second-most spending nation having spent 35.2 amountannually. It can be assessed that third rank is attained by Austria having 35 spending by peopleon per capita basis. While, fourth position is secured with amount of €28.3 by France. Thismeans that France and Austria have considerable difference in total spending on stationerycommodities. It can be interpreted from graph that Slovenia comes at sixth position withspending of €20.4 having much margin difference in comparison to France. SwitzerlandGermanyAustriaFranceSloveniaItalySlovakiaHungarySpainPolandCroatiaCzech Republic0510152025303540Spending in €Illustration 1: Annual spending by European NationsNext comes Italy with total spending on products such as €18.6. On the other hand,Hungary comes at eighth rank having amount of total of €9.6 which shows that Hungary is far2
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