The website used in the paper is (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. The aim of the paper was to identify three points which are relevant to the content learned in the book. The website describes the responsive classroom. The paper analyses how the three points obtained from the website influences the students' behavior in learning centers (Baroody et al., 2014). As indicated in the website responsive classroom shows an evidence-based approach that is relevant to teaching and it focuses on ensuring there is academic engagement, improved positive community, effective management, and develop awareness for learners. Also, the learning resources and books we use in our studies tend to help middle school educators so as to create a joyful learning community (Griggs et al., 2013). This provides room for students to develop strong academic skills and other social skills which helps students to thrive when learning. Differentauthorshaveargueddifferentlyonresponsiveresearch.Thereareindependent researches that show how responsive classroom is based on achievements in different subjects, improved climate and availability of higher quality instruction in the school. Also, the responsive classroom is based on the array of services and resources. In order to realize the array of services and resources then different factors have to be concluded. The three valuable information from the website is based on how the responsive classroom focuses on teaching effectiveness. Some of the useful information from the website include; The engaging academic pillar of the responsive classroom. This shows how adults create learning tasks and at the same time provides the active an interactive atmosphere thus affecting the behavior of students. In addition, the concept of the responsive classroom is also connected to students' interest where we can access different capabilities (Hammer, Goldberg & Fargason, 2012).
The other information obtained from the website is the positive community as a key domain for the responsive classroom(Wanless et al., 2013).The issue is that adults are in a position to instill a sense of identity and a sense of direction. The issue is that adults are utilized as significant individuals who are in a position to change the behavior of students' as learned in class. Therefore the concepts ensure students in schools are in a position to take a risk and work with safety especially. In addition, the other information obtained from the resources explains the effective management in the responsive classroom. The issue of effective management in learning indicates the overall personal issue that discusses the entire climate in the education sector. Also through effective management, the overall autonomy is controlled and students are encouraged to work towards success and working. Therefore to sum up the three information obtained from the website indicates how students' behavior can be changed (Wanless et al., 2013).The main issue was the responsive classroom which is based on academic engagement, increased awareness for learners and also development procedures. Al these attributes help in changing the teaching environment. Therefore, the concept clearly indicates how there are high expectations from the students who meet the criteria outlined in the curriculum. Effective teaching will promote academic growth and social growth to students thus influencing their behaviors. The content, therefore, provides a positive tone to the choices made by students in the class.
References Baroody, A. E., Rimm-Kaufman, S. E., Larsen, R. A., & Curby, T. W. (2014). The link between responsive classroom training and student-teacher relationship quality in the fifth grade: a study of fidelity of implementation.School Psychology Review,43(1), 69-85. Griggs, M. S., Rimm-Kaufman, S. E., Merritt, E. G., & Patton, C. L. (2013). The Responsive Classroom approach and fifth grade students’ math and science anxiety and self- efficacy.School Psychology Quarterly,28(4), 360. Hammer, D., Goldberg, F., & Fargason, S. (2012). Responsive teaching and the beginnings of energyinathirdgradeclassroom.Reviewofscience,mathematicsandICT education,6(1), 51-72. Wanless, S. B., Patton, C. L., Rimm-Kaufman, S. E., & Deutsch, N. L. (2013). Setting-level influencesonimplementationoftheResponsiveClassroomapproach.Prevention Science,14(1), 40-51.