
The Dynamic Progress of Business


Added on  2020-04-07

52 Pages10667 Words52 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big DataLanguages and Culture
Running head: INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND PROJECT Industrial Research and projectName of the Student Name of the University Author’s Note
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1INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND PROJECT Executive SummaryAbsenteeism in now a day has become one of the major concerns for numerous practitioners andresearchers. With the dynamic progress of business the needs and demands of the employees arechanging gradually. Due to the extreme level of work pressure, lack of proper communication,overburden of internal rules and regulations employees lose their motivational attitude forperforming well towards the business services. As a result, the rate of absenteeism is raisinggradually. In order to overcome this kind of situation, some effective initiatives has already beentaken on behalf of the business managers. However, this specific study has focused to make anin-depth analysis on how absenteeism has left a major impact on the overall performance level oforganization. An effective literature review by involving the opinion of some of the eminentscholars has been discussed. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis technique has beenselected for evaluating the research issue. Based on the entire research work some of the majorrecommendations have been provided at the end of study on how to reduce the rate ofabsenteeism.
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2INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND PROJECT Table of Contents 1. Introduction and problem statement:...........................................................................................3Problem statement:..........................................................................................................................42. Goals and objectives:...................................................................................................................83. Research backgrounds: Literature review...................................................................................93.1 Effective ways of reducing the rate of employee turnover:.......................................................93.2 Theories and models of employee motivation.........................................................................114. Methodology:.............................................................................................................................134.1 Research approach and design:................................................................................................134.2 Research phases:......................................................................................................................154.3 Data collection:........................................................................................................................154.4 Data analysis method:..............................................................................................................164.5 Ethical consideration:..............................................................................................................165 Findings and analysis:.................................................................................................................175.1 Qualitative data findings:.........................................................................................................175.2 Quantitative data findings:.......................................................................................................196. Conclusion and recommendation:.............................................................................................19Recommendations:........................................................................................................................21Reference List:...............................................................................................................................23Appendix:......................................................................................................................................24
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3INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND PROJECT 1. Introduction and problem statement:Absenteeism occurs when an employee is knowingly absent from work. Increasing rateof absenteeism decreases the company’s productivity and effects on the overall market of thecompany. There are many causes behind sudden absenteeism of an employee in the workplace.The reason can be harassment, low morale of the employees, stress and many known yetunknown reasons. Research shows that there are large numbers of employees across the worldthat prefer the concept of absenteeism due to disengagement, shift timings, family problem andthis impacts largely on the company’s wellbeing. Employees note the fact of being harassed byothers and stop attending work at times and the company in this case needs to play the role of amentor and bring out an effective solution of the problem so that they can get the employee back.The organization can also have some programs arranged to involve the employees in theworkplace and helping them to get motivated for work. Sometimes the company hires employeeswho are not at all in the mental condition to work and fulfill their own responsibility, they intendto, not work and this slowly leads to absenteeism, as sitting idle in workplace is not allowed theystop going to work. Many employees willingly take offs and go to places they need b y avoidingwork. Moreover, it can be said that when an employee is willingly taking many unscheduled offsthen the organization needs to take severe measures so that other employees also observe theoutcome they are going to face in case they follow the same path. Absenteeism is a concept thatis concerning every organization presently because they are unable to stop the employees fromtaking uncertain offs. Absenteeism is often due to uncertain or non-preferable shift timings ofwork. The employees presently are more comfortable with flexible work timings so that they donot have to miss any other activities they are linked with. The concept of absenteeism needsserious understanding of the company so that the companies can be able to increase their profit
