
Elements of Project Management: A Self Reflection of St Nick Project


Added on  2022-11-25

13 Pages5333 Words119 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
REFELECTION ..............................................................................................
LEADERSHIP STYLE..................................................................................
CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT......................................................................
A critical evaluation of your personal contribution, your group role and
A personal evaluation of the group processes involved in completing the work
(e.g. communication leadership relationship, contribution and other issues
addressed during the work)
An evaluation of your learning from the delivery of the project.
Please apply these theories (leadership, Belbin questionnaire, teamwork, change
management Kotter, personal styles self, communication, comms Strat, working
with partner organisation , all this topic should reflect on the assignment , can
you read through all what have wrote below use it to bring out the full work and
applied all this theories have listed
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This assignment should identify what I will do differently in future if faced with
such difficulty again
This work is based on a project called St Nicks Project of five prototype were
produced. which can be sell in community or any other place at
affordable price. In the entire procedure of life, individuals make numerous
endeavours to make life compelling later.
The project is also about how individual comes together to form a team to
showcase their talent and bring out something unique. Forming a team is not
actually an easy task, because we all have our different weakness and strength.
This work will produce all the element of teamwork, the problems, struggles and
A critical evaluation of my personal contribution, to the team, role and
Many authors have express what a teamwork does and how essential
teamwork are (Berckemeyer ,2013) said teamwork provides
better understanding between teachers and students in the sense that that they
get to know themselves better. The author also emphasises on Team-
Work elements, how it should be focus on bringing in new ideas, coordination,
and having plans on how a certain project can be executed to become a success.
Our group is called St Nick, adapted from the project name, which is St Nick, the
group consists of three members. we do not have much of a relationship prior to
the group been formed. We were allocated together by the tutor. From there we
carried on developing our project.
Our project is based on recycle of old-rubber material to produce five
prototype products; guidelines was provided. To carried out a project it consists
of different steps to follow. West (2017) defined project as a unique aspect that
can involve a group of people to carried something spectacular. which are also
different from everyday business activities of the organisation? The author uses
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an example of a car manufacturing company that decided to develop something
unique to boast their sales for the new car production.
It very important to have a specific objective and how the objectives will be met
such as the time frame of when it with complete. Decision was made on the
typed of products to be produced. Which are: tool rolls and wallet. One of the
group members decided to produce the wallet while I paired up
with another group member to produce the tool rolls.
Leadership Style
Although at beginning of the group there was no appointment of a leader,
but one of the team- member took up the responsibility of forming the group on
mobile app called what’s app this app will enable us planed and schedule our
meetings. There was no rules or regulation, it was like adopted into laissez- fair
leadership style, where it was agreed that individual bring their new idea on
board. Yang (2015) wrote a journal on positive effect of laissez-faire leadership
but she also emphases on the many disadvantages other authors has expressed
about the leadership style laissez-faire is view as ineffective and negative
consequence. My experience with the group was not a pleasant situation,
because most of the time my opinion was not accepted in some cases. Another
author highlights the benefit of laissez-faire that non-involvement of a leadership
gives individual power to develop their own idea in an innovative environment
(Ryan &Tipu 2013). However, the laissez-faire style has not been following in our
group in the sense that, during the production of the product, my team-member
was pushing his own view during those periods and I felt victimise and must go
along with his view. The author also talked about the importance of a leader.
While laissez-faire is considered as lack of leadership (Yang, 2015). In case I am
faced with similar situations in future, instead of applying the laissez faire I can
use amiable style of leadership because this leadership style is perceived as
respectful, willing, persistent, dependable, concerned about all the team
members, empathetic. This leadership style will help me in understanding other
people’s perspective in a better way because this; leadership has characteristics
such as empathetic, concerned about the view point of all the people of the
organization. These leaders are interested in knowing what others feel about a
certain matter. This is what was required in the present scenario, where all the
members wished to be heard (Iqbal, Anwar & Haider, 2015). By applying this
leadership style, everyone would get equal opportunity to put their views
forward. Existence of a proper leader is very important because he ensures that
the morale of the team members is high, and by doing the same, the leader can
ensure better motivation of employees. A good leader helps in creating an
environment of creativity and cooperation therefore helping in helping the team
in fulfilling their goals and also individual goals.
A leadership is a fundamental contextual phenomenon that is evolving and
changing constantly and been applied in a specific
environment (Bligh, 2016). The author also signified that it is not always equal to
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avoidance, ignorance, neglect and indifference as it has been suggested by
many authors, to my self-reflection adopting this style was never a way forward
has there was no rules or boundaries. Without proper leadership, there is
disorganization of all the activities in the team and it indecisiveness sets in. This
is what happened in this case without a proper leadership on the team there was
no coordination between all the members and the views of all the members was
not considered. My suggestions were never heard and there was one of the team
members who always tried to dominate the team with his decisions and
viewpoints. This demotivated me and therefore I continued alone with my plans
without informing the other members.
When I suggested for us to complete our task at one of the university quiet room,
it wasn’t accepted but rather I went along with another individual plan. A true
leader takes all the members opinion and knows how the take all the members
together. The team that I was placed in lacked all these characteristics and
therefore many conflicts arose. Had an amiable leadership style been followed,
the situation would have been different. This type of a leader would have created
a different scenario because he would have ensured effective team work and
healthy group dynamics through open communication, sharing of the vision with
all the members, making all the members feel that they are being heard.
Teamwork is about coming together to build a team, it includes effective
communication, understanding and networking. Teams have become ubiquitous
in the modern workplace with an increasing number of companies shifting from
individual‐based work tasks to team‐based ones (e.g. Lawler et al., 1992;
Tannenbaum et al., 2012). Another author define Teams are the unit of learning
within organizations, and because teams are where strategy is turned into
action, it is essential that teams be able to learn (McChrystal, 2015; Edmondson,
2012; Hackman, 2011).
My experience with the team wasn’t that strong because it was more of a
situation of two members work together while the other member works alone.
Teamwork helps in achieving the group goals and organizational goals in an
effective and efficient way through proper coordination and cooperation between
members (Haas & Mortensen, 2016). But in my case there was lack of this
coordination and cooperation as two members out of the three were only
working as a team therefore leaving me alone. Without team work an
organization cannot achieve its goals. In order to create an effective teamwork,
some characteristics are needed such as there must be interdependence among
the members. In order to have interdependence there must be free
communication and the ability to take risk. In order to understand teamwork it is
also important to understand group dynamics. This is what was lacking in my
team that is there was lack of proper communication between the members and
it was more of a one-sided communication as only the two members were
communicating and my suggestions were being ignored. Group dynamics refers
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