
Effect of Online Voting System


Added on  2022-11-25

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Effect of online voting system
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Effect of Online Voting System_1

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................4
1.2 Problem statement.............................................................................................................4
1.3 Research Aim, Objectives and research questions............................................................5
1.4 Research Structure............................................................................................................5
Chapter 2: Literature Review...........................................................................................................6
2.1 Concept of Voting..................................................................................................................6
2.2 Problems with existing voting system...................................................................................8
2.3 Proposed architecture of voting systems...............................................................................9
2.4 Advantages of online voting system....................................................................................12
Chapter 3: Research Methodology................................................................................................14
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................14
3.2 Method Outline....................................................................................................................14
3.3 Research Philosophy/Paradigm...........................................................................................15
3.4 Research Approach..............................................................................................................17
3.5 Design of the Research........................................................................................................18
3.6 Methods for the gathering of the information......................................................................19
3.7 Analysis of the information.................................................................................................20
3.8 Sampling..............................................................................................................................20
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3.9 Ethical Consideration...........................................................................................................21
Chapter 4: Data Findings and Analysis.........................................................................................23
4.1 Quantitative data analysis....................................................................................................23
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation...............................................................................31
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................31
5.2 Recommendations................................................................................................................32
5.3 Future Work.........................................................................................................................32
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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
Online voting system has been an online technique by which voting can be done with other
facilities including online registration systems. These systems might help in casting vote through
online systems. The Online Voting System (OVS) is a term that has been incorporating in
different types of voting embracing both electronic means of counting votes (Kaliyamurthie et al.
2013). It includes transmission of ballots and votes with the help of telephones, private computer
networks with virtual private networks (VPNs). Online voting has been an electronic way of
selecting leaders with the help of internet applications. The advantage of online voting over
common queue method has been that voters have their choice of free time and reduced
congestion in the queue. It helps in saving time of the voters during poll systems (Springall et al.
2014). Democracy has been an important part of the country. It has been a delicate process that
has been the subject of different disturbances with fraud citizens. The electorate process used to
be done with electorate representatives. The existing system has been consist of paper based
voting system. There have been several issues faced in the existing voting system including fraud
cases in counting votes. Therefore, this research has been done on identifying the benefits of the
online voting system (Agarwal and Pandey 2013).
1.2 Problem statement
The main problem of the existing voting system has been related to errors in counting of
votes. There has been various issues and challenges faced by the voting council of the nation.
There have been different perspectives of citizens of nation during voting processes. The existing
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physical voting system has been creating issues related to malfunctioning and misuse of the
1.3 Research Aim, Objectives and research questions
The aim of the research has been based on identifying benefits of online voting system.
Following are objectives of this research:
To identify issues in the existing voting system
To analyze benefits of online voting system
To recommend strategies for enhancing the use of online voting system
Following are research questions:
What issues are faced in the existing voting system?
What are benefits of online voting system?
How to enhance use of existing voting system?
1.4 Research Structure
Figure 1: Research Structure
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
Chapter 4: Data Findings and Analysis
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommnedation
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(Source: Created by author)
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Concept of Voting
As commented by Wolchok et al. (2012), voting has been an important part of a
democratic country including the UK. Voting has been helping in providing proper evidence for
selecting a government in the country. Voting has been helping in maintaining a keen approach
in the development of the country. The main permit of voting systems has been prepared in
order to select right candidate for governing the country in a managed way. The UK government
has been able to shine in their country with proper decision and rules under their governance.
However, voting systems have not been settled properly in the country (Gritzalis 2012). The
study and analysis of the voting systems does not helps in providing proper solutions to the
issues faced in the systems. Therefore, comparing voting systems have been a political tasks in
the matter of concern. The political parties in the country need to be essentially active in their
work. This create a positive effect on development of the country and its constituencies. The
existing voting systems have been followed for many years back. It has been based on paper
voting system.
As commented by Halderman and Teague (2015), paper-based voting system are systems
that include electronic mean of tabulation has been used for counting paper ballots. Votes used to
be casted and marked on paper ballots with the help of hands using marking devices and an
electronic tabulation has been used for counting. This help in speeding up process of counting
and not only provide less manual work including less error related to human failure. There have
been use of punch cards for handing the technology that helps in maintaining a keen approach in
the development of the votes in the system. The punch card has been a sorting and tabulation
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equipment which was invented by statistician Herman Hollerith in 1890 (Hanifatunnisa and
Rahardjo 2017). It was used at that time in US Census and later developed for scientific and
commercial purposes. The components of the punch card system have been provided in the
below figure.
Figure 2: A punching device to punch holes in a punch card
(Source: Katakis et al. 2012)
This device helps in punching data and information on cards. There have been different
decks of punched cards a card collator machine and can sort different cards. The punch cards
have been stiff cards and paper strips that have been punched accordingly for a certain value or
designation. As per research done by Powell et al. (2012), punch cards have been used for input
data for processing in various electromechanical devices including tabulation machines and unit
record equipment that have been used before invention of modern electronic computers. These
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machines have been functioning of sensing punched holes with either electrical or optical
sensors. As argued by Walake and Chavan (2015), the traditional voting has been creating issues
with accuracy of voting. There have been various human error during counting of votes. This has
been creating issues with winning wrong political party in the voting procedure (Paul and
Anilkumar 2012). Additionally, most of the voters are not able to come to the voting centre and
cast their votes. Most eligible students do not have time to come to voting centre due to their
university studies and other personal work. Therefore, the number of votes casting have been
decreasing continuously. Therefore, this research has helped in proposing a new voting
architecture to minimize these challenges in the voting systems.
2.2 Problems with existing voting system
The existing voting system has been facing a lot of issues in the scenario. Some of these issues
have been described below:
Expensive and Time Consuming: The data collection process and entering this data into
database has been a difficult process and takes time and cost. Both time and money is spend on
printing data capture forms, in making registration stations together with the help of human
resources (Kshetri and Voas 2018).
Too much paper work: This process involves many paper work and storage of paper has
been becoming bulky and difficult. The paper work create a lot of human errors during
calculation. There have been many miscalculation faced in the counting of votes in this method.
Errors in data entry: As commented by Walake and Chavan (2015), errors have been part
of all human beings. Therefore, it has been very unlikely for humans to get 100 percent efficient
in data entry.
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