
The Psychological Influence of Teachers due to Education in Iranian English Language Teaching (ELT) Classes


Added on  2023-06-11

13 Pages3054 Words286 Views
Research Proposal
The Psychological Influence of Teachers due to Education in Iranian English Language Teaching (ELT) Classes_1

Part 1 – The Research Proposal
1) 1- Provisional Title For Dissertation
The psychological influence of Teachers due to Education, their views and practices in
Iranian English Language Teaching (ELT) classes.
Background and Rationale of the Research
Analysis is of interest in psychology as an important quality inherent in human
consciousness. Psychological analysis is the main method of studying the surrounding world,
based on a variety of units, differing in size and quality. For example, the analysis of the
course of mental reactions to a specific life situation. For unit of analysis take, for example,
the formation of the character of a person from infancy and until death. In this case, the most
important psychological components of the personality and the peculiarities of their changes
are distinguished under the influence of internal and external factors. The problem of analysis
as a method of comprehension is of fundamental importance. Methods of analysis have
become so common in psychology and in scientific circles that the term "analysis" has been
used as a synonym for research as a whole. (Beccaria, L., Beccaria, G., & McCosker, C.
2018).. The teacher’s knowledge and belief can be classified as content and the teacher’s
insight as the practice. They can be differentiated as matched knowledge for educators and
practical knowledge for teachers. The educational literature is focused on a lot due to the
critical role it plays in helping the Iranian teachers to understand the logic and intricate
multidimensional classroom nature. Among the factors that affect learning in classrooms are;
The basic idea of a qualitative approach as a phenomenology is the idea expressed by M. M.
Bakhtin that the essence of an individual, estimated through an act, can be adequately
identified only through the specifics of that personality. Misunderstanding of it appears due to
the evaluation of the latter from the outside, abstractly and generalized. "Everything taken
The Psychological Influence of Teachers due to Education in Iranian English Language Teaching (ELT) Classes_2

independently, regardless of the single value center of the outgoing responsibility of the deed,
is deconcrete and deregulated, loses its value weight, emotionally-volitional vigilance,
becomes an empty abstract-general possibility. Developed a whole complex of categories-
principles, which are the basis of the phenomenological method
Environment: Refers to the environment surrounding the person trying to learn, includes
available tools such as technology or material available to perform the research. Although it
does not have a direct impact, it influences the habits of the people (Brinkmann, S. (2014).
The presence in psychology of two tendencies - descriptive and explanatory, leads internal
psychological disputes to a dead end. Emphasies on this confrontation and suggested that the
development of psychology is associated, first of all, with the withering away of one of them.
This "useless" from the point of view of practice psychological paradigm is phenomenology,
descriptive and subjective psychology (Lewis, 2015).
A personal factor that affects learning is motivation, which is the will to make an effort, to
reach the goals proposed by oneself, conditioned by the capacity of the effort to satisfy some
personal need. The greater the motivation of the person to learn, the more easily he will learn
if he has motivation (Heimberg, R. G., & Butler, R. M. (2018).
Research question or research questions
There are various research questions that will be discussed in the research, these are;
Influence their process of teaching. Various multidimensional variables and aspects are
utilized in the research. The study investigates the effects of psychological education in
Iranian teachers and ELT classes. The following questions must be presented inorder to
achieve the objectives of the contemporary survey (Hox, J. J., Moerbeek, M., & van de
Schoot, R. (2017)
The Psychological Influence of Teachers due to Education in Iranian English Language Teaching (ELT) Classes_3

1) Does education influence psychology of teachers in relation to the outcome in classes
and with regard to views and practices among various teachers?
2) Are there any relationships between Iranian teacher’s views &practices and the
educational psychology?
3) How does the educational psychology influence and affect the practices and views or
Iranian teachers?
These research question will lead to conclusively and comprehensive research study on the
effects of education psychology on practises and views of Iranian teachers.
Methodological approach to be adopted
Due to the complexity of the research, the researcher’s asked 30 Iranian teachers to
participate in the research on the influence of education psychology on views and practices of
teachers. Data collection was mainly done through the online platform from different schools
in Iran. Some of the teachers were from universities while others were from colleges,
elementary school and even lower grade schools (Okonedo & Bamigboye, 2015)..
Qualitative, descriptively-interpretative forms are actively used by domestic psychologists.
Qualitative analysis of empirical data is an integral part of any pilot study, although the
principles and procedures are not clearly defined. At present, the qualitative approach is more
like a generation of psychological knowledge at the level of a special phenomenon that
requires further structuring, study and refinement. Qualitative research today includes all
sorts of phenomenological, narrative procedures, discourse analysis and other "soft"
strategies for studying psychological phenomena that have relatively recently appeared in the
social sciences.
There are different methods of collecting data. The first is interviews, these is one of the most
reliable method of data collection and will be relevant when collecting first-hand information
The Psychological Influence of Teachers due to Education in Iranian English Language Teaching (ELT) Classes_4

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