
Emergency Plan for Ebola Virus


Added on  2022-11-26

9 Pages2480 Words320 Views
Disease and DisordersPublic and Global Health
Running Head: Ebola Virus Disease
Emergency Plan for Ebola
Planning Repot
Emergency Plan for Ebola Virus_1

Ebola Virus Disease
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................2
2. Issues related to Ebola Virus..............................................................................................2
3. Emergency planning...........................................................................................................2
3.1 Goals of the Strategy Plan................................................................................................2
3.2 Pillars of the Plan..............................................................................................................3
4. Various Steps in Emergency Response Plan......................................................................3
4.1 Focus on Multi-Sectoral coordination..............................................................................3
4.2 Surveillance and finding new cases on active participation of Community members.....3
4.3 Risk Communication Capacity Building..........................................................................3
4.4 Promotion of preventive actions that control the Ebola Virus disease.............................4
4.5 Ensure participation of Community.................................................................................4
4.6 Public Information and Communication..........................................................................4
4.7 Monitoring and Evaluation...............................................................................................4
4.8 Community Engagement, Participation, and Mobilization of people..............................4
5. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................5
Emergency Plan for Ebola Virus_2

Ebola Virus Disease
1. Introduction
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is one of the rare and deadly diseases that spread in both
human and non-human prelates. This virus was spread from Sub-Sahara Africa. People can
be directly infected through this disease from human or non-human species, which was
infected earlier from EVD. Another thing is that people can get affected from those animals
or human who are sick or died from this infected EVD (Grinnell, Dixon, Patton, Fitter,
Bilivogui, Johnson, & Raghunathan, 2015). This emergence planning report discusses about
the prevention plan and also includes the role of community in prevention of this disease.
This planning report also includes about the possible prevention steps and role of community
people in outbreaks of the Ebola virus. This emergency planning report also shows that how
community people can be engaged with government authorities and health agencies.
2. Issues related to Ebola Virus
The major issue with Ebola virus disease is that it is spreading with very quick speed,
from both animal and from human and non-human primates (monkeys or Chimpanzees etc.).
There are many viruses under the genus of Ebola Viruse such as Ebola virus, Tai Forest
Virus, Reston virus, Bombali virus, or Sudan virus. Among these types of viruses Ebola,
Bundibugyo virus, sudan, and Tai Forset are causing Ebola in humans while rest of other
viruses causes Ebola disease in other non-human primates and pigs (Nouvellet, Garske, Mills,
Nedjati-Gilani, Hinsley, Blake, & Riley, 2015). However, in initial stage the researchers
found that two outbreaks causes because of one person is moving one place to another place
or location and infected virus affect the other people, but after few days it has been found that
two outbreaks may be cause of two different viruses. Although, Ebola virus is more common
in Sub-Sahara Africa region and still government and other international bodies cannot be
able to find any pre-vaccination or treatment for this dangerous Ebola Virus (World Health
Organization, 2016).
3. Emergency planning
It is still a major concern for both international health organisations and various group
of researchers that there is no currently vaccine listed for Ebola virus to protect people from
this rare and dangerous disease. Therefore, it is important for those areas (Especially sub-
Emergency Plan for Ebola Virus_3

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