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4INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND PROJECT with the help of the employees. Absenteeism needs consideration of the organization and theyneed to find out what is the reason that is making the employees taking so many uncertain leavefrom workOrganizations of construction industry especially over the last five years have beenseeking for improving the workforce resources due to extreme rate of employee turnover.Especially in the logistic sector employees tend to show their extreme level of reluctance inproviding their effective services due to extreme level of communication barrier. Numerousresearch scholars have made their own point of view that absenteeism is possessed with majornegative impact on the overall performance level of the organization. It is undeniable that thesuccess of a specific business organization is highly dependent on the performance level of theemployees. Customers like to purchase the products as well as services only when theorganizational employees can maintain an effective balance between supply and demand. Afteridentifying the research issue numerous researchers and practitioners have provided their ownpoint of view on how the rate of employee turnover can be reduced from different organizations.Numerous eminent scholars have provided their own opinion regarding the impact ofabsenteeism. Problem statement:Overview about the rate of employee absenteeism: Kehoe and Wright (2013)emphasizes that with the rapid progress of globalization, thebusiness organizations have expanded their widespread wings beyond going the regionalboundaries. Numerous business organizations are there who have increased their number ofworkforce for satisfying the needs and demands of global customers. As per the point of view of
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5INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND PROJECT this specific research scholar employees coming from different geographical markets andbackgrounds sometimes fail to make an effective rapport with the business environment Wood etal. (2012). As a result, after providing services for few days the employees show their extremelevel of reluctant attitude for performing well towards the services. Consequently, the rate ofemployee absenteeism is getting raised day by day. On the other hand, it has also been observed that large number of business organizationsin rapid quest of gaining organizational profits intend to impose extreme level of workforce onthe employees. After evaluating the employee perception it has been observed that existingemployees always tend to provide their best effort under agile work environment. In order tomake an effective competitive environment business experts focus to impose their own decisionon the employees. As a result, rate of employee turnover has been raised rapidly. In 2015, therate of employee turnover has been raised up to 72% (Sliter, Sliter and Jex 2012). Employees arede-motivated extremely towards performing well. The business managers fail to provide an agilework environment at the work place. In this kind of situation, employee performance rate hasbecome very much average. Organizations fail to gain their revenue growth throughout the year.
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6INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND PROJECT Figure 1: Rate of Employee turnover(Source: Mowday, Porter and Steers 2013) Primary reasons of increasing rate of absenteeism at the workplace:Numerous eminent scholars have discussed their own point of view about the probablereasons of extreme level of employee turnover at the workplace. As stated by Peretz and Fried(2012), large number of business organizations is there which fail to provide properremuneration package to the employee at the proper time. Remuneration is a kind of employeemotivation that encourages existing employees for performing well towards the businessservices. Due to the lack of organizational profitability the business experts fail to provideappropriate salary package to the business experts. As a result, people belonging to differentgeographical boundaries lose their level of interest in attending their workplace regularly. In thiskind of situation, the rate of absenteeism has been raised rapidly. Chiang and Hsieh (2012)opined on the other hand that extreme level of work pressure within the organization is one of
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7INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND PROJECT the most effective reasons of raising the rate of absenteeism at the workplace. As per the point ofview of this specific scholar organizations do not tend to recruit large number of employees incomparison to the number of their customers. Employees as a result fail to provide effectiveservices to the customers. In this kind of situation, new employees feel extreme level of de-motivation inperforming well within the business organization due to the lack of workforce strength.However, due to the lack of employee de-motivation the organizational performance has beenlacked radically (Park and Shaw 2013). Lack of employee flexibility is one of the mostsignificant reasons of absenteeism. In many cases, it has been observed that employees do notget agile work environment at the workplace. Employees are not flexible enough in making theirsitting arrangement as per their comfort zone. In this kind of situation, employees cannot beflexible in maintaining an effective communication with individual employee. Large number ofbusiness organizations is there which are very much strict in maintain work hour. Employees arenot flexible enough in maintaining work hour flexibility. After identifying the major issues it canbe highlighted that employee motivation is highly significant for receiving good performancesfrom the business organization (Hassan, Wright and Yukl 2014). At the same time, it is alsoundeniable that absenteeism is one of the most effective factors due to which organizations failto run their entire process of business beyond going the regional market. As per the point of viewof different eminent scholars organizations should take major initiatives in order to reduce therate of employee turnover from the workplace. Impact of absenteeism on organizational performance:
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